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Old 03-28-2008, 03:53 PM   #41 (permalink)
comfortably numb...
uncle phil's Avatar
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Originally Posted by mrklixx
Yeah, but it would be fun to see 'em dance.
and nobody finds this upsetting...
"We were wrong, terribly wrong. (We) should not have tried to fight a guerrilla war with conventional military tactics against a foe willing to absorb enormous casualties...in a country lacking the fundamental political stability necessary to conduct effective military and pacification operations. It could not be done and it was not done."
- Robert S. McNamara
"We will take our napalm and flame throwers out of the land that scarcely knows the use of matches...
We will leave you your small joys and smaller troubles."
- Eugene McCarthy in "Vietnam Message"
never wrestle with a pig.
you both get dirty;
the pig likes it.
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Old 03-28-2008, 03:59 PM   #42 (permalink)
follower of the child's crusade?
Originally Posted by uncle phil
and nobody finds this upsetting...
personally I find it irrelevant
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."

The Gospel of Thomas
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Old 03-28-2008, 04:04 PM   #43 (permalink)
comfortably numb...
uncle phil's Avatar
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jeebus, if you were full of shrapnel and you had to go through an MRI, you'd just lay back and chuckle? DAMN, MAN, shrapnel fuckin' hurts, even when it's not being pulled from your freakin' body!!!

do you have any idea what you were commenting about?
"We were wrong, terribly wrong. (We) should not have tried to fight a guerrilla war with conventional military tactics against a foe willing to absorb enormous casualties...in a country lacking the fundamental political stability necessary to conduct effective military and pacification operations. It could not be done and it was not done."
- Robert S. McNamara
"We will take our napalm and flame throwers out of the land that scarcely knows the use of matches...
We will leave you your small joys and smaller troubles."
- Eugene McCarthy in "Vietnam Message"
never wrestle with a pig.
you both get dirty;
the pig likes it.
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Old 03-28-2008, 04:13 PM   #44 (permalink)
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TSA Response
Statement on Alleged Improper Screening at Lubbock, Texas
News & Happenings

March 28, 2008

TSA has reviewed the circumstances related to the screening of a passenger with body piercings that occurred recently in Lubbock, Texas. It appears that the Transportation Security Officers involved properly followed procedures in that incident. They rightly insisted that the alarm that was raised be resolved. TSA supports the thoroughness of the Officers involved as they were acting to protect the passengers and crews of the flights departing Lubbock that day.

TSA has reviewed the procedures themselves and agrees that they need to be changed. In the future TSA will inform passengers that they have the option to resolve the alarm through a visual inspection of the article in lieu of removing the item in question. TSA acknowledges that our procedures caused difficulty for the passenger involved and regrets the situation in which she found herself. We appreciate her raising awareness on this issue and we are changing the procedures to ensure that this does not happen again.
I don't care if you are black, white, purple, green, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, hippie, cop, bum, admin, user, English, Irish, French, Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, indian, cowboy, tall, short, fat, skinny, emo, punk, mod, rocker, straight, gay, lesbian, jock, nerd, geek, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent, driver, pedestrian, or bicyclist, either you're an asshole or you're not.
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Old 03-28-2008, 04:19 PM   #45 (permalink)
Submit to me, you know you want to
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Location: Lilburn, Ga
well golly gee, they are changing the procedures to what she asked for....imagine that
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!
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Old 03-28-2008, 04:24 PM   #46 (permalink)
Getting it.
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Sounds like they were doing their job to the letter rather than the spirit of the regulation (read: they knew they were being pricks in asking her to remove her nipple ring but had the rules to hide behind).
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
- Old Man Luedecke
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Old 03-28-2008, 04:27 PM   #47 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
Willravel's Avatar
I read it as this:
"Sorry those people were assholes. We can't let them get fired because of unions, but we're changing the rules so we can't get sued in the future."
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Old 03-28-2008, 04:29 PM   #48 (permalink)
comfortably numb...
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/me shakes his head...
"We were wrong, terribly wrong. (We) should not have tried to fight a guerrilla war with conventional military tactics against a foe willing to absorb enormous casualties...in a country lacking the fundamental political stability necessary to conduct effective military and pacification operations. It could not be done and it was not done."
- Robert S. McNamara
"We will take our napalm and flame throwers out of the land that scarcely knows the use of matches...
We will leave you your small joys and smaller troubles."
- Eugene McCarthy in "Vietnam Message"
never wrestle with a pig.
you both get dirty;
the pig likes it.
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Old 03-28-2008, 05:55 PM   #49 (permalink)
Location: Physically in Houston, TX - Mentally Lost in Time
I stand about 6'4, weigh about 260, have long hair that lays on my shoulders, wear leather .. a lot .. and have a gaze that tends to make small children wet themselves involuntarily.

