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lindalove 05-01-2006 02:42 AM

What were you drinking the first time you drank too much alcohol, and got sick?
Parrot Bay was also the first drink I ever got drunk off of, so I drank it a few times. It was also the first drink I ever got really sick off of. I can't stand the smell anymore, let alone the taste of it.

I was also put off orange juice for a while when I got a really bad hangover from drinking screwdrivers all night. I can drink orange juice now, but it hasn't tasted as good as it used to ever since.

maleficent 05-01-2006 02:55 AM

I've pretty much been a beer drinker most of my life... I alternate between martinis and beer now that I'm old... but when I was in college, there are two episodes that come to mind...

I think these two episodes are why I don't like getting drunk - the after effects stayed with me

1. Carlos Rossi Burgandy Wine... cheap crap doesn't begin to describe this wine... we made sangria out of it - tasted really good going down... Didn't taste very good when it came up... and left me with a hangover that lasted 3 days...
2. Rum - 20 years later... I still get the dry heeves if I smell rum... that was the night before parents weekend -- what a way to make an impression on your roommates parents... I don't think I could move my head the entire time... I'd get dizzy and have to rest if I did...

flat5 05-01-2006 03:08 AM

I was drinking at 15. I'm 58 now. To long ago to remember first time I was drunk. It may have been from a gallon jug of Gallo wine :-)

theguyondacouch 05-01-2006 03:18 AM

cheap cheap vodka. My buddy and I split a 7 dollar liter. I can only drink vodka now if it's heavily mixed.

yabobo 05-01-2006 03:33 AM

When I was 12 I stole a bottle of mad dog 20/20 from publix in St.Petersburg
Florida . Rode my bike to the marina and guzzuled the warm grape liquid. I puked for hours and
prayed out loud to god to save me. I promised I'd never do it again if he just wouldn't let me die. Well I broke my promise many times :| (sorry god) but I've never stolen mad dog again or drank anything so cheap in the hot Florida sun :crazy: :lol: :lol: :lol:

savvypup 05-01-2006 03:34 AM

Rum .... followed by a bowl of Sultana Bran, then I proceeded to throwup onto the carpet, which happened to be the same colour as Sultana Bran .... making it very difficult in my state to find my spew to clean it up. Needless to say, I can't STAND the smell of Rum now.

Charlatan 05-01-2006 04:07 AM

Vodka and Orange Juice.

It was a Scout Camp. We drank to oblivion (still missing parts of that night).

It was my first time drinking.

I was about 14 or so.

veruca 05-01-2006 04:08 AM

Wine Coolers and Mad Dog...omg...it was awful..ahahahaa

raeanna74 05-01-2006 04:37 AM

White Zinfandel. At a bar with a friend. Got chatting with a bunch of guys who kept filling out glasses. I wasn't paying attention. Later she and I guessed that I'd had perhaps 6 glasses of it.

I'd never had much to drink at all before that. Maybe one glass here or there for the year prior - hadn't drunk any alcohol before that.

Edit: I was 27 when this happened. I had only had my first drink earlier that same year.

shoegirl 05-01-2006 04:43 AM

Just turned 18, hadn't ever really drank much. A friend brought me some cheap bottle of wine and kept filling my glass up all night. Wasn't paying attention to how much I'd had and when he went to fill the glass up the last time, he realized he'd given me the whole bottle. Combined with the little alcohol I'd had earlier that night, a whole bottle of wine is not a good idea for me. Spent the entire rest of the evening puking my guts out. Had a similar situation with vodka a year or so later - to this day, I can't drink it.

Vincentt 05-01-2006 04:56 AM

Cheap wine + sky blue + some other shit.. think some tequila was in there.

I remember being trashed and thinking "lets see what some more will do"

I threw up for hours, couldn't drink a drop of anything for at least 4 months.

I was weepy over some girl at the time, so it was a overall a horrid time.

I can drink tequila, wine and everything now with no bad effects. But there was a time when the smell of anything would give me horrid flash backs.

It happened again with a liter of vodka at a party.. I don't even know how that happened... I was drinking weak mixed drinks (vod and coke) but must of drank it all. got sick. Recovered quickly though.

And the last time, and hopefully last time, I got sick. I got into a drinking contest from a guy from Oita, Japan. He said he was strong, because they have strong sake in Oita.

