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RangerJoe 03-30-2008 12:02 PM

What's the nicest thing someone has said about you?
So I'm on another forum site that's filled with younger people. Well, one of the threads made by a mod was an opinion thread where she compared you to an animal. This is what was said about me:


Originally posted by boredom_killz
gosh. i have respect for you, mainly because you're a total sweetheart to everyone. you have an amazing face. i'm sure i don't have to tell you how pretty you are because you prolly hear/read it frequently. i like reading your posts because it's rarely ever uninteresting. :]

swan, because they're breath taking.
Now if that isn't the nicest thing ever...

So, now tell me what the nicest thing is that someone has ever said about you. (:

Daniel_ 03-30-2008 12:41 PM

"I Do" :love:

Baraka_Guru 03-30-2008 01:10 PM

"I'm so lucky to have met you."

RangerJoe 03-30-2008 01:15 PM

Awwwww I want love. ):

abaya 03-30-2008 01:22 PM

All of the top 10 nicest things ever said to me have been from my husband. Most recently, I was out with the girls till 3am on Friday and he had to go to bed without me (for the first time in over a year). The next morning he said, "I missed you last night... the bed was so big and empty without you." :icare:

girldetective 03-30-2008 06:04 PM

Mary and I were hanging out one day before she went off to college and she said, "If Im ever in therapy Im not going to be able to blame my childhood. It couldn't have been better, it was the best."

Martian 03-30-2008 06:38 PM

healer called me a duidelike bra about a week ago. I have no clue what it means, but I'm told it's a positive thing.

I'm sure people say lots of nice things about me, but I don't really keep track of them.

Jinn 03-30-2008 06:40 PM

"you deserve better than that.."

was mine

Craven Morehead 03-30-2008 06:44 PM

Its not really that short.


Shauk 03-30-2008 06:51 PM

people dont say nice things about me :p

RangerJoe 03-30-2008 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by Shauk
people dont say nice things about me :p

Pft I say nice things to you all the time.

blahblah454 03-30-2008 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by namako
Mary and I were hanging out one day before she went off to college and she said, "If Im ever in therapy Im not going to be able to blame my childhood. It couldn't have been better, it was the best."

Wow, that must have been amazing to hear.

girldetective 03-31-2008 08:18 PM

It made my life worthwhile.

Cynthetiq 03-31-2008 08:38 PM

thank you for your kind words.

KellyC 03-31-2008 08:46 PM

"You're a good guy" and variants of it....

...and "You're gonna make a good husband/dad"

Makes me feel all warm inside.

Willravel 03-31-2008 08:53 PM

This one really got to me:

Originally Posted by ratbastid
You know, I've never told you this, but my little brother's name is Will, and he's about your age. And there have been things you've said have really reminded me of him. Over the years you've reminded me enough of him, in fact, that I've come to think of you a little like a brother.

Leave it to ratbastid to make me man-weepy.

Oh, and this one was nice, too.

Originally Posted by aberkok
You are a fine man/warrior for peace. The only person I know who is more of a peace warrior is Superman in Superman 4 when he gets rids of all the nuclear weapons.


I have a few PMs and emails from TFP members that are awesome, too.

savmesom11 04-01-2008 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by Daniel_
"I Do" :love:

*heart melting*

noodle 04-01-2008 05:01 PM

"I really just need to feel your hands on me.
When you touch my back, I feel calmer somehow... less anxious."

Tophat665 04-01-2008 05:30 PM

A friend of mine once said of me: Never has one man know so much about so many thing that mean so little to so many people. We were playing a trivia game.

Actually, I posted about my grandad when he died. He was a hell of a guy in every imaginable way. My Nana (his widow) has a couple of times told me that I remind her of him - like, "You're just like Joe." There can be no higher praise, because there are no better men. (There are, I hope, some men as good.)

leahannaspanner 04-01-2008 09:42 PM

I love you =D

snowy 04-02-2008 07:31 AM

I am lucky; with the work that I do, I get my ego stroked on a regular basis.

My room is decorated with evidence of some of the nicest things people have said to me--an Easter drawing made especially for me by a 5-year-old girl I babysit, a handmade card with a portrait of me on the outside that reads "Thank you for babysitting me. I hope it is fun. Love, J." on the inside, and a large hand-drawn poster of a fence with a gate in the middle with two kids at either end that says "Welcom (sic) home L.!" I have a small dish full of treasures given to me by children.

Their mothers are equally kind: they pass my name on to their friends, and then I get compliments when my services are even better than expected. I had one mother proclaim: "You're like Nanny McPhee!" The mother I nannied for last year told me recently that they had a bunch of "Smart L." questions for me but needed to start keeping a list so they would remember them all for next time they saw me.

To be honest, it is one of the things I love. I get feedback about my job performance constantly, and typically, it comes in the form of art. What could be better?

