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Lets just say Sloe Gin makes pretty puke.
Scotch. Johnny Walker red.
I threw up cheesy white chunks, stuff that looked like a cross between feta and ricotta. Probably congealed milk given my high dairy intake. |
Oh man, I'll never forget. Aristocrat vodka. Fucking rotgut man.
I drank a half-liter in thirty minutes. 1/3 the amount that killed the winner of the World Vodka Drinking Championship that year, in the same amount of time (I shit you not). Also, I consider it noteworthy that I had only been drunk once in my life prior to that. Holy shit that was really bad. |
A member of this forum got me drunk my first and only time on Kamikaze mixed drinks. I somehow managed to not have the upchucks and wake up the next morning sans hangover. The trick for that is drinking a lot of water before bed since the cause of hangover is dehydration.
Extra Large Jungle Juice daquiri with quadruple extra shots when I was 18. I just remember sitting at the computer, chatting online with some friends, thinkin nothing was happening. Then got up to do something, and hit the floor. I was so wasted. Eventually I got sick and ended up flooding the bathroom. :P It wasn't a pretty site.
We were shotgunnin' pints - I can't remember how many jugs we ordered. Then I remember ordering rum and cokes after that but I don't remember how many I drank. My g/f saved my life that night by turning me over at the appropriate times in the bathroom. Funny thing, I've never come even close to drinking that much ever since.
red wine, and lots of it. I went to a free pre-opening party at a restaurant and drank more than my fair share of chianti.
if you mean vomit, then it was natty ice. if you just mean completly ridiculous out of control someone had to carry me drunk, then it was just coors lights actually.
Vodka, I was 13
My cousin Mike, his friend Joe and I were at my dads apartment and my dad was out, He had an almost full bottle of Vodka on the bar. My Cousin Mike told me to deikn some SO I did, he said I didnt drink any, SO I drank more this kept on happening and I wound up drinking a good third of the bottle. Him and his friend took me out walking and they found a large refridgerator box, they put me in it in the middle of Central ave in Glendale Queens. I looked out from the box and went back into the box when I saw all the cars whizzing by. it was scary as hell and my cousin and his friend Joe were laughing on the side walk, just go crazy with laughter, They got me back to my house where I threw up, They strpped off my clothes and threw me i the shower, I threw up from both ends in the shower and got out. They forced me to clean up the bath tub, I was practicly passed out by this time. but I did it, They put me into bed. Later on in the night My parents came home and I was asleep. The next morning my step monstor was taking a shower and well. I didn't clean the showrer as well as I thought becasue my step monstor wound up standing in a big puddle of shit and vomit becasue a lot of it wound up under the slip map and when the tub started filling up wiith water it floated from under the mat to around her ankles. My parents asked me what happened and I told them I had a virus. My dad didn t buy it, He sent me to school and my step monstor grounded me. It really sucked. My cousin was a total asshole to put my gullible ass into that situation. at least now we can laugh about it. |
I'm used to drinking hard liquor until I'm not able to hold the bottle anymore, so I usually don't reach the point of being sick. Last year though, my friend bought two 40oz bottles of cheap beer (black label) that tasted like horse pee. I didn't really care though, because all I wanted was to get drunk. So I drank as usual: as much as I can. Sadly, beer doesn't make you drunk as fast as hard liquor does, so before I knew, I had gobbled a full 40oz of beer by myself.
I'm not sure if I puked because my stomach was full, or because I was dead drunk, but supposedly my mouth looked like a fountain that night. (Thankfully, someone handed me a garbage can) |
I've never drunk enough to puke, but I've drunk myself pretty nauseous a few times. The first time was on the day I graduated from high school. There is a tradition of having an outdoors champagne breakfast together with your classmates to start the celebrations... I and my best friend shared a bottle of Veuve Clicquot and a box of strawberries. We drank from pink plastic mugs with cute stars and rainbows on, really classy. Anyways, I got disorientated and sweaty and felt really bad during the entire farewell lunch with the teachers. Fortunately I managed to push through and not appear too sauced in front of my parents later.