We battled, with sake and wisky.

I won, but really, we all lost.
He was younger then I, and recovered next day.

I took damage, and couldn't drink for 3 months.

BadNick 05-01-2006 05:25 AM

I was in 8th grade (so over 40yrs ago), late Spring time and anticipating graduating soon, a few of us decided to get stuff to drink, a couple of the other guys had already drank before but this was my first time (except for one or two sips of beer or wine my parents might occasionally drink); the experienced guys recommended cherry flavored Slo Gin so that's what I got; only a pint but I drank it all in about an hour; got sick and puked standing next to a tree with my head leaning against the tree holding me up and the very red puke getting all over my nice tan trench coat. I still remember which tree that was and it's still there.

nukeu666 05-01-2006 05:34 AM

vodka rum and whiskey

skinnymofo 05-01-2006 05:38 AM

first time i got sick i was 14 on a new years, i only remember the last thing i drank, and that was a tequila sunrise.
Consequently, i couldnt drink oj for a year and liquor for 2, and when i did i would dry heave for the first 6 months.
My cousin whose the same age still wont drink liquor.
as for alcohols i can never touch again...Cuervo ->straight , Redrum, E &J brandy and possibly goldshlager, only had it once but i woke up on my bathroom floor sleeping on dirty clothes

Ample 05-01-2006 05:45 AM

Seventh Grade, a friend and I went to a convenient store. Paid a homeless person a couple of bucks to get us a case of Milwaukee’s Best. We went back to his place. He lived in the basement of the house. Oh I failed to mention he was the son of a preacher. We thought we were big men and chugged the beers. It was so nasty tasting, but both of us said that it tasted great. I think we drank four of them in less than an hour. I was feeling great. I didn’t want the feeling to go away so we started drinking more. I think I got halfway through my sixth one, when it hit me. The room spinning, sick stomach, the whole shebang. We both went into his bathroom and he went straight for the sink and let it all fly out. I stood by the toilet, and had a case of what I call the spits. Just kept spitting and spitting trying to keep it in, my effort was no match for “The Beast”. It all came out a few minutes later.

We gave the rest of beer away to some friends, and I don’t think I touched anymore alcohol for a few months after that.

splck 05-01-2006 05:56 AM

Even though it was over 26 years ago, Southern Comfort will never pass my lips again.

ratbastid 05-01-2006 05:57 AM

Freshman year of college.

Bottle of Bacardi Light Rum.

Hurled all over the place.

I had the presence of mind to remember what my hall councelor had said: if they find you passed out in a public place, they HAVE to call an ambulance and take you to the hospital. That was the only thing that got me off the dorm bathroom floor that night.

guthmund 05-01-2006 05:57 AM

Another one for cheap, cheap vodka. Mixed it with orange juice and peach schnapps, felt real good for a while, blackout a bit and then got real....real sick. I spent the next day at work....cursing...well, everyone. :)

I can't drink it heavily mixed. I can't even stand the smell of it. Just the hint of vodka in the air and I get all kinds of queasy.

FoolThemAll 05-01-2006 05:57 AM

Natural Light. Only the worst.

ClostGoth 05-01-2006 06:10 AM

Captain Morgan's spiced rum. Just walking past the bottle in the store still makes me nauseous.

Sultana 05-01-2006 06:12 AM

Nearly every time, it was cheap tequila. Except for the first time, which involved one of everything.

But after that last time with tequila, which was a few years ago (and that time it wasn't cheap stuff), I couldn't even *say* the word "tequila" without the taste filling my mouth and my stomach roiling.

I don't shoot tequila any more, no matter how high-end it is.

optik_nerve 05-01-2006 06:19 AM

First time I even got crunk nasty was a few years back and it was Jack Daniels, Absolut and Kaluha.... at the same time, with a few filler Heinekens.

Needless to say I was still drunk the next morning and had a wicked hangover.

Gatorade Frost 05-01-2006 06:58 AM

A few weeks ago. I think I put back 250ml of Bacardi 151 in about 3 hours and I think I puked about 6 times.

snowy 05-01-2006 06:59 AM

Malibu coconut rum. My friend and I were in Paris so we went a little crazy, bought some bottles of liquor, and went back to the hotel. We drank and smoked like fiends while watching the few British TV stations the hotel got and pay movies--including the porn. Anyways, I ended up throwing up several times, passing out, and woke up feeling generally ucky--but I still managed to get up and we walked to the Eiffel Tower and all over Paris.

