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Old 06-20-2003, 04:06 PM   #1 (permalink)
The Original JizzSmacka
Jesus Pimp's Avatar
What stereotype are you?

What stereotype are you if you had to pick one?
Never date anyone who doesn't make your dick hard.
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Old 06-20-2003, 04:10 PM   #2 (permalink)
This may be a little easier if you give an example or answer this question yourself first. In it's current state, there's not really much room for discussion.
"Fuck these chains
No goddamn slave
I will be different"
~ Machine Head
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Old 06-20-2003, 04:22 PM   #3 (permalink)
Location: Oregon
Just guessing at what you mean, but I am the geeky, needs-to-work out kind of guy. A bookworm who hates books.
"It's not that I don't understand, it's that I don't care"
- Homer Simpson
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Old 06-20-2003, 04:30 PM   #4 (permalink)
The Original JizzSmacka
Jesus Pimp's Avatar
Bitter cynical quiet asian computer geek.
Never date anyone who doesn't make your dick hard.
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Old 06-20-2003, 04:38 PM   #5 (permalink)
Location: Center Ice
Always looking for the party, drink too much, short fused, Irish son of a bitch.

I'm not off the boat but I'm pretty pure bred.
The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win you're still a rat
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Old 06-20-2003, 04:57 PM   #6 (permalink)
<--------------- the title says it all

And I am both, it's an interesting dynamic.
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Old 06-20-2003, 05:00 PM   #7 (permalink)
Practical Anarchist
Location: Yesterday i woke up stuck in hollywood
Ive spent my entire life being unstereotypitcal, i will never define myself, and i seriously anyone does tries, in real life.
The Above post is a direct quote from Shakespeare

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Old 06-20-2003, 05:05 PM   #8 (permalink)
comfortably numb...
uncle phil's Avatar
Super Moderator
Location: upstate
pick one...i've been me all my life...
"We were wrong, terribly wrong. (We) should not have tried to fight a guerrilla war with conventional military tactics against a foe willing to absorb enormous casualties...in a country lacking the fundamental political stability necessary to conduct effective military and pacification operations. It could not be done and it was not done."
- Robert S. McNamara
"We will take our napalm and flame throwers out of the land that scarcely knows the use of matches...
We will leave you your small joys and smaller troubles."
- Eugene McCarthy in "Vietnam Message"
never wrestle with a pig.
you both get dirty;
the pig likes it.
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Old 06-20-2003, 05:30 PM   #9 (permalink)
Location: right behind you...
I am unique. or at least its what i strive for. the idea of being stereotyped makes me wanna loose my lunch.

i believe a lot of people think i'm a fairly nice guy who just doesn't play the bullshit games... but i can be wrong.
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Old 06-20-2003, 05:55 PM   #10 (permalink)
Flavour of the Weak
Location: Canada
I'm the quiet guy that stays alone most of the time.
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Old 06-20-2003, 05:59 PM   #11 (permalink)
PredeconInferno's Avatar
Location: Unfortunately Houston, TX
I'm a Star Wars nerd.
Samurai in Training
Knowledge is power. Guard it well.
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Old 06-20-2003, 06:22 PM   #12 (permalink)
The GrandDaddy of them all!
The_Dude's Avatar
Location: Austin, TX
"Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity." - Darrel K Royal
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Old 06-20-2003, 06:30 PM   #13 (permalink)
Fledgling Dead Head
krwlz's Avatar
Location: Clarkson U.
I was a jock for a while. Got the irish drunk thing going right now.
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Old 06-20-2003, 07:01 PM   #14 (permalink)
Location: Belgium
Hard-rock nerd
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Old 06-20-2003, 07:06 PM   #15 (permalink)
Location: in a deep, dark hole where rainbow creatures attack me to eat my fingernails.
freaky geek... yea, my own friends who are like me still call me a freak (weird freaky). its kinda funny.
scarebearjinx is offline  
Old 06-20-2003, 08:12 PM   #16 (permalink)
The sky calls to us ...
MSD's Avatar
Super Moderator
Location: CT
Metalhead/rivethead, nerd, geek, was in the "goth" group in high school.
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Old 06-20-2003, 08:24 PM   #17 (permalink)
Kick Ass Kunoichi
snowy's Avatar
Location: Oregon
Geek/hippie disguised in Gap/preppy duds...I'm a total bookworm/liberal/getting crunchy granola with age type person albeit hidden behind a clean-cut exterior
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau
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Old 06-20-2003, 08:27 PM   #18 (permalink)
Right Now
Location: Home
Total right wing conservative. But you already knew that, if you knew me.
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Old 06-20-2003, 10:53 PM   #19 (permalink)
Indifferent to anti-matter
vermin's Avatar
Location: Tucson, AZ
What stereotype are you
Right now I'm sort of Techwood receiver-ish, 2 KLM speakers, a Realistic 10 band equalizer, JVC cassette deck, Magnavox 5 disc cd player, Kenwood turntable kinda guy.

