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Old 12-13-2007, 04:55 PM   #1 (permalink)
Salvia Divinorum

Anyone has tried it? Be carefull if you do, is very strong.
It's a pretty amazing herb. Gives you a different outlook towards life itself. It makes you feel like you are a soul inhabiting a body.
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Old 12-14-2007, 05:52 AM   #2 (permalink)
Crack's Avatar
Location: Ohio! yay!
I have seen these videos of "trips" that people have put on youtube, it looks nuts.
Crack, you and I are long overdue for a vicious bout of mansex.

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Old 12-14-2007, 06:26 AM   #3 (permalink)
Playing With Fire
DaveOrion's Avatar
Location: Disaster Area
Don't do this to yourself........talk about really fuckin crazy..... just one example

DOSE: 200 mg smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 10x)


I've been told of the psychoactive properties of Salvia before, but nobody could have prepared me for my evening. I was actually under the impression that it would be a very mild, very short trip. I've taken many types of mood/awareness/sight enhancing drugs, but Salvia kicked my goddamned ass. When my buddy A came down from Washington for a visit last week, he told us (myself [N], my wife [K] and our 3 roommates [T] [S] and [C] and our friend [J]) that he'd ordered some Salvia Divinorum for us to try during his stay. It didn't show up until the last day of his visit but, hey, at least it came.

The 6 of us spent the day cleaning and preparing a space for ourselves to trip, and by 9:30, we were super stoney and ready to try this stuff out. With the exception of A, we were all virgins to Salvia and had no idea what to expect. A had prepared us only by letting us know that it hits hard and fast, and that it lasts about 10 minutes. He said we needed a water pipe and a butane lighter. We never had the chance to find a butane lighter, but my bong has a nice large bowl, so we were set. We decided to take our hits individually, one at a time, with two people in the room to help out if need be.

Let the games begin. S took his hit first, and didn't do much of anything but sit there and try and grab at stuff. Later he would say he didn't see anything wierd at all. I sure as hell did.


My drug background: Psilocybe Cubensis (magic mushrooms) about 3 or 4 times, LSD, Exctacy, whip-its, Nitrous, regular smoker of Marijuana, regular lucid dreamer

I sat in the big papa-san chair in our den (the big wicker type shaped like a bowl). In front of me is our dining-room table, which is where the bong is sitting. There are a bunch of crazy tapestries in there, and one of my paintings. A little marijuana in the bottom of the bowl, and a good heap of Salvia on top. Here we go. I breathed deeply in and out for a while and took my hit. I remember leaning forward to take the last of the smoke and then, blackness. I felt exactly like I had fallen asleep.

As I started to feel and see things, all manner of images faded into my vision like the beginning of a strange movie. There were pictures and memories and tiny little fragments of reality thrown in every once and a while, and then I started to dream. Pieces of my memories were being spliced together and thrown at me at a blinding speed! I slowly started to hear voices coming from all around me, voices from my past and present, voices of my family and friends from California, when I was still a kid. I was 12 years old and had just started learning to ride a skateboard in front of my old house. Immediately it went sliding out from underneath me and I went flying! I was in the thrashing surf at Huntington Beach and being flung all over by the pounding waves!

All of a sudden I landed somewhere. I heard my mother screaming, and there were people standing over me. I couldn't quite see them, because the sun was blinding me, but I felt like I was going to pass out, and my whole body began tingling with extreme pain and numbness so I didn't care that I couldn't see. I looked down and saw something that looked like a raw piece of meat, but that hurt my eyes to look at too. Everything in my vision was pulsating/zooming inwards until I had horrible tunnel-vision. My mom was still screaming and it felt like I'd been lying there for hours. I heard some new voices shouting and my vision began to clear a little.

