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Mantus 05-10-2006 05:17 AM

Shoes going out of fashion?
I've noticing a strange trend lately: the women in my sweet city of Toronto stoped carring about what they put on their feet. :eek: It's true. The first signs appeared this winter, but I gave it up to bad weather and people not wanting to ruin their good pair. But now...spring is in the air, it's hot outside...there is no excuse.

The pristine white sneekers have been replaced with converse. Healed sandals and platforms were conquered by flip-flops and slippers. Those decent shoos still hanging on to dear life are scuffed and dirty. What is going on here?

Is it the economy? The new conservative (laught) govenment? The fact that I live in Canada? Are they waiting for summer shoe sales? Is this a new and disturbing fashion trend? The first sign of the apocalypse? Is this a side effect of Heat and Snow miser's epic battle this season?

Help me out here.

Cynthetiq 05-10-2006 05:19 AM

maybe that happens to be the trend of the season this year.

I'm not a fan of the dragon slaps (flip flops type open toe) they drag, then slap against the heel.

shesus 05-10-2006 05:25 AM

Hmm...this is disturbing to me, but I'm a shoe-aholic. :lol: I don't care if everyone gets on a flip-flop or dragon slaps (love that by the way) kick. I'll still be deciding between my 15+ heeled or platformed summer shoes before leaving the house. I know that I'm a minority though, but I've been in love with shoes forever...I think it started with my fuzzy white knee high boots at age 3. ;)

Anyway, people should be happy and shoes aren't important to some. I think that it's like anything in fashion..some people care about appearance and some people want comfort and some people want a bit of both. I wouldn't be too concerned. :)

Sultana 05-10-2006 06:37 AM


Originally Posted by Mantus
*snip* The pristine white sneekers have been replaced with converse. Healed sandals and platforms were conquered by flip-flops and slippers. Those decent shoos still hanging on to dear life are scuffed and dirty. What is going on here?

Yeeeah. Flip-flops and slippers. Slippers in public particularly disturbing me...it's just wrong.

But legion are the number of people who don't realize that footwear can make or break an impression. It doesn't have to be fancy or expensive; just clean, in good repair, and appropriate. Its *polish*: not absolutely necessary, but it tells you something.

It actually depresses me a little to see people wearing slippers in public. Control freak, much?

xepherys 05-10-2006 08:25 AM

Well, trends are trends. I mean, things like this change over time. I live in Tempe, AZ. Here, much like MANY college towns, it's not uncommon to see slippers and flip-flops in public. My wife has a good number of shoes, but for casual trips to the mall and such will wear flip-flops 10/10 times (due to comfort, heat, etc.). I wear nothing but sandals when I'm not at work (I have a good pair of black and a good pair of brown shoes for work, and boots for drill weekends with my unit). I have running shoes I wear to the gym or hiking, and I have a pair of casual black shoes for nicer outings, but sandals are on my feet almost EVERY evening. Granted in Canada it's not 99F in the evening like it is here, but still. Even when I lived in Michigan this was mostly true. It's a comfort thing. As long as I don't look WT, I'd prefer comfort to fashion.

The whole issue of worrying about fashion and trends is what has led the US to have record numbers of teenage girls with eating disorders. Is a pretty pair of shoes worth that?

SecretMethod70 05-10-2006 08:31 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Perhaps it's my general inclination towards post-modernism peeking through, but we (as a whole) choose what we place importance on. Not long ago, not wearing a tie was something that would give off a very bad impression in many settings. Now, it is far more acceptable in many of those settings to go without one. It is the same with footwear. It's up to us, as a whole, to choose whether or not we are going to form a negative opinion about someone simply because they're choosing to wear shoes that are more comfortable and/or do not contort their body frame (see below). What is happening is that more people are choosing to be comfortable more often. Don't let it deceive you though, there are still plenty of people choosing fashion over comfort, or, more accurately, redefining "comfort" based on fashion (because however used to contortion one's body may be, it is contortion nonetheless).

What it ultimately comes down to is what kind of person do you really want to be? Do you really want to be the type of person who forms an opinion of someone simply because they're wearing flip-flops or converse?

Of course, there are limits. It's one thing to choose to be comfortable, but it's a whole other thing to neglect cleanliness, and this is where I do see a significant problem. Lately, it seems that flip-flops are often worn with little concern for cleanliness. It's one thing to wear flip-flops or sandals on a nice, dry, summer day, but to wear them on a rainy day shows no concern for cleanliness and it is not uncommon in such circumstances for me to see people seemingly oblivious to the fact their feet are filthy. In fact, both onodrim and I have seen this lack of concern for cleanliness taken to the extreme and have seen people walking barefoot on dirty concrete for no particular reason, and sometimes even after a rain when it is muddy. Nonetheless, this merely means one must practice discretion when choosing footwear that provides less coverage. It says nothing of choosing to wear converse, or choosing to be a little frugal when it comes to buying a new pair of sneakers.

