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Mel Gibson apologises for anti-semitic abuse
I know there are examples of different newspapers reporting the same events with vast discrepancies, but this one cried out to me today. The first is from Toronto's Metro - the free paper on the subway:
http://www.metronews.ca/story.aspx?i...hType=AndWords Quote:
Does the Guardian have an ulterior motive for printing Mel's remarks and having him painted as an anti-semite (which he obviously is on some level)? I can't see a reason why one paper did and the other didn't. Can you? |
See, the weird thing here is that it's being characterized as apologizing for the anti-Semitic remarks, but if you read the actual statment, it's a very generic apology to the deputies for "despicable behavior" and words. I'm not sure if he has apologized for the anti-semitism. It's certainly possible that hea meant it in that way, but the words there are awfully ambiguous.
Gilda |
Alcohol does two things: It enhances the asshole effect and it allows the truth to come up. That's all I'm sayin....
At least he's apologizing for his behavior. How many celebrities actually apologize the next day after they do something stupid like this?
As for the cover up? I doubt the police are concerned with his opinions as racist or contraversial as they may be. They're concerned with the laws he broke and enforcing those laws. Doesn't matter to me if it's covered up or not. |
Gilda |
Thanks for the reminder not to believe things just because I read them.
"A drunken man speaks a sober mind", or so the saying goes, I think there is a whole lot of truth to it.
But maybe the jewish controlled media wants us to read it that way, so Mel gets no sympathy or forgiveness. Cunning, eh? [/sarcasm] |
OK, I wrote this all once and cleared it out accidentally.
I hope I got it all down properly the second time. Here read the whole thing on TMZ (http://www.tmz.com/2006/07/28/gibson...ged-cover-up/). You have to see some of the stuff he said about Jews and women. Quote:
let's assume that they were not trying to protect a celebrity and they were doing what they said as TMZ reported that... Quote:
I think it is really bad the the Police, in this case, lied (held back the whole story). If we can't count on the Police to be truthful and straightforward, then who can we count on. This probably happend more than we would like to believe. I think that this is another case (good intentioned maybe) of shorsighted decisions that kill the credibility of the authorities. I am sure that the L.A. police do not need any more of these types of situations. Quote:
This is not the first time that Gibson has been accused of being an anti-semite and unfortunately it won't be the last. First it was, "His father is an anti-semite, he is not". Then it was, "no, he is just re-telling the story". And now it is "he just drank a bit too much, besides, he appologized". Quote:
There is a famous quote from the Talmud that somebody once explained to me: Quote:
This is translated as - by one's pocket, by one's cup, by one's anger. The interpretation is that there are three ways to tell the true nature of a man (person). - by one's pocket - by how a person deals with money matters - by one's cup - by how a person handles himself with alcohol - by one's anger - by how a person handles his anger |
1. Drove drunk, endangering the lives of other people 2. Resisted arrest, making the job of the officers harder and raising tension 3. Make some stupid drunken remarks including anti-semitic ones. Instead the popular opinion seems to order his actions this way: 1. Talked bad about Jews 2. Drove drunk, endangering the lives of other people 3. Blamed Jews for his woes 4. Resisted arrest, making the job of the officers harder and raising tension 5. Make some stupid drunken remarks including anti-semitic ones. 6. Did we mention his dad didn't think the holocaust happened? 7. Mel badmouthed the Jews |
That said, I don't think choosing one aspect of an issue to focus on means that others are not important or are less important. It just means that a different area has been chosen for that particular discussion. You're not going to find me arguing that the drunk driving was the worst thing he did. I think he should be spending the next month in jail rather than rehab. That just wasn't the subject of this discussion. Gilda |
This of course will be used as an excuse to destroy Mel yet oddly I bet the same people support Roman Polanski.
Hell, Mel's comments sound like anything you hear comming out of the U.N. these days anyways. |
I like drunk mel better than sobre mel. he's more entertaining.
btw, his BAC was only .12 - what a lightweight. it sure don't take much to make ol' mel go nuts. "I'm gonna fuck you" - nice. did he mean that in a sexual way? we can only assume. In the past few days 2 things already assumed by me were confirmed: Lance Bass is gay and Mel Gibson is an anti-semite. |
It was a BS, canned apology written by a publicist. BFD.