That's when I saw the most frightening thing I've ever seen in my entire life. I had fallen over headfirst onto a tall slab of metal that was sharpened all along the top edge like a blade. It had cut me in half all the way from the top of my head to the middle of my stomach and I was lying doubled over it with one half of my head and torso on one side of the blade, and one half on the other. I heard the new voices telling me that everything was going to be all right. The figures attached to the new voices were paramedics, and they were vomiting and cursing and weeping to see this poor guy who had fallen and cut himself in half.

I didn't know what I was going to do, so I tried to get up off the blade. I was so heavy that my arms wouldn't work, so I started flapping my arms at terrible speed, flapping for my life. Somehow I managed to get off the blade and stand upright but when I did, the two halves of my head/torso split and fell down to each side! I started screaming in pain and running around in the street, but it hurt so much I just fell over and lay there, only to witness another horrifying sight.

The piece of meat I had seen earlier was my brain, and when I fell over I was looking out my left eye and seeing the inside of the right half of my severed head and neck! I stood up again screaming and looked around. I was in my den again but still not in my right mind. The next thing I remember seeing, I was walking around in the living room looking for someplace to lie down again, because my body felt so heavy. I remember yelling at everyone to get out! Get out! They were all laughing and ran into the other room. I went to my room and got naked, because my clothes started to hurt my skin, and I lay down in bed and tried to piece together what had just happened to me.

I still thought I was dying and was breathing super heavily. My body ached all over and was still pretty numb, and my foot hurt for some reason. Finally I remembered that I had taken a hit of Salvia and was coming down, which made me more relieved than I have ever been. I felt like I'd been gone for months. S and K came in once in a while to see how I was doing, I told them I got cut in half and they said 'What?'

The other side of the story (what happened in reality) was just as crazy, but alot funnier than my side of it. I guess as soon as I took the hit, I flung my arms back against the window and leaned forward in the papa san chair until it tipped upward, pinning me between the chair and the table! They uprighted me, and then I went nuts. I flung my legs in the air and sent the bong flying (good thing we've got thick carpet), came back with my legs and swept the rest of the stuff on the table off onto the floor.

Then, I took out the table and got stuck under it. Finally I crawled out from under it and tried to go through the curtain to the hallway, but got stuck in it. I turned around towards the kitchen and saw T. After a second I charged him and chased him into the laundry room. Then I chased J around the living room. Then I sat in the hallway for a while, and then told everyone to get out. After they left, I went to my room and slept through C's trip and K's trip. Everyone said that I hadn't made a sound through the whole thing, except at the very beginning, when I said 'Guys?' and that was that. My trip probably lasted about 8 or 9 minutes.

When I came out of hiding, T was about to take his hit in his room. I decided to be his lighter-bitch and see what happened to him. He tripped nearly as hard as I did and actually screamed for about 2 minutes straight. Later he told us that he was in an insanity ward and we were his guards keeping him imprisoned. A listenened to some Nick Cave while he tripped and saw a vortex into the television. I was definitely severely disturbed by my whole experience, but everyone else was pretty excited about their trips and I'm pretty sure I'd do it again, now that I really know what will happen to me. Hopefully it's not that crazy next time. I'll be staying away from large blades for a while.

Exp Year: 2006 ID: 51813
Gender: Male
Added: Sep 12, 2007
Syriana...have you ever tried liquid MDMA?....Liquid MDMA? No....Arash, when you wanna do this?.....After prayer...
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Old 12-14-2007, 08:08 AM   #4 (permalink)
Crack's Avatar
Location: Ohio! yay!
that actually sounds pretty fun
Crack, you and I are long overdue for a vicious bout of mansex.