If you're really upset about the trend, don't worry: there are still plenty of people out there choosing to wear high-heeled, pointy-toed, "fashionable" shoes. I see it all the time. It's apparently just not the dominant "trend." But, really, can you blame people for choosing something that's a bit more comfortable?...


Originally Posted by Wikipedia
High-heeled shoes cant the foot forward and down while bending the toes up. The more that the feet are forced into this unnatural position, the more it will cause the Achilles tendon to shorten. This will cause problems when the wearer chooses lower heels, flat-soled shoes, or to walk barefoot. When the foot cants forward, a disproportionately greater amount of the wearer's weight is transferred to the ball of the foot, increasing the likelihood of damage to the underlying soft tissue which supports the foot. In many shoes, style dictates function, either compressing the toes, or forcing them together, which results in blisters, corns, hammer-toes, bunions, and many other medical conditions, most of which are permanent, and will require surgery to alleviate the pain.

The best solution to avoid these problems is to avoid heels altogether. If that's not acceptable, then the wearer should ensure they're wearing high-heels no more than half the time, and that they're spending at least a third of the time on their feet either barefoot, in supportive flat-soled shoes, or in good running/walking/cross-training shoes. Saving high heels for rare occasions is best for the overall health of the feet.

One of the most critical problems with high-heels is with the design and construction of the toebox. Improper construction here wreaks the most damage and long-term pain on the foot. Narrow toe boxes force the toes together. Several celebrities, such as Victoria Beckham, have come to the point where surgery is needed to recover from the damage caused by wearing high-heels too often. Ensuring room exists for the toes to assume a normal position and spending sufficient time out of high-heels allows the body to repair any damage caused by high-heels, thereby recovering to a sufficiently healthy point where high-heel wear remains an option, rather than a debilitating practice. Unfortunately, the most common design trend today is towards the extremely pointed toe.

Block heels do not necessarily offer more stability, and any raised heel with too large a width, such as blade and block heels, induces unhealthy side-to-side torques to the ankle every step. Heels which strike the ground too far after of the ankle over-torque the ankle forward, producing extreme stress on the ankle, and creating additional impact on the ball of the foot, both of which are highly likely to cause damage to the feet. Thus, the best design for a high-heel is one with a narrower width, where the heel is closer to the front, more solidly under the ankle, where the toe box provides room enough for the toes, and where forward movement of the foot in the shoe is kept in check by material snug across the instep, rather than by toes jamming together in the toe box. Naturally, this rules out most pumps, but boots, particularly lace-ups with a round toe box and forward heel, are surprisingly supportive.

Interestingly enough, despite the medical issues surrounding high-heel wear, a few podiatrists recommend a well-constructed low heel of no more than two inches for their patients with flat feet. It appears the moderate heel improves the angle of contact between the metatarsals and the horizontal plane, thereby more closely approximating the angle and resulting weight distribution of a normally-arched foot. The angle for high-arched feet, however, is already exaggerated, and the wear of heels by those with high arches can be particularly problematic for the metatarsal phalangeal joint.

Regardless of fashions, it's important to note that high heels do cause cumulative damage to the feet. Many report back pain and problems with spinal alignment, from the abnormal posture that high heels induce.

xepherys 05-10-2006 08:57 AM


First of all I'm curious what is "filthy" about walking barefoot on a sidewalk or wearing flip-flops in the rain? First of all, rain should keep your feet relatively CLEAN if you're wearing sandals or the like. I mean, it's water falling on your body, much like taking a shower. As for the barefoot thing, the bottoms of your feet might get a bit dirty, but it's easy enough to wash off when you get home. Do you wear shoes on the beach? Your feet will, inevitably, get a little dirty there too, even on a white sand beach. I mean, if someone is going grocery shopping, wears flip flops, walks through mud and has dirt caked all over the top and sides of their feet, then that might fly in the face of cleanliness. However, that is an extreme. I think sandals/flip-flops in the rain is just fine. I think barefoot outside on the sidewalk isn't a huge thing. I mean, you'll have to put footwear back on before entering a store. Do you have kids? Would you let them play outside barefoot? I think it's a pretty typical allowance, and THEY'LL get way more "filthy" than most adults.