His comments got the attention over the DUI because DUI's are boring. Lots and lots of people get DUIs. I know at least 10 people who got DUIs at some point in their lives. We are always hearing about celebs, athletes, politicians, etc. getting DUIs. What we don't usually hear is one of those people making racist remarks. Another thing we don't hear about is a police department that sanitizes the arrest report so that the person's image can be kept clean. With his past history, it's blatantly obvious that he's a full-blown anti-semite. I think he probably has good self control and a good publicist so that is usually kept under wraps. A good publicist know how to do damage control. Seriously, what non-anti-Semite starts saying shit like "fucking jews" or "the Jews caused all of the wars"? It's like Tom Cruise. We all knew that he was a Scientologist and therefore a little nutty. Last year, he went and fired his publicist and replaced her with his sister (another Scientologist). All of a sudden, Tom becomes Tomcat. He goes on rants and raves and starts looking like a lunatic. Eventually, he fires his sister and replaces her with a real publicist and he's not looking so crazy anymore. USTWO, I'm *shocked* that you are trying to blame this on the liberal media. |
Mel was on thin Hollywood ice for the whole POTC thing, so this will be used to make sure he is blackballed. Mel's problem is that he is not a liberal, liberals are not held accountable in Hollywood, but you assume to much since I never mentioned the media. |
So, if I understand correctly, if Mel Gibson were liberal and made anti-Semitic comments everything would be copasetic and no one would care? Because...I'm not inclined to believe that's the case.
I'm pretty sure when you're a celebrity and you say the kind of stuff he said, you're going to get negative publicity for it. I don't think his politics (liberal vs. conservative) make very much difference. POTC put him under the spotlight on the Jew issue (I had no interest in watching it so I can neither confirm nor deny that that movie is in any way anti-Semitic). And once you've put that kind of attention on yourself, if you follow it up by getting roaring drunk and spewing epithets at police officers that are related to the same negative attention, your reputation is going to suffer. How the US feels about Israel and Jews and how the media portrays those issues aside, celebrities who make blatantly racist remarks are going to feel some heat, no matter who they are. That Gibson happened to already be in the hot seat about Jews only exacerbates how much attention people are going to pay, but I doubt there'd be much difference if the arresting office were black and he blamed poverty on a bunch of n******. |
Last fall former NASCAR champion Kurt Busch was pulled over after running a stop sign. He started berating the officer, yelling 'Don't you know who I am?? I could have your badge!', etc.etc.....Now, he's a total asshole around the NASCAR scene, so that didn't surprise me. And these reports that Gibson went off about Jews doesn't either. Bill Cosby has an old bit about his asking Richard Pryor why he did cocaine. Pryor answered that it 'enhanced certain aspects of your personality'. Cosby then replie, 'Yea, but, what if you're an asshole?' Same thing with booze....it causes tongue slippage coupled with the don'tgiveafuck syndrome. |
mel obviously has an alcohol problem.
mel really should not drink. mel drives when he is drunk. mel says stupid things when he is drunk. mel puts his agent in an awkward spot when he is drunk. personally, i hope he dries out somewhere and gets treatment to help him stay off the sauce. i dont really understand what roman polanski has to do with any of this: is this the non sequitor of the moment that the limbaugh crowd is throwing about? |
I don't CARE if Mel Gibson is anti-semetic or not, hes just an actor, I do care that the president of Iran wants to destroy Israel and has stated so publicly, or that many people in the world think Israel should just accept being bombed as a way of life and not fight back. Of all the people saying obnoxious comments about the Jews these days, Mel Gibson should be VERY low on the list of who matters. |
point is, there are poeple who get nicer the more they drink, however few there are. |
Now the drunk hijack is interesting.
For me I tend to get more of what my mood is when I get drunk. If I'm happy, I'm a happy nice drunk, if I'm pissed off I'm the pissed off mean drunk. There are times when a drink can make me more mellow, but from personal experiance I avoid drinking when I'm pissed/sad. |
Yeah, never get drunk if you're in the mood to hijack something.
Gibson's statement is for damage control.