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Old 12-14-2007, 08:24 AM   #5 (permalink)
MexicanOnABike's Avatar
Location: up north
hah! ya i saw one of my friends experience taped on video. sounds almost the same. When i saw the video, i was laughing my head off for 5min-10min. awesome stuff but i don't think i would try it.
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Old 12-14-2007, 08:43 AM   #6 (permalink)
Submit to me, you know you want to
ShaniFaye's Avatar
Location: Lilburn, Ga
I guess my idea of fun has changed as I've gotten older
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!
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Old 12-14-2007, 08:55 AM   #7 (permalink)
Registered User
From what I understand there are different levels to this herb. Green, Yellow and Red. Red being the strongest and obviously giving the strongest high. I can't remember what show it was but some people were handing out packs of yellow Salvia for people to try. Of course I tried it and it was pretty uneventful. :shrug:
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Old 12-14-2007, 09:10 AM   #8 (permalink)
facelift25's Avatar
Location: Edinburg, TX
I've always been curious about salvia and what kind of trip it would be. Is it really different from other trips or about the same? I would like to try it at least once to see how it is.
"Yeah, I guess so. I never sang lead in a band other than like cover bands when I lived in San Diego. I guess I've always sang, just for the hell of it. I sang "The Sound of Silence" in high school. It was a duet with this girl I had a crush on. And then she saw me at a party later on and I was really stoned, and she had nothing to do with me after that. Yeah, I guess I've always kind of crooned." - Matt Cameron of Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, and Wellwater Conspiracy fame on being asked about singing.
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Old 12-14-2007, 09:10 AM   #9 (permalink)
Banshee's Avatar
Location: Pepperland
Is this the "legal bud" you can buy? I've heard it's bogus..But it might not be.. I think i'll just stick to smokin' tha ganja
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Old 12-14-2007, 09:14 AM   #10 (permalink)
Registered User
Originally Posted by Banshee
Is this the "legal bud" you can buy? I've heard it's bogus..But it might not be.. I think i'll just stick to smokin' tha ganja
Yeah it's legal from what I understand. Friend of mine smokes it every now and then and he says it's just a quick intense high.. so he just sticks with bud mostly.
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Old 12-14-2007, 10:39 AM   #11 (permalink)
ObieX's Avatar
Location: Shirt and Pants (NJ)
Legal: Yes
Bud: HeeEEeeEellLlLL no!

Other than them both being green and having the ability to smoke them for their effect there is NO similarity between the two. As far as i know there isn't anything that will get you the feeling of real bud that isn't the real thing. It's DEFINITELY not this stuff.

Typically this stuff will last a whole 20-30 seconds. Also, it is not something to do alone (as you all may have noticed from the reactions in the OP). Always try to have at least one sober person with you to prevent you from doing something completely insane (because while you are on this stuff you ARE.)

Really the only reasons to do this is if you want to trip your fucking brains out and not do it all day like with other products or if you're a practicing shaman and want to contact spirits or travel the astral planes.. ..seriously.
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Old 12-14-2007, 05:20 PM   #12 (permalink)
Location: San Francisco
Originally Posted by facelift25
I've always been curious about salvia and what kind of trip it would be. Is it really different from other trips or about the same? I would like to try it at least once to see how it is.
It's VERY different. It's whack, definitely the strangest feeling I've ever experienced. You inhale, and you're holding it in, waiting for something to happen... suddenly, total ego loss and you're under its control. What happens there is questionable. One time I felt like I was stuck in the furniture and I couldn't figure out how to talk, as if my nerves had been rerouted or I was paralyzed. Another time, I thought I was being controlled by some external force like the puppet to a puppetmaster and I started spontaneously looking around my house trying to figure out who or what was doing it to me. Mind, this is all subconscious, it's not like you're actively thinking about it, it's more dreamlike and instinctive. Shortly, your ego starts to come back and you spend the next 10 minutes trying to figure out what the fuck just happened. YMMV. This was what I'd call a low to mid level dose with 10x extract. If you go even higher, you can be blown onto a whole other plane entirely. I haven't bothered going that far myself, it just doesn't do that much for me.

