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RetroGunslinger 05-28-2008 05:44 PM

You don't want to know what I do while I brush my teeth...

yellowmac 05-28-2008 07:36 PM

Hmm... what do I do while I brush my teeth? I stand there and make sure that my electric toothbrush is hitting all the right places.

Yeah, sorry, I guess I'm boring. I didn't realize so many people had these random bathroom quirks...

ngdawg 05-28-2008 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by uncle phil
i do a little dance, make a little love, and get down tonight...

Thanks for tonight's giggle.

There sure are some obsessive brushers here....
Maybe y'all can't control the foaming because you put so much on the brush. Only need the size of a pea.

My two kids leave a spray over everything-I'm very thankful for Clorox wipes.

Jetée 05-28-2008 08:33 PM


blahblah454 05-28-2008 08:48 PM

Honestly, I sit at my computer and brows TFP. Almost every single time I do this. The only times I don't is when I am either in a hurry to get out the door or it is late and I am really tired.

And I brush my teeth about 4 times a day. If I eat any large amounts of sugar product I have to brush my teeth or they feel dirty and it grosses me out.

Redlemon 05-29-2008 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by merleniau
Are you like my boyfriend, wandering around the house naked, practicing karate moves while you play with your junk?

We really need a video of this.

Originally Posted by merleniau
I like to think I'm good at giving blow jobs... :shy: But I must say.. a toothbrush is much different in shape/size when compared to a penis.

We are here to help.


lotsofmagnets 05-29-2008 05:18 AM


Originally Posted by RetroGunslinger
You don't want to know what I do while I brush my teeth...

oh yes we do if you´re going to put it like that.

Nisses 05-29-2008 05:35 AM

I usually hold on to my nose.

Stupid vibro brush has just the right frequency to make my the tip of my nose tickle so badly that I have to either hold on, or stop brushing.

CinnamonGirl 05-29-2008 06:58 AM

It occurs to me that I have no idea what I do when I brush my teeth. Have I been brainwashed?

No...I think I just space out. And hum. I'll pay more attention tonight :)

stevie667 05-29-2008 08:47 AM

I have to lean over the sink, i have an electric toothbrush and i look more like i'm performing major dental surgury. Toothpaste everywhere!

My wisdom teeth are starting to come through, but are impacting with my other teeth so they tend to hurt more. (yeh, hi guys, took your damned sweet time and still didn't get it right). As such sometimes my toothbrush ends up flying across the bathroom in anger at the pain.

TotalMILF 05-29-2008 10:52 AM

I just stand there and brush. Sometimes I fantasize about my latest celebrity crush (right now it's Jack Johnson and Jeremy Piven). I use my tongue cleaner first, sometimes floss, brush for at least two or three minutes, then rinse with listerine for a minute or so. I <3 my teeth!

speshul-k 06-02-2008 10:32 AM

Hm, I'm just concentrating on actually brushing my teeth. I don't count brush strokes or think about much else. Its really just the teeth for me.

coolsfguy1 06-02-2008 12:41 PM

While I brush I like to pee in the sink, is that weird? I grew up in a really small 2 bedroom apartment with 4 ppl, so when I'd come crawling in at 3-4 in the morn I'd usually just wash my face, quick brush and a quick piss in the sink to avoid the noise of the flush. 10 years later and having a large place to myself I can't kick the habit. A problem or someone who likes to conserve water?

ItWasMe 06-08-2009 11:38 PM

I brush over the sink, in front of the mirror. I wear braces ( until sometime this summer ) so I have to use a mirror to make sure I get every tiny spot between the wires/coils/chains/bands and my teeth. Pain in the ass, it is.

Xerxys 06-08-2009 11:56 PM

Like CinnamonGirl here, I also don't know what I do while I brush my teeth, I've never actually paid attention to it despite the fact that I brush my teeth when I can ... in the morning, at night before bed, if I'm home the whole day, it's after every meal ...

wooÐs 06-09-2009 02:56 AM

I'm trying to think of a witty reply but it's just not happening itt.

vinceco252 06-09-2009 05:11 AM

This can be such a Zen question...

biznatch 06-09-2009 09:10 AM

My balls often get played with while I brush my teeth. Probably because one hand otherwise sits there and does nothing, plus I'm usually wearing boxers while I brush em so there's no reason not to. So therapeutic.

squeeeb 06-09-2009 10:30 AM

i watch myself in the mirror and make dumb faces while i brush my teeth. either that or masturbate.

Atreides88 06-09-2009 02:29 PM

I'm glad I'm not the only person who drools uncontrollably whilst brushing my teeth. Because of this I'm usually in my boxers, or at the very least shirtless, and I tend to either stand in front of the mirror or I will meander about until I finish and have to spit and rinse.

bouray 06-11-2009 05:22 PM

when i brush in the morning, i can't help but to walk around the house, but at night i tend to just hang out over the sink...never really thought about my brushing habits before!

biznatch 06-12-2009 10:02 AM

I shave while brushing my teeth. That's how hardcore I am.