Cut to five years later in engineering college, a sunny spring afternoon in a park with a lot of good friends and a crate of Cordon Negro I stay away from the bubbly wine nowadays. |
New Year's Eve, age 16; when everything else in the parental liquor cabinet had been consumed, I drank the vermouth. Big mistake!
:confused: |
hmmm.....lets see I was 17 and my g/f and I were at her sisters house we were all spending the night because we were going cannooning the next day so well we started watching tv, and since they knew I'd never been drunk off my ass, so they tryed to get me as drunk as possible and well....they won haha,I think the one thing I remember the most drinking was After Shock, man that stuff was really good lol but I mean I remember they gave me a few shots, and then later after getting drunk when they wernt looking I took a huge ass swig of it ^^, well then prob about 10 mins after that I ended up in the bathroom XD, but I'll say that was the best night ever, even though I dont remember most of it, all I seem to remember is dancing,walking down a hall-way and plopping on the bed, and something with four fingers ;), and somehow this huge ass glass wall clock fell and no one knew who borke it hahaha...
I was 20 years old, was throwing a going away to college party for my best friend. I drank a bottle of Aftershock, I am sure the Captian had alot to do with it too... omg I was so sick. I couldn't eat for 2 days after that night!
But it was soooo worth it! :thumbsup: |
That motherfucker Jose Cuervo.
I was always very good at knowing pretty much when to stop with the tequila. I'd get the bedspins but wake up no worse for the wear in the morning. This one, night, though...I guess it was maybe junior year of college...there was a big house party going on, and my friend kept walking by with the bottle and I just HAD to keep taking it from him... I went home and thought I was okay, but was curled up on the bathroom floor for the rest of the next day. The worst thing was I was coordinating an event on campus that day, and had guilted a lot of people into participating - and they all showed up, and I didn't. Ugh. Awful. As if the sickness wasn't bad enough, the fact that I was a goddamn hypocrite just made it unbearable. |
Southern Comfort. My freshman year at a pep rally bonfire. Can't stand the stuff anymore. That was over 20 years ago.
If you want to avoid a hangover stay away from drinks with sugar such as fruit juice. I'm an ex bartender, it's sugar that soaks up water and you become dehydrated. The more sugar the more pain in the morning. |
good advice downtown! ive workd in bars for a good few years and never come across that 'un!
well....i first got blottoed when i was 12, on cider namely turbo white cider...the kind tramps drinkthat comes in a 2 or 3 litre bottle...rocket fuel for £2.99...every teenyboppers dream! i was a bit of a tearaway...i grew up in a realy nice area,but i was bored and used to catch the bus to a nasty area where parents went out overnight and kids got drunk on park benches. i was so ill one night!i stil remember the taste of rotten apples coming up...i couldnt touch cider again until i was 20.lol |
first time beer....but most embarrassing time volka
gin and some gatorade.
it was at a college party, one of my firsts to be exact. since it was in a dorm room, they didnt have much to choose from, so i decided to try gin and fruit punch gatorade. i drank soo much gin that i blacked out. the next day i'm awake with the worst stomach ache EVER! puking my whole stomach out. not only that.. my breath reeked of rubbing alcohol because gin will do that to you. all i can say is that.. i never drank that shit again! |
Corona and Budweiser on an empty stomach. Think I had 12 beers.
I have a high alcohol tolerance, so even though I had the most beers, I was acting the most sober (at least I thought so). I haven’t tried drinking corona/bud since then, so I don’t know if I could actually drink it. I think I also had A shot of rum, but I've never liked rum much, so I’d probably gag upon smelling it anyway. |
The potent combination of Speights beer and Apple Cider. Combined with a hot summers afternoon and a race across the checkerboard top of a cooler/chilly bin. Ended up on all fours in the near by mangroves for three hours and a rather dreadful night where it felt like i had alcohol instead of blood.
The tender age of 17, the beginning of my 7th form year. I was a late drinker by the standards of this country lol.