It's not like any other drug, it affects a completely different brain receptor system. The closest thing I can compare it to is a dissociative. If you've had weird experiences on those that might give you an idea. But this is like, weird to a whole new level. "Fun" is not a term I would use to describe it, it's not fun as in, that rollercoaster was fun, let's go again. If your idea of fun is seriously altering your consciousness then maybe.
"Prohibition will work great injury to the cause of temperance. It is a species of intemperance within itself, for it goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a man's appetite by legislation, and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes. A Prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our government was founded." --Abraham Lincoln

Last edited by n0nsensical; 12-14-2007 at 05:41 PM..
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Old 12-14-2007, 06:06 PM   #13 (permalink)
Pissing in the cornflakes
Ustwo's Avatar
I'm pretty happy with the reality I created for myself.

Never understood why people want to mess with their minds with substances who's actions we don't fully understand.
Agents of the enemies who hold office in our own government, who attempt to eliminate our "freedoms" and our "right to know" are posting among us, I fear.....on this very forum. - host

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Old 12-14-2007, 07:19 PM   #14 (permalink)
Salvia Divinorum translated means the Devine Sage.... I've tried it and it was kind of weird. My roommate initially told me about it and I was wanting to try it for so long. About a year after him telling me about it, I finally tried it. I took a hit off the bong and walked from the hallway where I did it to the couch and by the time I was to the couch I was hallucinating. The room was twirling in segments vertically with sprinkles on the edges of every spiral. I was laughing uncontrollably and couldn't close my mouth so I was drooling like nobodies business!

It was fun but a short high... I'd probably do it again if someone offered but wouldn't go out and spend my own money on it
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Old 12-14-2007, 07:27 PM   #15 (permalink)
Fotzlid's Avatar
Location: Greater Boston area
never heard of this stuff before. is it something that has become popular fairly recently?
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Old 12-14-2007, 07:55 PM   #16 (permalink)
casual user's Avatar
Location: everywhere and nowhere
it's not that great. it lasts like 30 seconds and i didn't feel it as strongly as i had heard about. the time i did it while drinking all it did was make me way drunker.
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Old 12-15-2007, 12:37 AM   #17 (permalink)
Playing With Fire
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Location: Disaster Area
Originally Posted by Fotzlid
never heard of this stuff before. is it something that has become popular fairly recently?
Salvia divinorum has become increasingly well-known and more widely available in modern culture. The rise of the Internet since the 1990s has seen the growth of many businesses selling live Salvia plants, dried leaves, extracts and other preparations. During this time medical experts and accident and emergency rooms have not been reporting cases that suggest particular health concerns and police have not been reporting it as a significant issue with regard to public order offences. Yet Salvia divinorum has attracted increasing attention from the media and some lawmakers.
Originally Posted by casual user
it's not that great. it lasts like 30 seconds and i didn't feel it as strongly as i had heard about. the time i did it while drinking all it did was make me way drunker.
Psychedelic experiences are necessarily somewhat subjective and variations in reported effects are to be expected. Aside from individual reported experiences there has been a limited amount of published work summarising the effects. D.M. Turner's book "Salvinorin - The Psychedelic Essence of Salvia Divinorum" quotes Daniel Siebert's summarisation, mentioning that the effects may include:[32]

An example of Salvia inspired Visionary artUncontrollable laughter.
Past memories, such as revisiting places from childhood memory.
Sensations of motion, or being pulled or twisted by forces.
Visions of membranes, films and various two-dimensional surfaces.
Merging with or becoming objects (for example a Ferris wheel).
Overlapping realities, such as the perception of being in several locations at once.
A survey of Salvia users found that 38% described the effects as unique. 23% said the effects were like yoga, meditation or trance.[33]

Media reporters rarely venture to take Salvia for themselves but one firsthand journalistic account has been published in the UK science magazine New Scientist:

"the salvia took me on a consciousness-expanding journey unlike any other I have ever experienced. My body felt disconnected from "me" and objects and people appeared cartoonish, surreal and marvellous. Then, as suddenly as it had began, it was over. The visions vanished and I was back in my bedroom. I spoke to my "sitter" - the friend who was watching over me, as recommended on the packaging - but my mouth was awkward and clumsy. When I attempted to stand my coordination was off. Within a couple of minutes, however, I was fine and clear-headed, though dripping with sweat. The whole experience had lasted less than 5 minutes."[34]
There have been few books published on the subject. One notable example is Dale Pendell's work "Phamako/Poeia - Plants Powers, Poisons, and Herbcraft", which won the 1996 Firecracker Alternative Book Award[35] and has a chapter dedicated to Salvia divinorum. It includes some experience accounts:

"It's very intense, I call it a reality stutter, or a reality strobing. I think that having been a test pilot, and flying in that unforgiving environment with only two feet between our wingtips, helped to prepare me for this kind of exploration."[36]
Pendell expresses some concerns about the use of highly concentrated forms of Salvia. In its natural form Salvia is more balanced and benevolent, and quite strong enough, he argues. High strength extracts on the other hand can show "a more precipitous, and more terrifying, face" and many who try it this way may never wish to repeat the experience.[36]

Some have written extensive prose and/or poetry about their experiences.[37][38] Some describe their visions pictorially, and there exist examples of visionary art which claim to be Salvia inspired. Others claim musical inspiration from the plant.[38] An example is the song "Salvia divinorum" by 1200 Micrograms.

This link contains user experiences that last anywhere from minutes to days depending on the dosage & concentration......
Syriana...have you ever tried liquid MDMA?....Liquid MDMA? No....Arash, when you wanna do this?.....After prayer...
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Old 12-15-2007, 04:47 PM   #18 (permalink)
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Location: 18,000+ posts on TFP #1,2,3,4 and 5,but I'm not counting!
what ever happend to mescaline........the real stuff ,not synthetic....always my fave...........good acid(hard to find) was swell but a little edgy.......???

.remember I was a "hippie"...

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Old 12-15-2007, 04:49 PM   #19 (permalink)
Seaver's Avatar
Location: Fort Worth, TX
One of the few drugs I actually tried.

To be honest, I wasn't impressed. All that happened was that I felt like someone was pulling the back of my shirt into the floor.

My friend, on the other hand, felt like he was under attack and charged straight into his 65" HDTV... he's lucky I was in the correct mind to catch it.
"Smite the rocks with the rod of knowledge, and fountains of unstinted wealth will gush forth." - Ashbel Smith as he laid the first cornerstone of the University of Texas
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Old 12-15-2007, 11:37 PM   #20 (permalink)
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There was a big scare about salvia in the news a few months ago, my mom asked me if I had ever tried it and made me promise not to Bill O'Reilly was claiming it's a legal alternative to smoking pot, which I tried to explain, but she didn't want to hear it. It's a highly dissociative drug that has been used in religious rituals for a long time. It's not a party drug, it's not for hanging out with friends and smoking, it's serious stuff
Originally Posted by bobby
what ever happend to mescaline........the real stuff ,not synthetic....always my fave...........good acid(hard to find) was swell but a little edgy.......???

.remember I was a "hippie"...

Mescaline is still around if you know where to find it. I don't. Good acid (if you can even find someone who isn't selling LSA, 5-MeO-AMT, DOB, DOC, or 2c-* and calling it LSD) is even rarer, with a bust in the Pacific Northwest drying up much of the west coast this summer.
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Old 12-15-2007, 11:56 PM   #21 (permalink)
Location: florida
its not that great. it hits you like a ton of bricks, instantly, and seriously fucks you up for a few minutes. i smoked it and like 3 seconds later i couldn't even move and felt like i was attached to table, couldn't talk. my friend got up and ran out of the apt. he came back like 10 min later and said he died and was on some other planet. believe all the bad trip stories you read...

it may sound like fun but it really is a strange fucking thing compared to shrooms and acid, etc. it just hits you so hard, so fast, its unnerving. definitely not for the weak of heart. just smoke some bud

and to echo what mrselfdestruct said, its definitely not a party drug. there are no parties when mr salvia comes to town lol