Thank goodness for being 17 I guess :)

asaris 05-01-2006 07:10 AM

Cream sherry. It's our family's drink of choice, and I liked it, but a bad idea. Way too much sugar, and I definitely had to train myself to be able to drink it again.

shalafi 05-01-2006 07:22 AM

The fist time was most likely Capt. Morgans. And the 2nd time and the third and probly a few more. There was a really bad one in there after a night at Church Street Station that involved 4 Three Mile Islands (3 long island iced teas with Blue Caraco in a giant hurricane glass), various shots, and at least a few beers.

Jinn 05-01-2006 07:32 AM

It was either Tequila (tastes like turpentine, even the good stuff), McCormick's Rum ($18 for 1.5 L), or Takka vodka ($9 for a 750ml).

Meditrina 05-01-2006 08:08 AM

I am trying to remember how old I was when this happened. But I do remember I was in high school, my parents went away for the weekend and I was left alone. I had vodka with a dash of orange juice. By the end of the night, I was lying on the grass talking the mailbox (so I have been told). To this day, just the smell of orange juice makes me queazy. And lucky me, my son loves to drink it!

BigBen 05-01-2006 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by sportswidow05
I am trying to remember how old I was when this happened. But I do remember I was in high school, my parents went away for the weekend and I was left alone. ...

Yep, me too. I was 16.

My buddy and I split a case of Great Western Gold Malt Liquor. It was really tasty! We got it from the only off-sale in town that we KNEW sold beer to minors, and then we drove back to my place and started drinking.

We played penny-ante poker, and I lost about 5 bucks in pennies (seriously, I had a big bag of pennies). I then told my brother's girlfriend that she was a whore, but "... a NICE whore. Seriously." Then my brother punched me in the mouth.

Everything went black, and things got spotty. I woke up on the bathroom floor, stuck to it. My brother rolled me over on my stomach, so I wouldn't pull a Bon Scott. Like a Kipling poem, I believed that I had walked into manhood with pride, and it would take a few more years to prove otherwise. I apologized to those requiring one, I thanked my brother for saving my life, and I began a 15 year love affair with beer.

Mojo_PeiPei 05-01-2006 09:05 AM

Southern comfort on an empty stomach New Years Eve 2002. Face down in a garbage can in the middle of the party, blacked out for about half an hour around Countdown time, but being true to form I rallied and went the distance to 6am.

MageB420666 05-01-2006 09:13 AM

I'm only 21 and I already have no clue what the first drink I got REALLY drunk off of was. Its probably due to the fact that I wasn't just drinking around that time, I was also getting high. But remembering what we usually drank, it was probably cheap beer, or cheep vodka, or some mix of the two.

la petite moi 05-01-2006 09:17 AM

Six shots of Stoli vodka + me = puking for two hours. Didn't help that I had work right after that too, at 4h30 in the morning.

Also, last time I got fucked up was on beer and beer and more beer. But it didn't screw up the taste of the beer for me. Anyway, I got so drunk that I got suicidal. Choked down some pills, but nwlinkvxd made me puke them up. I was loud, depressed, and irritating all night long. Yikes.

Glory's Sun 05-01-2006 09:24 AM

age: 13

poison of choice: Crown and Vodka

Result: My first bout of alcohol poisoning

Grasshopper Green 05-01-2006 10:52 AM

The first time I got sick was on some horrible white wine (it was in a box, for god's sake), even though I didn't drink that much, AND it was my first time drinking...it wasn't enough to puke at least. I think I was 18, maybe 19. I'm not even sure it was the alcohol that got me sick because I ran a fever all night. I was hating it at work the next day, that's for sure. I hate white wine to this day, doesn't matter how good a bottle it is.

skier 05-01-2006 10:57 AM

vodka and grapefruit juice in a 1L nalgene
The mix was way too strong and I was curled around the porcelain halfway through the night

now it's my killing mix, whenever i've busted it out i've gotten into trouble. More because of my expectations and mood when I decide to do so rather than the drink itself.

