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#1 (permalink) |
Not sure if this is the right forum but....
i remember my dreams only on occasion, and of the ones i remember, i rarely remember in detail. however, i think i have about 3-4 recurring dreams (meaning, i have 3-4 different dreams that reoccur) i'd like to remember my dreams in detail and more often. i know, it's sort of a weird thing to desire, but from what i can remember of my recurring dreams, they are fantastic fantasies, with ridiculously beautiful landscapes, adventure and technology. oh and in all of my reoccurring dreams, there is some beautiful woman who i am alllllwaays riiiight about to bang before i wake up. the dream i just woke up from went in the following way: im on vacation with my family in a....swamp i guess would be the proper term. it's not a vacation of nice sights, but rather one where you can take advantage of technology to have adventures i guess. so people follow a path through this swamp (which looks...and tastes haha...like spinach artichoke dip) on a hovering cart that looks like one of those railcarts that you see in mines. you speed around the hills that stick up outta the swamp and race other carts and do whatever else you want. when you're tired or bored or just too covered in spinach artichoke swamp, you head back to the station and...take a shower out in the open, completely naked. naturally here's where the beautiful girl comes in. in this dream im completely awestruck by a gorgeous redhead (which is strange because im a brunette man) who's showering in the nude, as my family walks toward the showers. thankfully, i'm the only one who needs to shower (how's that for convenient.) unfortunately, because of the gorgeous nude redhead all wet and dripping in front of me, i'm popping a huge chubby, and so am completely petrified of stripping down and showering as well (if i didn't mention before, it's my dream so of course the shower is completely out in the open and unisex) finally i calm myself down and get in the shower. and we start talking, she's flirty but very down to earth (and again it's my dream so she's got the perfect personality) so she ends up joining me for the rest of this vacation and...comes home with me. all the while, my parents ask "do you like her? do you like her? we'll leave the house, you can fuck her while we're gone" this part is absolutely hilarious to me. if you knew my parents, you'd think so too. so we go down to the basement (and somehow my house has a basement that's about the size of an airplane hangar, complete with atvs to get around and mechwarriors...) and then we start makin out and whatnot, and right as we're about to engage in the sexuals.... im awake. ok so this dream is obviously a sexually driven one, but notice all the background details and settings. i can describe 2 other recurring dreams that are not sexually driven but for some reason different imaginary hot chicks end up popping up and right as im about to fuck them for no reason pertaining to the plot of the dream, i wake up. all of them are very vivid fantasy-like dreams with sights and sounds and tastes and are generally something that if i could remember perfectly would be amazing experiences. a side note: the hot girls in my dreams are never my girlfriend, who i don't tell about that aspect of these dreams. she's way too insecure to handle the idea that for some reason unknown to me i dream of smokin' hot women who aren't her. is it cheating that i wanna keep the dreams goin til i actually get laid in them? sorry for bein long-winded, but im still groggy. |
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#2 (permalink) |
Riding the Ocean Spray
Location: S.E. PA in U Sofa
I used to have several recurring dreams, but lately they've not been as frequent, maybe because I've not tried to bring them out.
In the past when I wanted to "force" one of them to recurr, I tried various thought processes but never had that work well for me. But then I found that if I lay flat on my back with my arms at my sides and concentrate on a high level of relaxation as I'm trying to fall asleep and work in thoughts of the dream I'm trying to have into my relaxation process, I have had multiple cases of successfully initiating the dream with that method. When I was quite young I had one recurring dream that was always very scary and I'd suddenly wake up in a fright and even have a hard time falling asleep again. I was walking down a dark alley and at one point out of some garbage cans an ugly hand suddenly comes out and grabs me and then I see it's a very ugly scary old witch, I get terrified and wake up all sweaty and scared. At first I just noticed the dream recurring after I woke up, but then I even had thoughts while dreaming sort of like "hey, this is that dream I'm having again". This realization, plus my other thought process about dreams that I managed to have while dreaming: "hey, these are dreams and I can do anything in a dream even if it is impossible in real life", led me to take action the next time I dreamed this dream. So the ugly old hand comes out to grab me again but I'm a big boy now and pull the old witch out of the cans and beat her up and walk away satisfied and confident. I never had that dream again. There are a couple other recurring dreams I like to have so I have not attempted to manipulate those to end yet. |
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#4 (permalink) |
The dream you mentioned is rather mundane. The gorgeous redhead is the only interesting part of it. Everybody has strange dreams; some of us have dreams that are even more fantastical. A few days ago I dreamt I was the "chosen one" to bring the Apocalypse. I flew around the world and buried everyone (interesting because I saw hundreds of faces in the span of a few moments' time) in molten lava and fire. Also interesting because I had several dreams that night since I kept waking up hear and there, and with each one the story would continue. Like at first I was part of a group counteracting the evil entities bringing about the Apocalypse, and then I found out I was their Master, and then I destroyed humanity. Pretty cool.
