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Plan B, the "morning-after pill" now without prescription.
So what do you think about this? I think there are two major debates at play here: 1. Do you agree or disagree that they should be available over the counter (without prescription)? 2. Do you agree with the current 18+ age restriction on their purchase? Currently, anyone 17 and younger still needs a prescription. The poll is for quick reference, but I want everyone to post in here and spell out your opinion. And for the love of everything decent in this world, DO NOT turn this thread into an abortion debate. This pill WILL NOT cancel an existing pregnancy. For me, I'm honestly surprised this is available now, I thought it would take a few more years. I think it's definitely a good thing, but I think the age restriction should be lowered to 16 or 15. Sure, a lot of 18+ women need this, but a lot of young females under 18 need it as well. What are your thoughts? |
I am all for Plan B being readily available. Before it was OTC, I always requested it, just to have it.
I am glad that the FDA finally woke up and saw the light regarding OTC sales of Plan B, but I wish that they hadn't put an age restriction on it. To me, doing that just prevents kids from being able to get possible help they might need. I also wonder how effective the FDA's plans for enforcement will be. |
1. Do you agree or disagree that they should be available over the counter (without precription)?
Absolutely. Making contraception easier and more available is almost always a good thing. Anything that reduces the number of unwanted pregnancies is a good thing, and I think reducing the number of abortions by preventing the need for them is something both sides of the aabortion debate can agree on. 2. Do you agree with the current 18+ age restriction on their purchase? Currently, anyone 17 and younger still needs a precription. If we truly do want to reduce unplanned teen pregnancies, and I think we do, the age restriction is going to interfere, so on that basis, I think it's a bad idea. Gilda |
I'd rather people were more responsible with plan A, but plan b is a lot safer for the mother than an abortion. While I don't agree with the destruction of the zygote or fetus, this is definately the best solution for someone who won't be having the baby after it's conceived.
I'm all for Plan B -- I just wish they could figure out a way to kill the zygote in the case that they are pregnant..
They have. It's called RU486. Which is about the worst name ever, super tasteless.
I view Plan B as another method of contraception, and it should be available over the counter as are the other means.
The scientific community found nothing to suggest that this pill could be harmful to young women under 18, and certainly birth control pills are available for girls through their doctor. I think the age restriction is at the insistance of those that believe that Plan B would encourage promiscuity among teens. Let's prevent the unwanted pregnancies among teens first, and let the morality police continue their work in negating the power of teen sexuality on their own time. I like how Washington and other states have handled the age restriction by allowing the pharmacist to write the Rx. It also strikes me as silly that any kind of enforcement on the age restriction is possible. Like alcohol and cigarettes, a teen merely has to ask someone older to purchase the pill for them. |
I would rather see a plan B than an unwanted pregnancy and untold traumas to mother and child later.
My opinion remains that what one woman does to her body wont make me lose any sleep. I agree with Sister Elph. Just cause one is not old enough doesnt mean that their older sister or someone they pay to help them out wont buy them for their later consumption. After all, just because someone isnt old enough doesnt mean they are unable to beat the system. In some ways we dont give kids enough credit... and in others perhaps we give them too much. |
Yeah, when I was 18 a lot of my female friends/ male friends girlfriends were younger. I was forever going to planned parenthood to get presciptions for them. The lady's there must have thought I was the biggest ho!=)
Hey baby, don't worry, you can get that morning after pill, come on don't you love me?
89% odds are not very good when you think of the consequences of that other 11%. For every one who screws up and uses this as a last resort flush, there will be more who are relying on it. |
I'd volunteer for the young ladies that needed it. Can you imagine the small town talk about a 56 yr old in constant need of Plan B? :D |
In fact, we should all just leave our front doors open at night since it's possible to break into a house anyway. While I agree that the age restriction is sort of counter-productive to the purpose of the pill, and that enforcement will have its difficulty, this line of reasoning is, in my opinion, stupid. How can you justify lifting restrictions on something because "some people will find a way around it" and won't get caught? Using that faulty rationale, all laws should be rescinded because some people will find a way around them, or will get away with breaking them. |
I understand what you are saying, and you are right, rules are there for a reason.
However, if you think there are no underage drinking, smoking or other law breaking behaviors I am afraid you are sadly mistaken. There will always be loop-holes in everything and people will always find a way around rules and laws. I do not agree with it, but it is the way of the world. (This post is neither to be construed as fighting nor argument.) |
What an interesting reply, Analog.
My belief that this pill doesn't require an age restriction is based upon the scientific evidence within the agency, that has been ignored by political appointees. But I already stated that in my first post: Quote:
Faulty thinking? I believe the term "straw man" adequately describes your response. But *that* might be faulty thinking on my part. I responded to your topic in the spirit of respect for the OP. It would appear that it is best that I refrain from posting to your topics. Easily done and not a problem for me. |
How is pregnancy defined here?
Does it begin at conception or at implantation? |
That is open for debate and is a matter of personal opinion and which side of science one wishes to support. A discussion in which I shall extricate myself before it even begins.
Let me just be more clear in what I'm getting after, which is not a matter of opinion:
Can Plan B prevent implantation of a fertilized egg? |
No. It cannot end a conception that has already begun.