Unemployed trailer court white trash?
Unfortunate blue collar victim of the economic downturn?
Loving husband and father?
Middle-aged anti-depressant popping Gen-X S.O.B?
Right-wing leftist with delusions of silliness?

Whatever works for you.
If puns were sausages, this would be the wurst.
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Old 06-20-2003, 11:32 PM   #20 (permalink)
Location: Antarctica
aging hippie cynic
Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke.
boredjerk is offline  
Old 06-20-2003, 11:37 PM   #21 (permalink)
Modern Man
Location: West Michigan
I'm your typical me.

I'm a film geek, computer geek, music geek, politics geek, and on top of it a social animal with people who are nothing like me.

I guess you could throw any stereotype out there and I'd fit it somehow.
Lord, have mercy on my wicked soul
I wouldn't mistreat you baby, for my weight in gold.
-Son House, Death Letter Blues
Conclamo Ludus is offline  
Old 06-21-2003, 02:35 AM   #22 (permalink)
Academical bookworm kinky/perverted scandinavian agnostic computer nerd rpg player feminist girl.

What I would like to be:

-more green
-more into human rights activism

The wrong stereotypes I sometimes get put in with - easy way to get me annoyed:

-atheists and free thinker zealots

-green movement activists

-radical feminists
-goths (for wearing mostly black just out of aesthetical preferences, don't have any principals about this and can wear a baby blue summer dress with daisies if I think it suits me )

-heavy fans (I listen to metal, but the milder bands and might just listen to chart hits radio station aswell, hate speed/death metal)

-satanworshippers (dark clothed roleplaying gamers usually poke fun at this label they get. an old woman in the bus stop goes to stand 20m away if I am wearing a long leather jacket that morning. If I have and denim jacket or wool coat, nothing)
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Old 06-21-2003, 02:51 AM   #23 (permalink)
SiN's Avatar
Location: ...more here than there...
<-- girlie geek.

meaning, girlie as in i love dresses and makeup and pink things, etc..

geek, as in, i love my puter and i kno how to use it
- + - ° GiRLie GeeK ° - + - °
Therell be days/When Ill stray/I may appear to be/Constantly out of reach/I give in to sin/Because I like to practise what I preach
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Old 06-21-2003, 05:55 AM   #24 (permalink)
Fear the bunny
Location: Hanging off the tip of the Right Wing
Buff Boy
Activism is a way for useless people to feel important.
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Old 06-21-2003, 07:27 AM   #25 (permalink)
Location: Northeast Ohio
I was the Popular, Cheerleader type in High School....I am not sure what I am now....I guess I am just in my own little world now, trying to get by.
"Every tomorrow brings new opportunities, challenges we must address...A chance to affirm all our wishes and dreams, to seek beauty and true happiness."
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Old 06-21-2003, 09:40 AM   #26 (permalink)
Location: South of the border
Me? hmmm... i really dont know, but off the top of my head the following seems to describe me:

- antisocial
- indifferent
- confused
- self-centered
- smart
- jock

"The weak are food for the strong, so die and let me feast!" - Makoto Shishio (RK)
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Old 06-21-2003, 09:46 AM   #27 (permalink)
Location: Oregon
I want to add... voluptuous breast loving freak
"It's not that I don't understand, it's that I don't care"
- Homer Simpson
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Old 06-21-2003, 10:14 AM   #28 (permalink)
Objectively subjective,..or is it subjectively objective.
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Old 06-21-2003, 08:55 PM   #29 (permalink)
lonely rolling star
sadistikdreams's Avatar
Location: Seattle.
wouldnt you know? everyone says im "goth"...