He may go to court. 140m/h on what road? Sounds very dangerous to me. Fuk him, I say. |
I think the reason why the free metro paper printed less infomation might simply be space consideration. The free papers I've picked up in the past tend to only be pretty short and mainly focused on local issues where as larger papers can focus more on stories intended for blatant sensationalism.
I honestly fail to see the point in news agencies reporting anything thats happened with Mel Gibson besides their attempt to attract viewers. Yes, he was drunk driving. Yes, he spat out anti semitic remarks. Yes, he really should apologize. If you took Mel Gibson out and replaced him with a random person off the street, we'd never have heard a whisper. I'm sure things like this happen with disapointing regularity and we never hear about it simply because no one in the public eye is involved. I'm not condoning his behavior, just saying that it's not even real news. |
Gibson's latest appology:
http://www.cnn.com/2006/SHOWBIZ/Movi...ent/index.html |
I think you will find that Metro used an Associated Press story and that the Guardian used either one of their own writers or a stringer on the ground in LA.
A syndicated AP story is generally going to favour being the dry side. |
Now THAT'S an apology. *applause* Hope he sticks to it, and actually means it.
A much 'better' apology but what is the difference really? Words are just words. Besides, I doubt he was the one who wrote it anyways.
I personally don't care if he's a bigot or not, personal viewpoints won't keep me from watching his movies. I support everyone's right to be an ignorant bigot, as long as you aren't acting out your viewpoints on others. Sgoilear: Yes it is 'not news' but so is most of the 'news' the media corps throw at us. All that really matters is whether people want to hear about it. Back to the apology. I think its funny how people place such importance on apologies and saying the right things. People are so stupid. They are easily manipulated by statements prepared by professional writers. I guess it's a lot easier to listen to what a person says than it is to watch what they do. |
Mel Gibson is an actor.. And a good one at that in my opinion. I know a lot of anti-semites... But they aren't actors, so they don't get shit for spouting off at the mouth.
My personal opinion is thus: So what? It's not like he went out and shot a jew. Shooting off at the mouth is never a good thing, but beliefs are beliefs, and nothing is going to change how he thinks. So... Let him keep acting, and directing, and anything else he does. If he's discriminating about working with jewish people, or in any other way harming jews, then we have an issue. But as it stands, I really don't see any issue here, past driving 140 while a wee bit tipsy. |
To me, the biggest issue here is the cops attempting to cover up his behavior. I don't agree with Mel's viewpoints. I've always felt that he was a sexist and a bigot, in this case he just proves it. But, since he isn't in any way my friend or neighbor there's nothing I can do to change that. But, when an official police document was about to be changed to remove all the evidence from a public record .... THAT is wrong!
I hear he (or his publicist) came out with a more to the point apology. Nevertheless, in vino veritas. Hardly surprising from the guy who wrote and directed "How the Jews Killed Jesus", better known as "The Jesus Chainsaw Massacre", sold as "Passion of the Christ".
Hey Mel! Jesus was a Jewish liberal. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it. |
For the UN: Quote:
I can't believe this crap.
There are people here crucifying the man for a drunken (free speech) tirade, and yet they argue and say they will fight for censorship. Hypocrites! Either Gibson had the right to say what he said and should face no retribution and thus free speech OR he should be condemned for the rantings of a drunken man and thus we all need watch what we say and Heaven forbid we ever get drunk and say something we regret. As for the Sheriff cover-up, the only reason anyone cares about what happened is he is a celebrity and people like to see famous people get into trouble and have problems..... it somehow allows us to feel better.... it's why soap operas are so big. He is being investigated for drunk driving and probably will be found guilty.... NOT for what he said. I cannot believe how quick we are to want to see blood and someone's carerr and life be destroyed because they made a mistake. There is also someone above who said something to the effect ".12 what a lightweight". Alcohol affects people differently. If you have drank long enough you experience a tolerence break where your liver is pretty much fried and you get drunk on low doses. This could be a reason, another could be he had been on a bender and the alcohol was wearing off. He could have been depressed that he relapsed and he had a tirade to point fingers as to why. Who knows..... not one of us were there, not one of the fucking talking head/gossip columnists were there. Speculation, rumors and gossip are pathetic ways to try a person. |
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