Glory's Sun 04-03-2008 10:35 AM


I believe it was.. "Do me like that again"


no seriously, I can't answer this question. I hate compliments for the most part so I just brush them aside and forget them.

777 04-03-2008 12:11 PM

There was this gal that I dated for a time. The first date was just so-so. We exchanged emails for the next few days, and one night, around 2am on a Thursday night, I sent what I thought would be the last email to her, about something that was going on and why I was changing jobs. She didn't read it until she got to work on Monday morning. Which is when she called, that morning, from her office, and woke me up, to tell me that she thought the message was poetic, and that she wanted to take me seriously. :)

Giant Hamburger 04-03-2008 01:43 PM

"You have hairy, spider-like legs."

Crack 04-03-2008 01:51 PM

I was buying a blue button up shirt the other day at a large dept store, and the checkout girl did a double take and said: "If my eyes were are blue as yours, i'd wear blue everyday...wow"

It's not the nicest thing anyone has ever said, but it was the most random/nice thing...

savmesom11 04-03-2008 02:08 PM

1. Mommy I wanna be just like you when I grow up.
2. Ma all my friends think you're cool.
3. You're my end game.
4. You are stronger then I could ever wish to be.

SteelofUtah 04-03-2008 02:14 PM

The nicest thing anyone ever said to me was.

"Steel, That was much more impressive than I had expected to see from you"

I respected the person who said it and If they were impressed by me that ment something.

On a Comedic note:

I was once told I would be a great Amusement park ride. Shortly after we had had sex anyway.


mixedmedia 04-03-2008 02:44 PM

My most favorite recent compliment, and I already gave it away on an unrelated thread, was:

You're a lot of fun to argue with.

But the best overall would have to compliments from my girls, most noticeably of the, 'i'm so glad you're my mom' persuasion.

And when my mom pays me compliments it makes my day, because she is a real tough cookie.

Halx 04-03-2008 03:00 PM

My old boss, who I spent a lot of time with and who got to know me pretty well once made this observation about me.

"He doesn't say much, but when he does, its worth listening to."

ItWasMe 04-03-2008 03:20 PM

"I want Mommy." (when she was not feeling well)

Of course, it wasn't so nice when she threw up on me when I picked her up.

WompusCat 04-03-2008 07:09 PM

I was once refered to as "scary smart". I thought that was a neat compliment.

Merlocke 04-03-2008 09:53 PM

hmmm - you have monster reading powers (apparently i read abnormally fast)

and "I consider you as my mentor"

ironpham 04-04-2008 06:23 AM

I've gotten "You'd make a great boyfriend." from my friend's girlfriend.

However, my favorite compliment of all time:

I've been playing guitar/bass for about 6 years now, but I've never been complimented on my playing (it's never bothered me, and I've never really been looking for a compliment). I was playing with my friend at his Thanksgiving party and one of our other friends says real quietly (I think she didn't want me to hear her) "Pham is actually really good at guitar."

I don't know why, but that really struck a chord with me.

Halx 04-04-2008 08:07 AM

I really like this thread.

Fotzlid 04-04-2008 08:32 AM

The nicest thing someone has said to me recently was when a co-worker, who is well liked and respected at her current job, told me she wants me to train her when she finishes school and gets her license.

Baraka_Guru 04-04-2008 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by WompusCat
I was once refered to as "scary smart". I thought that was a neat compliment.

I like this one. Plus it reminds me of the best compliment I ever received regarding my own intelligence. One of my college classmates (most of whom were quite close by the final year 3) informed me that he and a few others believed that one day I would have a building named after me. I'm sure it was mostly in jest, but I was greatly flattered even though I sincerely doubt it could ever happen. It was a huge ego boost, especially since I always had self-esteem issues before I got into college.

RangerJoe 04-04-2008 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by Halx
I really like this thread.

A lot of people go through there every day lives not realizing how appreciated or special they are.

I think this thread is kind of helpful in reminding us and making us think how we make a difference in other people's lives. (:

Willravel 04-04-2008 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by Halx
I really like this thread.

*puts on man voice to compensate* Hey Halx? You're special. Hug it out.

ngdawg 04-04-2008 08:00 PM

That I've been one of the finest friends they ever had. In the end, it's all any of us can be....

genuinegirly 04-04-2008 08:03 PM

In junior high, I attended a summer (religious) girl's camp and was given the most unexpected award. The "white rose" was always given to the girl who was there to comfort friends who were homesick, helpful to leaders when they needed a volunteer... etc.

I didn't even realize I was doing anything special. I just did my own thing, read books, chatted with friends, cleaned up after myself, lended a hand when I saw someone who needed it... just basically all those things my parents raised me to do. There, at the end of the time at camp, one of the leaders gave me a big hug and got all teary-eyed as she handed me the award, saying I was the most Christ-like child she had ever met.

That has really stuck with me. Just the fact that little everyday things could make a difference to someone.

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