I had drunk before, but this was the first time of really drinking. My mates and I played the wonderful game "Circle of Death" - a pack of cards and a bowl in the middle, each time a king is drawn people poor some of their drink in the bowl, last king drawn drinks the bowl. We were playing with beer, mostly Export Gold (a fairly cheap but not awful lager). I lost. And i lost badly. I gave the bowl a valiant effort, but couldn't finish it off. Started to go to sleep on my friends hard wooden floor. Another friend decided i should go onto the couch, after a lot of protest, we stood up, and that was what did it. The world became a blurr and i literrally sprinted to the nearest hole i could find - his kitchen sink - and proceeded to unload the chinese i had for dinner into it. I still enjoy export, but i refuse to play circle of death. That was my first, but definitely not my worst. |
I got drunk of cheap bear in middle school and in my first year in high school. My sophomore year though. I got that drunk cant move don’t know where the fuck I am sick for the first time. We were drinking before a football game. A little too fast. I got sick. Couldn’t walked. Puked all in the parking lot, and sat in my car the whole time everyone was at the game.
First time something like that happen with hard liquor was my first year in the Navy. My squadron made a trip to Falon, Nevada. We all were going to go to this bar. At the time I was only eighteen, and thought that they wouldn’t serve me at the bar. I drank three quarters of a fifth of Absolute in 15 minutes. Fell great when we got there. The axis of the world changed real quick. When to the bathroom and did the spitting thing, and then it all came up. That is all I remember. Later found out that they were serving drinks to everyone :( |
big ol' mug of hard cider when i was about 14...
It was some kind of clear alcohol. Beyond that, I'm not sure.
Gilda |
Beer & lots of it. I drank it on an empty stomach in the college dorms during some "parents weekend" event when I was a Freshman. My parents drove for 5 hours to spend some time with me that weekend, and I spent it mostly in bed with an awful hangover. They were none too pleased.
Southern Comfort...
A friend's father owns a distributor and so my friend was infamous for providing the alcohol during my high school days.... anyway we put a bottle in the freezer for 12 hours and then thought it would be a good idea for the two of us to play "quarters" with the bottle of SoCo. About 45 minutes later the bottle was gone and about 1 1/2 later I was hugging the bowl. Good times...good times... ;) |
First time I really drank alcohol
The first time I really drank alcohol was brandy. I blacked out. I cant remember anything.
The first time I got sick from drinking was in England. I was 19 and on a tour of Europe. Feeling like an adult, I entered a pub and noticing everyone who looked cool was drinking Guiness, I ordered a bottle and took a sip. Very shortly thereafter I got really sick and it was years later that I was told that I was allergic to malt. Oh, well. I never did drink again.
Cheap beer. Cruising! A practice that (I hope) isn't popular anymore.
Ah, good times. I was 16 so not too long ago. I had just finished my GCSE exams, so i went to the beach with loads of friends and got royally pissed. I hadn't had anything to drink before for most of the day and was on a completely empty stomach. Needless to say that when I went out for a posh meal with the family later that evening I was barely conscious. My parents of course could tell, my showering fully clothed gave it away i think. I still drink beer though along with any of the other spirits I may or may not have consumed that night.
I don't drink vodka anymore (unless heavily mixed) :) |
I was a sophomore in high school, and the football team had an overnight party at one of the guys' house. His parents allowed it to be a HUGE party, and there were probably 10 kegs or more over the course of the evening. Football team, cheerleaders, other miscellaneous kids from high school all getting hammered...
Anyhow, my first time drinking, and I must have hammered down 10 beers real quick. Then I wolfed some chili, chips and a hot dog down. Not long after that, the beer hit me HARD, and I couldn't even walk. I dragged myself outside, propped myself up against a tree, and puked myself into a new frame of reference. After that, I felt much better. Even started drinking again, but much, MUCH, slower! The next day a friend of mine and I woke up early and felt like shit, so we went down to the shore of the lake and hopped in. We had no suits, so we just stripped down and got soaked for a few, then got back out. Unfortunately, the guy who lived there had a sister, and she took some Polaroids...those came back to haunt me in my senior year! Thats a different story tho. ;) |
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