Another dream from when I was a kid was about how a flying cow was trying to kill me. I was in a car and it came up to me and tried to smash the door while the car was in motion. I also have lucid dreams fairly often. It's easier to have them in the afternoon. I can control them and twist it toward sex to the point of orgasm. I know it's hard for most anyone to make a sex dream last, however.
Become an organ donor |
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#5 (permalink) |
mm, I love spinach and artichoke dip. I dream about Zombies--a lot. I also dream about shoe shopping. Lucid dreams are quite common, but I have dream where I know darn well I can control them and yet nothing goes according to plan. I was murdered about four times in one dream, even though I knew it was a dream, and I knew I should have been able to control the outcome. I wonder if that says anything about my personality. What do you guys think dreams are about? I used to believe they were just your mind's way of expelling the day's extraneous images and events (i.e. you watch a Nightmare on Elm Street movie, Freddy shows up in your dream), but sometimes, I wonder if it isn't your mind's way of using current images to tell you something about yourself or what you just don't want to face.
"Forty-Six and Two Just Ahead of Me"-So Sayeth MJK |
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#6 (permalink) |
As a child I often had lucid dreams. I found that especially with dreams that happened close to morning I could manipulate them easier. First, came the realization that I was in a dream, this took me a while to master. I don’t recall exactly what happened to make that step come true, and unfortunately I would think that this is the important part. Next came not thinking about my physical body. That is to say, not trying to actually move, or only thinking of moving in the dream, After a while it became easy to not only manipulate dreams, but switch completely from a bad dream to one I wanted to see. This went on for a few months as I recall… I don’t remember why I stopped, I also have no patience to try and do it again. For some reason I want to recommend that you focus on something as you’re falling asleep. Perhaps, a mantra or a familiar object which you have associated with having a lucid dream. If that object shows up in your dream it will be easier for you to recognize that you’re actually in a dream. I don’t know if my advice has any merit, perhaps for plan b you should just try watching some porn.
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#7 (permalink) | |
Too Awesome for Aardvarks
Location: Angloland
Dreaming accordingly doesn't have to make sense, how many thoughts a day do you have that are coherent and perfectly normal compared to the random crap that goes on? It is perfectly reasonable for it to point out things you won't or can't understand normally. If you want to remember your dreams, lay in bed for a few minutes each morning and think about them. They need to be moved from your unconscious to your conscious, from where they can be stored in memory. I have had dreams that can put me for spare the entire day, the deep rooted meaning embedded has literally had me in a daze as i try to make sense of it all. As for recurring dreams, i don't have recurring dreams as such, more recurring elements. Often when i try to run i don't go any faster and i have to drag myself along by my hands. I also can scream and shout, call 999 e.t.c but no-one will listen or i can never get through (though i know the root of this aspect, unlike the running one). Never any fucking good recurring elements, just the bad ones ![]() When your falling asleep, see if you can catch yourself starting to dream. The portion of sleep when you just start to slip under is, apart from REM, the dreaming bit (this is where people sleep walk, as dreaming occurs by the paralasing effect of REM isn't present) in your sleep cycle. It is great fun for me to suddenly be transported from my bed into dream land, here i get the best chance of lucid control. Change up what you eat and drink before bed. Lactose gives me the most random un-fun dreams, oranges and other citrus fruits gives me nightmares and tequila makes them all about sex (but beer just kills them). Think of things that change your digestive processes, such as excess acids, foods that cause bloating, foods that go right through you, or foods with high transit times (such as heavy fats). Since i started drinking water before bed.my dreams have perked upl
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