So yeah, I get pulled aside just about everytime I go through the security line. I reckon I just look like "trouble". I've come to expect it. I know the TSA is just doing their job to protect everyone that passes their gate and I'm grateful they're there to do it. Can some of them be total jackasses? You bet. Are all of them? Of course not. Point is, anyone whose ever flown ONCE, has some idea what to expect and shouldn't be too terribly surprised in this day and age (post 9/11) to have a TSA holdup at the gate.

Is it possible this woman was a total bitch and instigated an altercation with the TSA agents in question, further compounding her own humiliating experience? Is it possible she was simply harassed for no reasonable excuse other than boredom or frustration stemming from a tedious, thankless job? Well, I'd like to hear more before I decide on that, but my gut tells me she wasn't as sweet as roses and could have made this far less of a big deal by being far more cooperative.

Lastly, I will say it was absurd to have her remove the piercings .. regardless of whatever was said or done up to that point .. and the TSA reps could at the very least apologize to minimize this situation.
Attention everyone: We have another potential asshole in the area !

You don't have bad luck, the reason bad things happen to you is because you're a dumbass !!

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Motel $40

Finding out she swallows -
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Old 03-28-2008, 06:03 PM   #50 (permalink)
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They can't apologise... If they say 'sorry', then they admit they did something wrong - and any lawyer would pounce all over it.
"I do not agree that the dog in a manger has the final right to the manger even though he may have lain there for a very long time. I do not admit that right. I do not admit for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place." - Winston Churchill, 1937 --{ORLY?}--
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Old 03-28-2008, 06:16 PM   #51 (permalink)
Living in a Warmer Insanity
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Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
I buy coach and get bumped because Dave flys just as much as you do if not more, and when we fly together we both get bumped. Dont quite see how that matters though, as I show my boarding pass to get into the security line and I've never been asked for it when going thru the detector, so they have no idea where Im sitting on the plane

I'd just like to say, just because it hasnt happened to "you" doesnt mean it doesnt happen.

I'd also like to clarify that Im not bitching about being pulled aside, as SF said, it takes minutes for it to be done and so what?
Almost every airport I've been through has three security lines. Coach, first class or elite status and employees/flight crew. Unless you're using your first class ticket and standing in the coach line, they know where you're sitting.

The only two airports that I know of that don't do it this way is Ft. Lauderdale and Boise.

But you're right, just because it isn't happening to me doesn't mean it's not happening.

Since you fly a lot too can you say you've seen TSA be disrespectful to anyone?

Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
They released this today, but no video? Hmm, that's not sounding good.
I used to drink to drown my sorrows, but the damned things have learned how to swim- Frida Kahlo

Vice President Starkizzer Fan Club

Last edited by Tully Mars; 03-28-2008 at 06:23 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
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Old 03-28-2008, 07:56 PM   #52 (permalink)
President Rick
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Originally Posted by uncle phil
and nobody finds this upsetting...
It was just a joke, as was the MRI comment in it's entirety. I'm assuming that anyone else that didn't just arbitrarily ignore my posts, probably realized it was a joke, and that I probably actually don't enjoy watching veterans having shrapnel ripped from their body by a giant magnet.

As to the "I find it irrelevant" comment, If you want to get nit-picky about it, this entire thread is irrelevant, since none of us were actually there.
This post is content. If you don't like it then you are not content. Or perhaps just incontinent.

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I hate animated avatars.
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Old 03-28-2008, 08:12 PM   #53 (permalink)
Living in a Warmer Insanity
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Originally Posted by mrklixx
It was just a joke, as was the MRI comment in it's entirety. I'm assuming that anyone else that didn't just arbitrarily ignore my posts, probably realized it was a joke, and that I probably actually don't enjoy watching veterans having shrapnel ripped from their body by a giant magnet.

As to the "I find it irrelevant" comment, If you want to get nit-picky about it, this entire thread is irrelevant, since none of us were actually there.
Yeah, I figured you were joking. Anyone with a signature line of "I hate animated avatars" and has an animated avatar can't be taken too seriously too often.