Last edited by emopwr; 12-16-2007 at 12:04 AM..
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Old 12-16-2007, 01:20 AM   #22 (permalink)
biznatch's Avatar
Location: France
Wow, I wanted to rty it, but now I'm definitely scared to.
It seems that even when people try and choose the appropriate setting (private, quiet, calm place, with trusted friends) they still find a way to go insane and get into really scary situations...I read the bad trip stories on the link above. I sometimes bad trip on weed (actually, quite often), so I'm not sure if I wanna do salvia anymore.
The good thing with weed is no matter how high/tripping I am, I'm always able to tell myself (it's ok, you're just high.. ride it out, you'll be fine).
I bet really intense music + salvia wouldn't be a great idea.
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Old 12-16-2007, 03:39 AM   #23 (permalink)
Playing With Fire
DaveOrion's Avatar
Location: Disaster Area
If you trip on weed, I wouldn't recommend Sally D.....I've only seen 2 people in my life trip on weed, but it does happen. They both swore it was laced with something, but it wasn't. Just top notch bud.......
Syriana...have you ever tried liquid MDMA?....Liquid MDMA? No....Arash, when you wanna do this?.....After prayer...
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Old 12-16-2007, 06:07 AM   #24 (permalink)
Seaver's Avatar
Location: Fort Worth, TX
One thing you must understand as far as reactions to drugs is everyone's brain is wired differently and reacts differently.

For example, even when I first started drinking I could out drink even veterans. Alcohol was just never strong for me, however any amphetamines (doctor perscribed, or a couple times with X) I'm hypersensative to.... X kept me up for 6 days straight with no sleep. My friend is the opposite, where he can fall asleep the same night on X and goes down after his 3rd beer.

Salvia is this taken to the extreme. Either it will completely fuck you up and make you, say... charge your new tv or think you just died and went to a new planet... or it will basically do nothing to you.

Do I recommend taking it? Not really, it's not really what you'd consider a "spiritual drug" and it does not aid itself to parties. Also, don't pay attention to those retarded attention whores who video themselves taking it.. they're probably just faking it. The truth is most people feel pressed down into their seat, and only rarely run off and do anything. They just feel really scared and freaked out after they come out of it.
"Smite the rocks with the rod of knowledge, and fountains of unstinted wealth will gush forth." - Ashbel Smith as he laid the first cornerstone of the University of Texas
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Old 12-16-2007, 08:41 AM   #25 (permalink)
I smoke Salvia regularly, I've watched many videos about people tripping. My reccomandation is to smoke a small amount of 1 X strengh dried leaf salvia in a peacefull setting. Listening to some meditation type music and enjoy a great feeling, or smoke it outside in the middle of nature.
The Mazateca Indians in Oaxaca did not create the extract form that most people are referring to, like everything else in our society stronger, faster, bigger, must mean better. Not with Salvia.
It is not a party drug, if you smoke it with someone it has to be in a quiet setting not in front of a bunch of people asking you if your'e OK.
It does make you laugh but mainly it gives you a meditative high that last a few minutes but later on makes you feel calm and more aware of eveything, colors, light, sound etc.
I regularly smoke regular strengh dried leaf at a park sitting in my truck listening to andean music flutes, one day there was a guy flying big kites, an American flag was flying from the kites it was a beautiful great experience.
Smoked it with my SO sitting in the convertible overlooking the Golden gate bridge and had a great time both reflecting on life and peacefully conversing.

My reccomandation is to try Salvia at regular strengh, don't have to be a bong, just a little pipe will do, take a long deep hit and hold it for as long as you can. After you get acquainted with it at regular strengh you can add a "very small pinch" of the 10x strengh on top of the regular leaf and try that . Do not smoke the higher strenth Salvia by yourself.
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Old 12-16-2007, 02:43 PM   #26 (permalink)
Location: San Francisco
That's a good point. It doesn't have to be a full-on trip to be enjoyable. I'll have to try lower doses.