Cynthetiq 05-01-2006 11:28 AM

umm... i haven't the foggiest, so I went back to the bar, started the process of elimination on the left side of the bar bottles and made my way all the way to the other end and then back again.

never did figure it out, and when whatever it was made me sick again, I just drank more of it to replace what I threw up, and just for good measure a few more to keep it down.

true story.

MSD 05-01-2006 11:37 AM

I've had 24 drinks in a night and didn't feel particularly good for the first few hours after I woke up the next day, but I've never managed to get drunk enough to throw up.

Bobaphat 05-01-2006 11:45 AM

My friend held a 21st birthday party for me at her apartment and she and her roommate had an extensive liquor cabinet and I had a variety of mixed drinks. I was already severely drunk (and probably would have been sick if I had stopped there), when I decided to take a shot of Jose Cuervo tequila with everyone at my party. About 9 shots into it, I wandered out to the 2nd floor balcany, heaved over the side rail. Laid down on the couch they had out there and passed out for the night in nothing but a pair of shorts. To this day, the smell of cheap tequila makes my stomach turn. Good times

Redlemon 05-01-2006 12:26 PM

I was a late-bloomer, my first sick wasn't until I was about 30. I was at a party, and was already planning to sleep over, so I decided to push past "tipsy" for the first time to see what was on the other side. I had rum and coke, Rumplemintz shots, and homemade mead of questionable proof and quality.

That was also the last time I went past "tipsy". I haven't had Rumplemintz again either, but that's just opportunity, not aversion.

stevie667 05-01-2006 12:28 PM

Um...once, getting completly and utterly trashed on beer at a pub, spending the next hour throwing up outside and losing my glasses...

Another time downing a bottle of tequila and decided it would be a fabulous idea to have a 6 pack of beer on top, didn't go too well either.

Now i don't drink beer, saves all the problems :)

Suave 05-01-2006 04:28 PM

I've never drank enough to get sick from something that same night, as I have a strong stomach as far as alcohol is concerned.

streak_56 05-01-2006 04:53 PM

Smirnoff Ice in Alberta


Flaming Dr.Peppars in Ohio

Sugar&Spice 05-01-2006 04:59 PM

Shots of vodka, PBR and whiskey. I don't know how much I drank, but I have never been that sick in my life. I puked constantly and was hung over for 2 days. That was three years ago and I have just now started drinking mixed drinks with a little vodka in it. Before, just the thought made me nauseous.

Rodney 05-01-2006 05:35 PM

Never got sick; I hate vomiting, and I maintain enough perspective to stop short of total shitfaced vomitousness, no matter how much trouble I have speaking.

I came closest on my 21st birthday, when my friends stood me to a seemingly endless succession of Vicious Virgins. But I spaced 'em out and kept my wits (and guts) about me. Meanwhile, my friends drank faster and two of _them_ threw up.

CaliLivChick 05-01-2006 05:42 PM

Goldschlager when I was 19... told my boyfriend at the time "I love you, I think"... that was the end of that relationship, and the first of many drunk nights to come, with the hangovers to follow them.

uppitydame 05-01-2006 06:16 PM

Pooh! Baby Duck bubbly - from the name, you can guess how nasty it might taste. A delightful orange-pink and a bouquet like dog's breath. But I was 13 and at my first party with boys around. There was "spin the bottle" and the girls all sitting around trying to look cool holding a cigarette. I was very shy & nervous and all it took was a half glass and I ran to the loo, mortified. Years later, I became comfortable around both boys and wine.

Redjake 05-01-2006 07:19 PM

Aristocrat - I can't drink clear liquor now because of it. I had around 16-17 shots worth. I threw up for HOURS. I mean we're talking a marathon of throwing up, like 4-5 hours of puking every 30 minutes. ugh.

ngdawg 05-01-2006 08:44 PM

I remember most everything-New Year's Eve at my friend's Sandy. I was 20, I think. Loved tequila sunrises (tequila, oj and grenadine) and, on a sort of dare from someone at the party, took a swig out of the pint of tequila. Found it to be rather good, so took another...and another...and finished the pint. My best friend's brother, an alcoholic extraordinaire, took me to 'get some air' and as we walked down the street, I fell flat on my face. ( he told me this, I don't remember it). Back in the house, I sat on his lap, being all stupid and kissy face until the tequila decided to make a comeback.(still can't believe I was all kissy on a guy I grew up with like a brother!!)
I spent the night on the bathroom floor of Sandy's-I do remember hearing she and her boyfriend arguing that I can't stay in there all night. Left the next morning, pink-stained shirt, still drunk, drove home.
I never drank enough to get sick ever again. And after a few false goodbyes, tequila and I no longer speak.

spectre 05-01-2006 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by MrSelfDestruct
I've had 24 drinks in a night and didn't feel particularly good for the first few hours after I woke up the next day, but I've never managed to get drunk enough to throw up.