And Uncle Phil if you weren't dead panning I have to apologize for laughing. If you were dead panning it- you're freaking comic genius because when I read-

jeebus, if you were full of shrapnel and you had to go through an MRI, you'd just lay back and chuckle? DAMN, MAN, shrapnel fuckin' hurts, even when it's not being pulled from your freakin' body!!!

I must have laughed for a minute straight, I think my side still hurts.
I used to drink to drown my sorrows, but the damned things have learned how to swim- Frida Kahlo

Vice President Starkizzer Fan Club
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Old 03-28-2008, 10:24 PM   #54 (permalink)
Master Thief. Master Criminal. Masturbator.
Location: Windiwana
hmm, i thought i put in my 2 cents when i was wasted in the peak hours of the a.m. i guess it was either deleted or i was wrong.

I have nipple piercings, and this would just plain out piss me right the fuck off. It's a pain in the ass to put those fucking things back in. trying to find the hole with round rings that are moving and flailing all over the interior of your nipple, bah.

but i guess if i wanted to fly bad enough id take them out. even though i see how no harm could be done with a nipple ring, unless you like uhhh, repeatedly stab a jugular vein or something.

meh, oh well.
First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the communists and I did not speak out because I was not a communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for me And there was no one left to speak out for me.
-Pastor Martin Niemoller
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Old 03-28-2008, 10:58 PM   #55 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by SSJTWIZTA
but i guess if i wanted to fly bad enough id take them out. even though i see how no harm could be done with a nipple ring, unless you like uhhh, repeatedly stab a jugular vein or something.

meh, oh well.
Reading this article made me think, "Man, just friggin' strip search me so I can get to my damn flight!" I can always work up a little fart for the ol' squat and cough maneuver. "Hope I didn't get any on your shoes dude! Need me to lift the saq?"

I have very little shame.

BTW everyone, the gloves are used for touching people inappropriately. If they want to cavity they will take you to a clean room. Don't ask me how I know.
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Old 03-28-2008, 11:14 PM   #56 (permalink)
Being not a fan of flying in the first place, all of the terminal rules seem pretty ridiculous to me. I don't have to step through a metal detector when I drive from city to city, or when I get on a Greyhound, or when I take the train. Why should I for a damn plane?
*sighs* I feel like people with that much power in the world become too neurotic to make sound decisions, and even when someone voices their opinion, nothing really gets better, the loopholes simply tighten.
Whenever I can, I avoid airplane travel. I much prefer driving, or especially prefer taking a train. Trains rock. And I'm not nearly bothered as much on a train as I am on a plane, with the stewards passing by every ten minutes, it makes me nervous all that moving around. I want peace on a trip, but I always feel anxious and uptight. I wouldn't call it a phobia of plane travel, I just don't like/prefer it. I don't flip out or anything, haha, I just find it tedious travel.
But, to reply to the story, that was incredibly stupid, even if they were just following the policy. There's simply/realistic precautions, then there's the neurotic airport-style precautions...O_o
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Old 03-29-2008, 04:47 AM   #57 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by mrklixx
Super simple way to stop this. Put an MRI at the security checkpoints.
If there is any iron in the jewelry, it would be ripped out by the magnets. Could be very painful.
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Old 03-29-2008, 05:03 AM   #58 (permalink)
Submit to me, you know you want to
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Location: Lilburn, Ga
Originally Posted by Tully Mars
Almost every airport I've been through has three security lines. Coach, first class or elite status and employees/flight crew. Unless you're using your first class ticket and standing in the coach line, they know where you're sitting.

The only two airports that I know of that don't do it this way is Ft. Lauderdale and Boise.

But you're right, just because it isn't happening to me doesn't mean it's not happening.

Since you fly a lot too can you say you've seen TSA be disrespectful to anyone?

They released this today, but no video? Hmm, that's not sounding good.
I can only speak for airports I've been in....and the only separation I've ever seen for security lines is if you're a certain level club member of an airline. For example when I fly for work Im allowed to use the "fast" lane because of some kind of deal they have.

Have you ever actually been in the Atlanta airport? There is no division amongst seat classes....there are only a few "special" lines if you've got a certain membership with Delta or Air Tran. Dave is platinum with Delta and we use that line sometimes if the other is insanely large, and yes I've gotten pulled in that one too.

Yeah I've seen them be dicks and yes I've seen them be nice, me personally? I have always been nice and respectful like my parents taught me because whether I like it or not these people are in a position of *authority*, maybe thats the difference....I dont be a bitch just cause I *can* its the old "you catch more flies with honey" kind of thing.