Reese 06-12-2009 10:43 AM

I ponder life, the universe and if I need to shave my beard.

new man 06-12-2009 10:57 AM

I used to be able to walk around while brushing my teeth, but the electric toothbrush prevents that(no, it does not plug in to the wall). For some reason, the electric makes it hard to keep the foam in the mouth. So I have to stay by the sink. I do brush my tongue as well.

Will, for killing hookers, a nonelectric works well, because you can sharpen the nonbrush head into a shank. Two tools in one!.

docbungle 06-12-2009 11:40 AM

I don't understand how anyone "does things" while brushing their teeth. I have a hard enough time keeping the toothpaste in my mouth while standing still, leaning over the sink. If I start to "do things" there will be a terrible mess to clean up. And I have no idea how I get so much toothpaste on the mirror over the sink, but there it is, every time. There must be something - some trick - that I was never taught as a child.

lostgirl 06-12-2009 12:13 PM

I stand in front of the sink and think about each tooth while it's being brushed. Yes, I know I'm weird, but that is how I make sure I am doing a good job.

squeeeb 06-12-2009 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by docbungle (Post 2650695)
I don't understand how anyone "does things" while brushing their teeth. I have a hard enough time keeping the toothpaste in my mouth while standing still, leaning over the sink. If I start to "do things" there will be a terrible mess to clean up. And I have no idea how I get so much toothpaste on the mirror over the sink, but there it is, every time. There must be something - some trick - that I was never taught as a child.

use less toothpaste. all those commercials and adds with a full brush of paste is bullshit. you only need a small dab, its enough to brush your whole mouth, and your toothpaste lasts longer and you dont make quite as much of a mess.

---------- Post added at 03:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:29 PM ----------


Originally Posted by lostgirl (Post 2650706)
I stand in front of the sink and think about each tooth while it's being brushed. Yes, I know I'm weird, but that is how I make sure I am doing a good job.

do you name your teeth? just wondering. i knew a girl who named her toes.

lostgirl 06-12-2009 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by squeeeb (Post 2650752)

---------- Post added at 03:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:29 PM ----------

do you name your teeth? just wondering. i knew a girl who named her toes.

No, I'm not THAT weird.

DaniGirl 07-08-2009 08:26 PM

I make funny faces in the mirror:hyper:

Punk.of.Ages 07-08-2009 08:35 PM

I tried to pee and brush my teeth at the same time the other day...

This is a lot easier in theory than it is in practice.

squeeeb 07-08-2009 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by Punk.of.Ages (Post 2665880)
I tried to pee and brush my teeth at the same time the other day...

This is a lot easier in theory than it is in practice.

really, how hard is it to pee?

healer 07-09-2009 03:14 AM


Originally Posted by Punk.of.Ages (Post 2665880)
I tried to pee and brush my teeth at the same time the other day...

This is a lot easier in theory than it is in practice.

Especially if your brushing is a bit more vigorous than normal...something you only realise once you've wet both sides of the toilet seat.

Me, I like to think I put more thought into my actual brushing - kind of a quality over quantity thing. I brush quickly, but I make sure I hit all the areas 100% before I finish. I find that sometimes, I forget to close the tap and end up watching the water run out of it till I'm ready to rinse. wasteful, I know.

Allyallyally 07-09-2009 03:22 AM

Am I the only one who tries to sing while brushing my teeth? :orly:

Magpie_1 07-09-2009 05:17 AM

I pace back and forth a couple of times in the bathroom while I'm brushing my teeth.

LordEden 07-09-2009 05:43 AM

I brush my teeth, look at my face and wonder if I can get away with no shaving before work again. Most of the time I just stand there, but if some good Irish music comes on I dance. Or try to dance, I'm white.

I'm usually fully clothed. Depends when I make it to the bathroom after a shower to brush my teeth. I'm not weird when it comes to bathroom habits.

When you guys sit on the toilet and brush your teeth, do you open your legs and spit into the toilet? Or just wait till you are done? I never do anything except read when I'm on the throne.

Esoteric 07-09-2009 06:52 AM

I brush in the shower.

Xerxys 07-09-2009 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by squeeeb (Post 2648662)
... either that or masturbate.

I just don't see it. This is the equivalent of rubbing your stomach and tapping your head. Very hard to achieve .... are you freakin' ambidextrous?

Halanna 07-09-2009 03:10 PM

I watch TV. If the door is all the way open, I can step a little to the right, and turn a little to the left and the TV reflects in the bathroom mirror.

The added bonus is I usually brush much longer than if I just had to stand there. Sometimes I have to walk out and turn up/down the volume, change the channel, stare out the window.

I floss/brush/sorta floss/brush/listerine.

I generally don't have a hard time keeping what I need to in my mouth. Sometimes I leak, but rarely. Listerine has to be done over the sink though, because you're good, you're good, then in a split second good god I have to spit it out.

DaniGirl 07-09-2009 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by Punk.of.Ages (Post 2665880)
I tried to pee and brush my teeth at the same time the other day...

This is a lot easier in theory than it is in practice.

that is so gross, you live in my apartment. If my bathroom smells like urine you are washing everything!!!

FelixP 07-09-2009 05:31 PM

I read, check the cats' food and water, look out the window, check the answering machine; I do all kinds of good shit.

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