I haven't had 24 in one night, but the same applies for me. Most people can't even tell I'm drunk (from what I've been told).

Bacchanal 05-01-2006 09:38 PM

I was about 13 or 14, had the day off from school for whatever reason. I remember it was winter because I remember falling in the snow, thinking I'd be OK, and then freezing my nuts off. As with alot of people, it was vodka, though I don't remember the brand.

I thought I was cool taking it over to some girl's house. Turns out I was quite the opposite that day. I threw up for hours at my friend's house afterwards, than came home, passed out, woke up and threw up again. My parents laughed at me.

I didn't drink again until I was 19.

tspikes51 05-01-2006 10:27 PM

Three Olives Cherry Vodka. I had 3/4's of a fifth in about 30 minutes. I threw up twice in the next 15.

healer 05-02-2006 12:43 AM

The first time I was well and truly wasted also happened to be the first time I went clubbing.

Left the house around 14:00 (it was a matinee) and hitched a ride to the club, where I got drunk on cheap sherry outside in the parking lot, and a case of beer inside. Left the club when the matinee came out at around 18:00 and threw up outside. Skip ahead to 05:00 the following morning when I eventually found my way home, stumbling up the stairs and falling into bed.

Later that night, I got the "I'm very disappointed in you" speech from my mom. :|

Glory's Sun 05-02-2006 03:11 AM


Originally Posted by Redjake
Aristocrat - I can't drink clear liquor now because of it. I had around 16-17 shots worth. I threw up for HOURS. I mean we're talking a marathon of throwing up, like 4-5 hours of puking every 30 minutes. ugh.

UUGh!! No wonder. AristoCRAP will make me puke just from the sheer shitty taste

jwoody 05-02-2006 03:20 AM

Gordon's Gin.

When I was a wee'n my best friend lived in a pub. He stole a fucking huge bottle of gin (one of the really big ones, with the upside down label) and we drank the lot through a straw.

I can vaguely remember being force fed a charcoal drink, through a tube, in the emergency room. My next memory is of waking up and seeing myself covered in charcoal and slimy spew.

That was... a long time ago and I haven't been able to drink gin since. Even the smell of it is enough to turn my stomach.

hotzot 05-02-2006 04:52 AM

peppermint schnapps, man that stuff went down so smooth. I left one hell of a mess in my Uncles's bar parking lot.

sunkssd 05-02-2006 06:28 AM

The first time I ever got sick from drinking was my freshman year in college just after midterms. I drank a fifth of vodka and some beer in my friend kirk's room. About an hour later I ran to the men's bathroom (closest women's bathroom was 2 floors down) and puked my guts out. I passed out clutching onto the toilet. My friend Kirk carried me down to my room so I didn't spend the night in the bathroom.

FallenAvatar 05-02-2006 10:35 AM

Vodka. Smirnoff. I've never liked the brand since, come to think about it I really didn't like the brand to begin with... it was just "there".

damianjames 05-02-2006 11:55 AM

I was drinking some concoction called a "Thermonuclear". Then on to tequila, then to vodka. I still can't drink tequila to this day.

Redjake 05-02-2006 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by guccilvr
UUGh!! No wonder. AristoCRAP will make me puke just from the sheer shitty taste

truer words have never been said

spindles 05-02-2006 04:29 PM

cheap fortified wine. It was what I could afford. My parents were away and I remember cleaning up a huge mess in the toilet the next morning - the stench was unbearable...

hagatha 05-03-2006 10:11 AM

hmm...thinking back I was drunk a fair bit as a teen---yikes. I guess the first time I got sick was when i was 14 on a school trip to London. I drank half a bottle of rum and ate a box of shortbread to get rid of the taste. Needless to say, I was cleaning the shortbread off the carpet the same night and the smell never left the hotel room. My roommate was rotted.
What a stupid kid I was.