I think Im done here...all of us that fly can each tell their own experience and it will be different somehow. I've been in airports around from the mega kind to the tiny one in Rochester NY (that HAS to be the smallest airport I've ever seen its even smaller than the one in Greenville) and it boils down to....know your rules, know how to respond to a side search. Its no different than knowing how to respond to the cop that pulls you over.
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!
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Old 03-29-2008, 07:26 AM   #59 (permalink)
I'll ask when I'm ready....
Push-Pull's Avatar
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Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
Im curious....anyone ever have to take out ear rings to get on a plane? Any pierced guy have to take the piercing out of his dick to get on a plane? Anyone have to take out a lipring to get on a plane?
Heh. Considering I have a 6g PA, I'm also wondering the same thing. Then again, they could consider my dick to be a blunt weapon.....
"No laws, no matter how rigidly enforced, can protect a person from their own stupidity." -Me-

"Some people are like Slinkies..... They are not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs." -Unknown-

DAMMIT! -Jack Bauer-
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Old 03-29-2008, 01:14 PM   #60 (permalink)
Living in a Warmer Insanity
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Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
I can only speak for airports I've been in....and the only separation I've ever seen for security lines is if you're a certain level club member of an airline. For example when I fly for work Im allowed to use the "fast" lane because of some kind of deal they have.

Have you ever actually been in the Atlanta airport? There is no division amongst seat classes....there are only a few "special" lines if you've got a certain membership with Delta or Air Tran. Dave is platinum with Delta and we use that line sometimes if the other is insanely large, and yes I've gotten pulled in that one too.
I have (and will loose in a few months due to lack of activity) a Chairman Card through US airways. US Airways suck but they give you reward status faster then any other airline, or at least used to, don't know that anymore. Used to be you could get silver at 25k a year. Anyone interested in who offering the best deal now might look here:


I've been through Hartsfield many times never been turned back from the elite card line. Don't think I've ever been through there on Delta or Air trans. Flying to Florida or the Caribbean on US- ATL is almost a given lay over. Hell, to get to Cancun from Portland you almost always have to stop in Phoenix and Atlanta.

The AA Admirals Club in ATL sucks.

Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
Yeah I've seen them be dicks and yes I've seen them be nice, me personally? I have always been nice and respectful like my parents taught me because whether I like it or not these people are in a position of *authority*, maybe thats the difference....I dont be a bitch just cause I *can* its the old "you catch more flies with honey" kind of thing.
Yep, the nicer you are, the nicer people are to you.
I used to drink to drown my sorrows, but the damned things have learned how to swim- Frida Kahlo

Vice President Starkizzer Fan Club
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Old 03-29-2008, 03:30 PM   #61 (permalink)
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Now that they changed the policy, you have the option of showing the piercing to a TSA agent instead of removing it. I definitely need to get the piercings I've been putting off before the next time I fly.

"Sir, do you have any piercings that might be setting off the detector?"
"Well, since you asked..." *zzzzzzip*
"Oh dear God"
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Old 03-29-2008, 07:01 PM   #62 (permalink)
Master Thief. Master Criminal. Masturbator.
Location: Windiwana
oh awesome. ive never flown but now that i know i have the option to keep my my metal in im a little more cumfy with it.

MSD...great fucking idea! -sinister smile-

oh yeah, Tallahassee airport doesnt do the 3 line thing either.
First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the communists and I did not speak out because I was not a communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for me And there was no one left to speak out for me.
-Pastor Martin Niemoller
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Old 03-29-2008, 07:57 PM   #63 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MSD
"Sir, do you have any piercings that might be setting off the detector?"
"Well, since you asked..." *zzzzzzip*
"Oh dear God"
"Don't get any on your shoe!"

They hate that.
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Old 03-30-2008, 01:00 PM   #64 (permalink)
Milnoc's Avatar
Location: Montreal
I've recently checked the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority's Web site for the regulation on this very subject. I'm thinking of getting a prince's wand.

From http://www.catsa-acsta.gc.ca/english...fs.shtml#dress
If you have a body piercing in areas covered by clothing, you may be subject to a physical search. If further screening is necessary, you have the option to remove your body piercing in a private search room as an alternative to the physical search.
The Web page is dated August 9, 2007. So I don't understand why the TSA didn't already have an equivalent policy in place. Body piercings have been around for a long time.
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Old 03-31-2008, 02:21 AM   #65 (permalink)
Location: Left of the Kidney.
Land of the free =)
If kittens didn't want to be eaten why do they look so delicious?
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Old 03-31-2008, 02:27 AM   #66 (permalink)
Getting it.
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Originally Posted by Milnoc
I've recently checked the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority's Web site for the regulation on this very subject. I'm thinking of getting a prince's wand.