Topper 05-10-2006 09:09 AM

eew.... your sidewalks must be MUCH cleaner in Arizona then the sidewalks here in Seattle, or worse in Chicago :) ... Just think about the various sticky substances, funky fluids, etc you would be walking in.

Rain itself may be relatively clean, but its the muck that splashes up off the ground that gets things filthy quick. My car can attest to that.. :(

Sultana 05-10-2006 09:10 AM

It is completely possible to care for one's appearance, not go to the lowest common denominator, have a bit of pride and polish, and not go to the extremes folks seem to enjoy pointing at.

I guess it boils down to what is appropriate, and who gets to decide that? Obviously each individual gets to decide that for themselves for the most part, and also I (and other individuals) can decide if they concur with other's choices. And what is appropriate in one situation is likely not appropriate in all situations.

You say Birkenstocks, I say Chinese Laundry, she says Jimmy Choo...let's call the whole thing off! :P

Cynthetiq 05-10-2006 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by Topper
eew.... your sidewalks must be MUCH cleaner in Arizona then the sidewalks here in Seattle, or worse in Chicago :) ... Just think about the various sticky substances, funky fluids, etc you would be walking in.

Rain itself may be relatively clean, but its the muck that splashes up off the ground that gets things filthy quick. My car can attest to that.. :(

Yep I know people who walk the streets and subways of NYC all barefoot. They aren't homeless and they have nasty black dirty feet.

I have seen on the streets of Manhattan, gum, oil, human feces, dog feces, horse feces, vomit, paint, various chemicals, food remains, human remains...

umm i don't even like to wear my shoes in my house...

xepherys 05-10-2006 10:10 AM

I'm not sure I'd go barefoot in downtown Phoenix, but around my neighborhood and the like. I guess maybe I wasn't on the same page.

settie 05-10-2006 10:46 AM

Its definitely some sort of trend that's grown in the last few years. Before, it seemed very silly to walk out of the house in sweatpants, and now they make sweatpant outfits! I suppose I'll never go with trends, because I think going out in sweatpants is silly. I mean how long does it take to put on a pair of jeans or something?! *shrugs* I just think it makes people look super lazy. And I feel the same way about shoes. I can't explain why, but I've always considered flip flops designed exclusively for the beach or poolside. So when I see people where them out in places besides those, it seems....sloppy. I'm a pretty big shoe nut too, and I think that people are looking for comfort in shoes, but think that they'll only find it in slippers and flip flops. Which isn't true, or I would wear running shoes all the time! lol. I have plenty of shoes that are comfortable, heeled sandals and the like.
*shrugs* Hopefully its a dying trend?!

SecretMethod70 05-10-2006 10:47 AM

Yeah, I should point out that I'm in Chicago so that does play a role in what I said regarding the cleanliness. I haven't seen people walking barefoot on the subway (thank god!) but the streets and sidewalks of Chicago, especially after a rain, are bad enough.

Sweetpea 05-10-2006 10:59 AM

sometimes i wear heels... but fuck, mini-skirts go cute with sandals. :)

I'm in the flipflop/sandals crowd... may the shoe gods kill me now :D


kutulu 05-10-2006 01:50 PM

Maybe people finally wised up and figured out that it's retarded to spend hundreds of dollars on shoes.

Barefoot in Phoenix? It better be in the winter, otherwise you'll get massive blisters and burns!

Gatorade Frost 05-10-2006 02:00 PM

Flip flops every month except January. Maybe.

There's a time and a place for good shoes, but a day to day basis in college is meant to be casual, and casual is what I make it. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Grasshopper Green 05-10-2006 02:07 PM

I have wide feet, as well as other foot problems, so heels are basically impossible for me to wear. In the summer, I live in sandals, but I gravitate more towards small heeled ones with some dressy beading/sequins/flowers or something, so they aren't quite a standard flip flop. Some people just can't wear heels, regardless if they are a boot in winter or an actual dressy pair of heels. The slippers though...I will never understand that.

raeanna74 05-10-2006 03:41 PM

I wear flip flops a lot during the summer to run quick trips to the store or going to the park or around the house. BUT If I'm going to the mall or gonna be shopping for an hour or more I often will tie on my good athletic shoes. If I'm going to a family picnic, social function outdoors or something I'll either wear nice sandals or athletic shoes. If I'm going to evening social functions I'll wear either nice sandals or dress shoes.

More and more I see people doing the grunge casual thing EVERYWHERE. Out with appropriateness and in with casual, 'I don't care' thing. I kindof find it offensive if, for example, I'm hosting a nice dinner or meeting a prospective daycare parent(client) and the people come in sweats, shorts, T-shirts, and sandals, or (forbid it should happen) slippers and those horrid pajama pants that I've seen. Can't a person get dressed at least.

xepherys 05-10-2006 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by kutulu
Barefoot in Phoenix? It better be in the winter, otherwise you'll get massive blisters and burns!