im an artist, goddamnit. i dress in black because it's bloody cold in seattle. black absorbs heat, damnit!!! and so what i listen to "goth bands". feh.
"Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone.
The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of non-essentials.
-Lin Yutang

hearts, by d.a.
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Old 06-21-2003, 09:35 PM   #30 (permalink)
Metalhead/rivethead, nerd, geek, was in the "goth" group in high school.
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Old 06-21-2003, 09:46 PM   #31 (permalink)
crow_daw's Avatar
Location: Vol Country
Well, others think I'm the "So Smart He Thinks He's Above Us All" type.
But, thats not true.
Also, I'm a southerner, which I think is funny, because we get ripped on so much, and what are the jokes about us?
We're all racist.
We're inbred.
We're stupid.
We're crazy sumbitches.

I love rap music and have a thing for black girls.
I've never even MET anyone with even the SLIGHTEST inbreeding.
I made a 32 on my ACT.
Well, they're not ALL wrong.

And yes, I was born AND raised here in Tennessee.
"We each have a star, all we have to do is find it. Once you do, everyone who sees it will be blinded." - Earl Simmons
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Old 06-21-2003, 09:49 PM   #32 (permalink)
Location: Nova Scotia, Canada
i believe i'm known as an asshole amonst most of my friends
Beware the fury of a patient man...
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Old 06-21-2003, 10:00 PM   #33 (permalink)
I'm not about getting creamed, I'm about winning!
H12's Avatar
Location: K-Town, TN
I think I'm classified in my school as the goofy jock who's going to have fun at somebody's expense (whether it be mine or someone else's), and is the underdog, no matter the effort I put into whatever. I also feel confident I got a "best friend" aura surrounding me, for whatever stereotype that fits.
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit."
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Old 06-21-2003, 10:40 PM   #34 (permalink)
forseti-6's Avatar
Location: New York City
Bitter loner weird computer nerd... that's how some people stereotype me I think

I won't argue about the 'weird' part though
"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." - Dr. Seuss
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Old 06-22-2003, 12:46 AM   #35 (permalink)
literary nerd
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Old 06-22-2003, 01:02 AM   #36 (permalink)
Location: San Francisco
moody hypocrite
A moral point of view too often serves as a substitue for understanding in technological matters.
-Marshal McLuhan
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Old 06-22-2003, 06:32 AM   #37 (permalink)
Jack Ruby's Avatar
Location: Belgium
I'm your classic 6 ft. tall, dressed in black sideburned computer geek.
You don't know what you don't know.
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Old 06-22-2003, 07:47 AM   #38 (permalink)
Minion of the scaléd ones
Tophat665's Avatar
Location: Northeast Jesusland
JP, no one is a stereotype. That's both the purpose and problem with stereotypes: They're shortcuts to thought.

Anyone who tells you that they fit a stereotype is either ignoring the largest part of themself, or pulling the wool over your eyes.
Light a man a fire, and he will be warm while it burns.
Set a man on fire, and he will be warm for the rest of his life.
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Old 06-22-2003, 08:08 AM   #39 (permalink)
My future is coming on
lurkette's Avatar
Moderator Emeritus
Location: east of the sun and west of the moon
Well-intentioned knee-jerk liberal who falls short of her own ideals and then beats herself up for it instead of doing something productive
"If ten million people believe a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing."

- Anatole France
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Old 06-22-2003, 08:21 AM   #40 (permalink)
another passenger
cdwonderful's Avatar
Location: Youngstown, Ohio
Originally posted by sierra2774
I was the Popular, Cheerleader type in High School....I am not sure what I am now....I guess I am just in my own little world now, trying to get by.
dont let her fool you. She is the typical 2003 SUPERWOMAN!
She raises two kids, works at a prestigeous job, runs a business from her home. And still manages to be social with her family and friends. And still look drop dead gorgeous.
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