From http://www.catsa-acsta.gc.ca/english...fs.shtml#dress

The Web page is dated August 9, 2007. So I don't understand why the TSA didn't already have an equivalent policy in place. Body piercings have been around for a long time.
I've never set off an alarm with my piercings.
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
- Old Man Luedecke
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Old 04-01-2008, 06:27 PM   #67 (permalink)
Slave of Fear
My personal experience with TSA has always been good, but I have been in situations when you give a person a little power they tend to abuse it. That can happen anywhere.
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Old 04-02-2008, 07:38 AM   #68 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by SSJTWIZTA
MSD...great fucking idea! -sinister smile-
I'm 100% serious when I say I'm going to ask the piercer for "something big enough to set off metal detectors."

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Old 04-02-2008, 09:20 AM   #69 (permalink)
Living in a Warmer Insanity
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Originally Posted by MSD
I'm 100% serious when I say I'm going to ask the piercer for "something big enough to set off metal detectors."


I find that hilarious! But I also hope I don't get behind you in line if I'm late for a flight.
I used to drink to drown my sorrows, but the damned things have learned how to swim- Frida Kahlo

Vice President Starkizzer Fan Club
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Old 04-02-2008, 07:40 PM   #70 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Tully Mars
I find that hilarious! But I also hope I don't get behind you in line if I'm late for a flight.
It's OK, you can just show it to the TSA agent and I will have no problem whipping it out in public. If they don't like that, maybe a I can convince them by sticking fridge magnets to it through my pants.
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Old 04-02-2008, 07:56 PM   #71 (permalink)
Living in a Warmer Insanity
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Originally Posted by MSD
It's OK, you can just show it to the TSA agent and I will have no problem whipping it out in public. If they don't like that, maybe a I can convince them by sticking fridge magnets to it through my pants.
Or whip it out and make it dance around with the help of a couple magnets. Or without the magnets depending on your mood.

My only suggestion is if you try this throw your hat down with a five in it, ya might just make enough to cover your next bar tab... or bail depending on their mood.
I used to drink to drown my sorrows, but the damned things have learned how to swim- Frida Kahlo

Vice President Starkizzer Fan Club
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Old 04-02-2008, 09:33 PM   #72 (permalink)
Master Thief. Master Criminal. Masturbator.
Location: Windiwana
Originally Posted by MSD
If they don't like that, maybe a I can convince them by sticking fridge magnets to it through my pants.

i just got out of my seat and tried to stick a cookie monster magnet to my nips, sadly, they're not magnetic.
great idea though, i guess just go with a safety pin or something.
First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the communists and I did not speak out because I was not a communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for me And there was no one left to speak out for me.
-Pastor Martin Niemoller
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Old 04-03-2008, 10:19 PM   #73 (permalink)
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Presentation is everything.
If she threw an unreasonable fit, who knows, they might've tasered her to death.

Still, only real way to know is the check the tape.

Then again, there's always the theory that if you offer to cut the nipple in half - the real owner will just let the thing slide... oh wait, that only works with babies.. nvm.
-=[ Merlocke ]=-
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Old 04-04-2008, 02:14 PM   #74 (permalink)
Location: In a Perpetual State of Confusion
"At what point do we as a society hand it back to the individual and state emphatically, "Sorry, no YOU are responsible for why this happened to you.?"

The same day that we start presuming that people are guilty until proven innocent, the same day that we are told by our government that security is more important than liberty, and the same day that we all begin the Pledge of Allegiance with "Seig Heil!". We are tettering on the edge of the precipice of absolute totalitarianism, where the comfort and wealth of the few is ensured by the oppression and domination of the many, where freedom is a "privilege" that can be tossed aside for the convenience of some government bureaucrat, and where everything that millions have fought and died for will be forgotten in the rush to be "safe". Franklin was right - "Those who would exchange liberty for security deserve neither." Those who would take nipple rings in the name of security have no idea about liberty, or security, or freedom, or apparently, creative sex.

Seig Heil! The new motto of the United States if we don't radically take back our freedoms soon....

Last edited by themoodyblue; 04-04-2008 at 02:19 PM..
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forces, girl, nipple, piercings, remove, tsa

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