Sultana 05-03-2006 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by CaliLivChick
Goldschlager when I was 19... told my boyfriend at the time "I love you, I think"... that was the end of that relationship, and the first of many drunk nights to come, with the hangovers to follow them.

Tells an eloquent and universal story, in so few words!
Well done.

serlindsipity 05-03-2006 11:46 AM

Bicardi Silver. I "thought" I knew how to mix a screw driver, but mine kept coming out a shade of piss yellow. i could never figure out why until later. Oh yea, and after that, i never ate guacomole again.

TotalMILF 05-03-2006 07:54 PM

Lots and lots of Corona Extra, and half a bottle of some purple 80-proof grapefruit flavored beverage. I was still getting sick the next night. Stupid, stupid me.

I still can't drink beer.

Lead543 05-03-2006 08:07 PM

Well it started with 2 half mickey's of bacardi then I moved onto the mudslides and that was just the pregame. Then I went to the bar and proceeded to have 2 beer and 2 smirnoff ice in about 3 hours I'd say. I threw up in my garbage can the next morning... what a way to end college.

papermachesatan 05-03-2006 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by Sultana
Nearly every time, it was cheap tequila. Except for the first time, which involved one of everything.

But after that last time with tequila, which was a few years ago (and that time it wasn't cheap stuff), I couldn't even *say* the word "tequila" without the taste filling my mouth and my stomach roiling.

I don't shoot tequila any more, no matter how high-end it is.

Yeah, tequila has been a factor when vomiting occured nearly every time for me too. I'm trying to over come my disgust for it as I used to like margaritas.

asudevil83 05-05-2006 09:25 AM

1st Time - the night before high school graduation - Bacardi and Coke. i dont know what happened. it tasted so good, that i just had to keep drinking. i probably had 6 or so of those. i ended up puking in the sink of this condo we were having a party at. it was the first time i ever woke up still drunk and hung over, and i didnt know how to remedy it. didnt drink any water all day, but instead just tried to sleep it off. so i went to graduation HUNG OVER, and had to stay up till six in the morning at this graduation party thing at the YMCA across the street from my high school.

2.) a few years later i went to a wedding with a buddy of mine. they had an open bar which was ended up being the devil in disguise. i ended up getting pretty hammered at the wedding (beer and wine), and before i left i snagged a couple of cigars. we ended up driving over to one of my friend's places where they had a bottle of Apple Puckers. i foolishly took a couple shots of that, smokes part of the cigar, and soon was hanging over her balcony PUKING my guts out.

to this day Apple Puckers is known as "apple crap", because that's what i was calling it as i was throwing up over the balcony. cant drink it, and the sight of it just turns my stomach.

ozahs 05-09-2006 10:32 AM

1st time - Beer, 15 years old, sat in a bar at Big Sky drinking pitcher after pitcher. Spent all that money to go skiing, but could not ski the next day. Got over my aversion to beer rather quickly. Never happened again on a ski trip, though.

2nd time - Galliano, 18 years old, thought Harvey Wallbangers were cool. Haven't had one since.

Kadath 05-09-2006 03:12 PM

Captain Morgan and Coke, followed by Goldschlager. Black vomit with gold flecks is bad news -- especially when you're sleeping in it. Cinnamon liquor has been off limits ever since; the smell turns my stomach.

Cujo 05-09-2006 05:09 PM

13 at my cousins wedding. My aunt got mad at me for stealing sips from her vodka and orange juice so everytime she went to the bar after that she got me one too. I had about 9 of them and ended up puking in the restroom, my grandfathers lincoln, all over my parents driveway, my bed and the eavestrough outside my bedroom window.

Sweetpea 05-09-2006 10:58 PM

i've had a lot to drink on a handful of occasions. but never enough to get sick from., i hope that trend continues. :)


Sgoilear 05-10-2006 03:52 AM

Cinnamon Aftershock. I think. Something kinda cinnamon flavored for sure. I get nauseous smelling it to this day. I was nineteen at the time and before that I had never drank.

Toaster126 05-10-2006 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by Sgoilear
Cinnamon Aftershock. I think. Something kinda cinnamon flavored for sure. I get nauseous smelling it to this day. I was nineteen at the time and before that I had never drank.

Yep, my first time drunk involved Aftershock, jello shots, and one Smirnoff Ice. I have yet to drink Aftershock after that night.