Uhm, no... it's hot, but the sidewalk is walkable, I mean, unless you have baby soft feet maybe. When it's 116F and sunny outside it might be a bit much, but that's not every day. :-)

TotalMILF 05-10-2006 08:44 PM

All I wear are flip-flops if I'm not working or working out. I don't really care if it's fashionable or not - it's flippin' hot here!!!

Gatorade Frost 05-10-2006 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by TotalMILF
All I wear are flip-flops if I'm not working or working out. I don't really care if it's fashionable or not - it's flippin' hot here!!!

Correction - It's "flip-floppin' hot" -Buh-Dum-Tish-


blade02 05-10-2006 09:42 PM

I dont think I've ever cared about what shoes people are wearing. Its just not on my list of important things.

Jinn 05-10-2006 10:37 PM

I've worn the same Reef flip flops since last may.. yes, I wore them through the winter.

And I'm damn proud of it.

oberon 05-10-2006 11:04 PM

I've worn the same Reebok flip flops since 1993. ;)

Rodney 05-11-2006 12:45 PM

Some of the elementary schools around here have had to ban flipflops. Too many kids were wearing them to school. You can't run safely in them for PE, and they don't protect your feet from being stepped on in the hall. Shoes do have a protective function -- it's really the main function -- and for kids in an institutional setting, they're necessary.

As for me, I nearly ruined my back walking city streets in athletic shoes without good soles or good arch support. When I switched to real shoes (Red Wings, Clarkes, Eccos), I stopped having week-long back spasm attacks two or three times a year.

Ample 05-11-2006 12:58 PM

I think its the style. My exgrilfiend has about 20 pairs of flipflops, but has plenty of money if she wanted to buy other sandals. She said that she wouldn't go out with me if I ever wore my sandals that have a strap around the front and back. I guess that is what the kids are wearing. Uhhhh I just hate seeing flipflops and blue jeans. I could never do that. I guess Im getting to damn old

maleficent 05-11-2006 02:42 PM

Occassionally when I'm out, in the grocery store, in the airport, on the street... anywhere, I'll see teenage girls wearing what appear to be pajama bottoms and big fuzzy slippers... I don't quite get it... I'm all for comfort... but... Oh I'm old...

If I could not wear shoes for the rest of my life I'd be a happy camper... Shoes make me cranky... I like nice clean white soft socks... Socks make me happy... Shoes are evil... but alas - streets are nasty dirty so I have to wear shoes outside... Sneakers are good... hushpuppies are good... (and my mocassins smell like vanilla) Heels, unless I'm trying to impress a customer... are evil...

When I worked on Wall Street - heels, even though I'd be climbing in and around server racks and under desks and floors, were part of the uniform - but only when in the office.. .You'd have to be partially insane to wear dress shoes on a city street for any length of time... you feel every pebble on the street thru thin leather soles.. and platform shoes are way too clydesdaleponyesque... :)

that woman on the street in her sneakers might actually have her real shoes in her bag...

Giant Hamburger 05-11-2006 02:59 PM

I've had my eye on these lately...
I could wear flips inside them!

CaliLivChick 05-11-2006 03:14 PM

Ooh, hammy, very stylin'!

Miss Ina 05-15-2006 09:24 PM

Flip-flops are fine for me around the pool, but if I spend more than a few hours walking in them outside on pavement and sidewalks, they hurt my feet just as much as my heels. Maybe I'm wearing crummy flip-flops.

I find a low heel (as low as just 1 inch) is more comfortable and still has the sexy, slimming effect that I love. Heels look great! I just wish they didn't hurt so much. But then I've been shopping for mine at Payless. All women know that when you buy cheap shoes, you just end up paying for them later ....

I haven't noticed such a trend towards lazy footwear in Halifax, and I really judge people on their shoes. But I haven't been getting out much lately, maybe that's all. Here I thought Toronto was the most fashionable spot in Canada (not having visited it since I was nine). Am I wrong there?

Jinn 05-19-2006 07:16 AM

Those of you who judge others by their shoes -- why? I'm not one in to judge in general, but I don't see what character-defining trait you derive from analyzing their footwear? Are they lazy if they're not wearing shoes? Poor? Slumish? What is it? I work in a corporate office where no one would be caught wearing a tie, and I wear flip flops all the time. I have a feeling one of the EVP's judges me on it, but I'm not really sure what his conclusion is.

So - whats your judgement of people wearing flip flops?

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