Originally Posted by bobby
what ever happend to mescaline........the real stuff ,not synthetic....always my fave...........good acid(hard to find) was swell but a little edgy.......???

.remember I was a "hippie"...

I think mescaline has pretty much fallen off the market in favor of mushrooms, which are much more suited to cultivation. You need to be close to the source or grow your own.
"Prohibition will work great injury to the cause of temperance. It is a species of intemperance within itself, for it goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a man's appetite by legislation, and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes. A Prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our government was founded." --Abraham Lincoln
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Old 12-16-2007, 07:38 PM   #27 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by DaveMatrix
If you trip on weed, I wouldn't recommend Sally D.....I've only seen 2 people in my life trip on weed, but it does happen. They both swore it was laced with something, but it wasn't. Just top notch bud.......
First time I smoked, I took 4 hits off a pocket pipe, then my friend (think Tommy Chong if he were a tall white guy with a deep voice and high IQ) said, "Wait, when you packed the bowl for him, you gave him straight weed, not the stuff with PCP, right?" Turned out to be just good weed, but worrying about that on top of other things killed it for me and I didn't smoke for another three or four years.
Originally Posted by Seaver
One thing you must understand as far as reactions to drugs is everyone's brain is wired differently and reacts differently.

For example, even when I first started drinking I could out drink even veterans. Alcohol was just never strong for me, however any amphetamines (doctor perscribed, or a couple times with X) I'm hypersensative to.... X kept me up for 6 days straight with no sleep. My friend is the opposite, where he can fall asleep the same night on X and goes down after his 3rd beer.
Good advice. I can drink like a champ (although my tolerance is going down as my weight does) but anything that bonds to an opiate receptor kicks my ass.
Originally Posted by n0nsensical
I think mescaline has pretty much fallen off the market in favor of mushrooms, which are much more suited to cultivation. You need to be close to the source or grow your own.
Mescaline isn't profitable, people want LSD and research chems if they want to trip these days (unfortunately, a lot of dealers are either shady or don't know any better and sell DO* and 2c-* as LSD.) I don't know anyone in person or online who does mescaline and doesn't grow their own cacti.
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Old 12-17-2007, 12:35 AM   #28 (permalink)
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pan6467's Avatar
Location: Mansfield, Ohio USA
I've done it, tastes very bad but I enjoyed the highs immensely. I don't know if it makes much difference but I always smoked it in a bong and held it in deeply for a long time.

One trip I remember, I was sitting there smoking a cigarette afterward and my left hand came up to take the cigarette and it was like my body was totally split in half like the right and left sides were separated. It was weird, but it just felt really cool. But every high for me was very unpredictable, and different from the last one. Never had a bad trip though, always enjoyed it, after I got over that initial taste.

I think one reason it seems like a short trip to most is it really fucks with your sense of time. It also fucks with your sense of reality but not to a point where you go nuts. It also is very intense at first then just mellows you. The mellow to me is better than weed because I wasn't "stoned", I felt more aware of what was around and more at peace.

Overall, I'd smoke Salvia again, I don't see anything wrong with it. Weed on the other hand, makes me extremely paranoid and horny.... not a good combo.

I don't think Salvia is a party drug, a drug many would even like but I did like it and would smoke it, once or twice a year, if it were available.

I also like Calea Zacatechichi and Damiana. They were very relaxing without the effects of sleeping pills, alcohol or barbs. They gave a sense of well being and restfulness, they helped me get some good sleep a few times during my first divorce.

Mixing Damiana and Calea with Salvia also helps with Salvia's intense high and horrid taste.
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"
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Old 12-17-2007, 05:11 AM   #29 (permalink)
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Salvia needs to be smoked in extract (usually 10-15%, but i think it goes up to around 40%, but then your reaching the limits of extraction potential) and with a turbo-flame lighter. The active compound vapourises at a higher temp than say, THC or nicotine, so needs a hotter flame than a regular lighter. Another curious aspect is that only around 80% of the general population has the ability to trip off it, the others don't react at all. I'll have to take a read to see why.