I actually wrote about the experience yesterday in my journal, if people are so inclined to read in more detail. :)

opus123 05-14-2006 10:06 PM

>>>What were you drinking the first time you drank too much alcohol, and got sick?>>>

I've never gotten sick. I saw my sister do it too often and that "cured" me from ever drinking too much. *smile*


kentucky_lady 05-14-2006 10:16 PM

pure grain alcohol, i puked all night, was hung over for 3 days................never again!

Lucarelli 05-15-2006 12:26 AM

The first time I got really drunk was a friday night at my brothers birthday party. I had five or six beers and I couldnt go to school the following monday.... pretty embarassing, isn´t it?

Suave 05-15-2006 12:28 AM

So much for that. Can't remember everything I had though.

wolf 05-15-2006 04:47 AM

Bicardi 151.... never puked so hard in my life.

Evileyez 05-16-2006 06:36 PM

I was about 16 i think and i was at a festival
I was drinkin a compilation of stuff.....first amaretto/orange juice, 3 amaretto/pineapple juice, 2 shots of tea punch
I got really messed up.....and to make things worst i hadnt eaten
not too smart huh!!!!

Option156 05-16-2006 09:44 PM

the blue tequila stuff, tarantula i think? oh god freshman year in college at halloween party, i puked for hours

Frowning Budah 05-20-2006 05:02 PM

Lets just say Sloe Gin makes pretty puke.

Nimetic 05-21-2006 04:02 AM

Scotch. Johnny Walker red.

I threw up cheesy white chunks, stuff that looked like a cross between feta and ricotta. Probably congealed milk given my high dairy intake.

crow_daw 05-22-2006 10:03 PM

Oh man, I'll never forget. Aristocrat vodka. Fucking rotgut man.

I drank a half-liter in thirty minutes. 1/3 the amount that killed the winner of the World Vodka Drinking Championship that year, in the same amount of time (I shit you not). Also, I consider it noteworthy that I had only been drunk once in my life prior to that.

Holy shit that was really bad.

Lady Sage 05-23-2006 06:50 AM

A member of this forum got me drunk my first and only time on Kamikaze mixed drinks. I somehow managed to not have the upchucks and wake up the next morning sans hangover. The trick for that is drinking a lot of water before bed since the cause of hangover is dehydration.

STLCajun 05-29-2006 06:28 AM

Extra Large Jungle Juice daquiri with quadruple extra shots when I was 18. I just remember sitting at the computer, chatting online with some friends, thinkin nothing was happening. Then got up to do something, and hit the floor. I was so wasted. Eventually I got sick and ended up flooding the bathroom. :P It wasn't a pretty site.

leftwingx 05-29-2006 07:44 AM

We were shotgunnin' pints - I can't remember how many jugs we ordered. Then I remember ordering rum and cokes after that but I don't remember how many I drank. My g/f saved my life that night by turning me over at the appropriate times in the bathroom. Funny thing, I've never come even close to drinking that much ever since.

Puddintane 05-31-2006 07:02 PM

red wine, and lots of it. I went to a free pre-opening party at a restaurant and drank more than my fair share of chianti.

legolas 05-31-2006 08:58 PM

if you mean vomit, then it was natty ice. if you just mean completly ridiculous out of control someone had to carry me drunk, then it was just coors lights actually.

Esen 06-03-2006 10:30 AM

Vodka, I was 13
My cousin Mike, his friend Joe and I were at my dads apartment and my dad was out,
He had an almost full bottle of Vodka on the bar.
My Cousin Mike told me to deikn some SO I did, he said I didnt drink any, SO I drank more this kept on happening and I wound up drinking a good third of the bottle.

Him and his friend took me out walking and they found a large refridgerator box, they put me in it in the middle of Central ave in Glendale Queens.

I looked out from the box and went back into the box when I saw all the cars whizzing by. it was scary as hell and my cousin and his friend Joe were laughing on the side walk, just go crazy with laughter,

They got me back to my house where I threw up,
They strpped off my clothes and threw me i the shower, I threw up from both ends in the shower and got out.

They forced me to clean up the bath tub, I was practicly passed out by this time. but I did it,

They put me into bed.

Later on in the night My parents came home and I was asleep.