Edit: I misread your question. A fertilized egg is conception and Plan B would not have any effect on that. |
Edit after your edit: Okay. Do you have a source? It isn't clear from this article alone.
Point of information: According to the prescribing information, the 89% recuded chance of pregnancy means that Plan B reduces the expected rate of pregnancy following a single instance of unprotected sex from 8% to 1%.
Gilda |
Of course I know those things happen- that doesn't mean you change the law to allow it just because people are going to do it anyway. Even the most wasted potheads know the "people will do it anyway, just legalize it" argument is bunk. Quote:
And I hope you don't abandon my threads, I thoroughly enjoy a good conversation, like I've been having. Aside: A few medical notes... Fertilization is not pregnancy. If the egg passes without implantation, it is not a pregnancy. The purpose of the "Plan B" pill is to keep the fertilized egg from implanting- that's all it does. When a fertilized egg implants itself (note I am not saying "in the uterus", because it's very possible to begin an extrauterine pregnancy), that is when pregnancy begins. The "Plan B" pill is useless and completely ineffectual to an implanted egg; therefore, it is not a method for stopping a pregnancy, only preventing it from beginning. In other words: If you find it ok that a one-day-old fertilized egg passes without implantation, but have a moral hangup about an egg the same one-day-old being pushed out if it's managed to implant already, this is the pill for you. |
I think that Plan B is a great idea and just another alternative to save people from unwanted pregnancies. I would think that the abortion people would like it because it is one more avenue to take before terminating a pregnancy. There are a lot of unwanted children in this world and people are going to have sex, why not help prevent ruining an innocent, unborn child's life. As I was reading the article, I was waiting for this argument...
As for the age thing, I don't think there should be an age restriction. Kids under 18 are having sex and those mistake pregnancies are typically more damaging. People who are against letting kids get this are in denial that they are having sex. People need to see the bigger social picture of what is actually going on with the teens of America...but that's a different topic. So, yes it should be available for girls under 18. |
Thanks. One vote for "It should be banned". |
Let us fill the world with more unwanted children..... Personally I would rather see the child not exist than to see or hear of it suffering through its life and being a victim of the system.
I would rather see someone take a pill the morning after than have a wire hanger abortion later. A pill is also a little less embarassing and demeaning for those of us who are victims of rape. |
I've read that birth control pills will sometimes prevent implantation instead of preventing fertilization. Did I read wrong? And if not, then why would a "concentrated dose" of birth control be any different?
I'm glad that it is available over the counter, a bit surprised that it passed, but glad that it did.
I also believe that the age restriction should be removed - at least in my opinion, unwanted pregnancy is most devastating with younger people (below 18) and miners should also have equal access. |
It's not the same as "the abortion pill", RU486, because RU486 will terminate a pregnancy (that's what it's designed to do). Plan B will not terminate a pregnancy. I'm glad people on your side of the argument don't read very thoroughly. Quote:
As for what you think you read: http://www.plannedparenthood.org/pp2...ption-pill.xml Quote:
I voted "disagree with 18+" restriction. But, really, as long as they could get it OTC with parent's consent, I would be ok with it. Forcing an 18 year old to go to a doctor's office to get a prescription would be stupid. Of course, that does require parents that have an attitude about sex that let's the "18-"s be open and honest with them. So, it wouldn't work so well in Republican's homes <snicker, snicker>
I am living proof that some forms of hormonal birth control thin the uterine lining.
Thank the gods too, could you see me with children????? The thought alone is enough to make me want a hysterectomy. Unfortunately they wont do that just cause you dont want kids or dont think you should have them.... (insert various unkind names to call doctors here) |
Then you gave me an incorrect answer, which onesnowyowl corrected. If you're going to troll me for making a mistake, it'd be more effective if it wasn't a mistake you also made. |
Anyway, if people would use the birth control methods readily available to them before having sex, they wouldn't need the morning after pill. Of course, that type of thinking is radical now-a-days. |
Infinite Loser, Agreed. Less than 1% of abortions are done because of rape and incest combined.
Of course this thread is about plan b, which is preventative by stopping the release of the egg from the ovary, and can prevent fertilization within 72 hours of intercourse. As stated again and again, if you take plan b and are already pregnant, it will not affect your existing pregnancy. Fertilization takes up to 144 hours (6 days) after intercourse, and after fertilization, it can take up to another 144 hours for the fertilized egg to begin to attach itself to the lining of the uterus. AFTER ALL THAT, one is pregnant. Technically, plan b can kill a zygote by detaching or preventing the attachment of the fertilized egg from the lining of the uterus, but it's not technically a pregnancy. That's where I got confused. Plan B can kill a zygote by preventing it from attaching to the uterus, but it can't prevent pregnancy because one is not pregnant until the zygote is attached to the uterus. |
option 2b should have been in place a long time ago...
And I was wrong. Congratulations. I was remembering incorrectly. I'm not at all above admitting when I was wrong. Either way, what I said holds true- "Plan B" is not an abortifacient. I just confused the method. I'm not building an entire personal anti-"Plan B" campaign based on erroneous information and foisting my moral judgment on others and demanding they adhere. If someone says, "I won't use this because I feel _____" that is personal moral opinion- but when someone says to ban them outright for everyone, they're forcing their personal morals on others. Thank you, snowy, for correcting me- not sure how I got that mixed up. |
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