Other than that, it is vital to have a sitter with you, because when you get some good stuff, you'll be in another universe.
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Old 12-17-2007, 05:43 PM   #30 (permalink)
Are you talking from experience? My experience with Salvia makes your statement / point totally invalid. Imho

Last edited by deportes; 12-17-2007 at 05:46 PM..
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Old 01-08-2008, 06:19 AM   #31 (permalink)
King Knave
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Anyone interested in this subject should go to


The guy who runs this site is the real deal. I've just ordered the
"Sage Goddess"
tincture. and will be experiencing Sally D for the first time. I'm not sure how long after I get it that I'll try it. but the time will be right.
AzAbOv ZoBeLoE
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Old 01-08-2008, 01:57 PM   #32 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by QuasiMojo
Anyone interested in this subject should go to


The guy who runs this site is the real deal. I've just ordered the
"Sage Goddess"
tincture. and will be experiencing Sally D for the first time. I'm not sure how long after I get it that I'll try it. but the time will be right.
If you survive, let us know how it was!
Crack, you and I are long overdue for a vicious bout of mansex.

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Old 01-08-2008, 03:44 PM   #33 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by DaveMatrix
If you trip on weed, I wouldn't recommend Sally D.....I've only seen 2 people in my life trip on weed, but it does happen. They both swore it was laced with something, but it wasn't. Just top notch bud.......
i have never heard of that before
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Old 01-09-2008, 09:37 PM   #34 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Crack
If you survive, let us know how it was!
heh heh....I hope to.
AzAbOv ZoBeLoE
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Old 01-30-2008, 02:44 PM   #35 (permalink)
Quasi, have you tried the Salvia?
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Old 02-01-2008, 01:27 PM   #36 (permalink)
Kaimi's Avatar
I have heard from some that have said it only offers a mild euphoric sensation. He did use the salvia very cautiously, smoking small amounts. He admitted a larger amount may have made a difference. I realize there are other methods of using it as well.
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Old 02-03-2008, 10:26 PM   #37 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Kaimi
I have heard from some that have said it only offers a mild euphoric sensation. He did use the salvia very cautiously, smoking small amounts. He admitted a larger amount may have made a difference. I realize there are other methods of using it as well.
Using it at the recommended dose should produce extreme dissociative and/or hallucinogenic effects.
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Old 02-03-2008, 10:29 PM   #38 (permalink)
Master Thief. Master Criminal. Masturbator.
Location: Windiwana
i wasnt too impressed with it.

then again it was shroom season and i lived next to a cowfield...soo uhh, yeah.
First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the communists and I did not speak out because I was not a communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for me And there was no one left to speak out for me.
-Pastor Martin Niemoller
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Old 02-05-2008, 05:02 AM   #39 (permalink)
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I did some of the 40x extract a few times, some years ago.

Definitely one of the weirdest and most intense experiences. Not really enjoyable, not really unenjoyable either... just bizarre.

If you get a good dose of it, its comparable in strength to 5-mao-DMT or NN-DMT, with similar durations. Everyones experience in their head is usually different, so I'm not gonna bother trying to explain, but just know if you get a proper hit, or two, you will probably be immobile for the next 5 or 10 minutes... at least hope that you are.
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Old 02-05-2008, 09:02 AM   #40 (permalink)
King Knave
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Location: Lancaster
Well, nothing to report yet. : (
I've gone in twice with the tincture at deliberate low doses just to get a feel for it and I may have over estimated the effects (from the tincture)

The next time I will have to dial down my caution and dose higher.

This preparation that I have is liquid tincture. It's supposed to be gentler but longer lasting. Not really as warping as some of the smokable leaf extracts.

I hope I'm not one of those salvia "hard-heads" that I've read about.
AzAbOv ZoBeLoE
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divinorum, salvia

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