The next morning my step monstor was taking a shower and well. I didn't clean the showrer as well as I thought becasue my step monstor wound up standing in a big puddle of shit and vomit becasue a lot of it wound up under the slip map and when the tub started filling up wiith water it floated from under the mat to around her ankles.

My parents asked me what happened and I told them I had a virus.
My dad didn t buy it, He sent me to school and my step monstor grounded me.

It really sucked.

My cousin was a total asshole to put my gullible ass into that situation.

at least now we can laugh about it.

WhiteKoopa 06-03-2006 07:31 PM

I'm used to drinking hard liquor until I'm not able to hold the bottle anymore, so I usually don't reach the point of being sick. Last year though, my friend bought two 40oz bottles of cheap beer (black label) that tasted like horse pee. I didn't really care though, because all I wanted was to get drunk. So I drank as usual: as much as I can. Sadly, beer doesn't make you drunk as fast as hard liquor does, so before I knew, I had gobbled a full 40oz of beer by myself.

I'm not sure if I puked because my stomach was full, or because I was dead drunk, but supposedly my mouth looked like a fountain that night. (Thankfully, someone handed me a garbage can)

Pip 06-04-2006 11:00 AM

I've never drunk enough to puke, but I've drunk myself pretty nauseous a few times. The first time was on the day I graduated from high school. There is a tradition of having an outdoors champagne breakfast together with your classmates to start the celebrations... I and my best friend shared a bottle of Veuve Clicquot and a box of strawberries. We drank from pink plastic mugs with cute stars and rainbows on, really classy. Anyways, I got disorientated and sweaty and felt really bad during the entire farewell lunch with the teachers. Fortunately I managed to push through and not appear too sauced in front of my parents later.
Cut to five years later in engineering college, a sunny spring afternoon in a park with a lot of good friends and a crate of Cordon Negro stolen liberated from the Admiralty. We passed the bottles around and drank straight from the bottle. Again, really classy. I had been awake and active since 4 a.m. and hadn't eaten properly the whole day and as long as you lie down you don't notice how drunk you are. I was horribly drunk. And then there was a party later in the evening and I made out with the SO of my future auditor. Brilliant.

I stay away from the bubbly wine nowadays.

Deker 06-04-2006 12:56 PM

New Year's Eve, age 16; when everything else in the parental liquor cabinet had been consumed, I drank the vermouth. Big mistake!


Rhinoman357 06-04-2006 02:21 PM

hmmm.....lets see I was 17 and my g/f and I were at her sisters house we were all spending the night because we were going cannooning the next day so well we started watching tv, and since they knew I'd never been drunk off my ass, so they tryed to get me as drunk as possible and well....they won haha,I think the one thing I remember the most drinking was After Shock, man that stuff was really good lol but I mean I remember they gave me a few shots, and then later after getting drunk when they wernt looking I took a huge ass swig of it ^^, well then prob about 10 mins after that I ended up in the bathroom XD, but I'll say that was the best night ever, even though I dont remember most of it, all I seem to remember is dancing,walking down a hall-way and plopping on the bed, and something with four fingers ;), and somehow this huge ass glass wall clock fell and no one knew who borke it hahaha...

STEPHY 06-05-2006 07:16 AM

I was 20 years old, was throwing a going away to college party for my best friend. I drank a bottle of Aftershock, I am sure the Captian had alot to do with it too... omg I was so sick. I couldn't eat for 2 days after that night!

But it was soooo worth it!

quadro2000 06-05-2006 07:46 AM

That motherfucker Jose Cuervo.

I was always very good at knowing pretty much when to stop with the tequila. I'd get the bedspins but wake up no worse for the wear in the morning. This one, night, though...I guess it was maybe junior year of college...there was a big house party going on, and my friend kept walking by with the bottle and I just HAD to keep taking it from him...

I went home and thought I was okay, but was curled up on the bathroom floor for the rest of the next day. The worst thing was I was coordinating an event on campus that day, and had guilted a lot of people into participating - and they all showed up, and I didn't. Ugh. Awful. As if the sickness wasn't bad enough, the fact that I was a goddamn hypocrite just made it unbearable.

downtown 06-05-2006 08:33 PM

Southern Comfort. My freshman year at a pep rally bonfire. Can't stand the stuff anymore. That was over 20 years ago.

If you want to avoid a hangover stay away from drinks with sugar such as fruit juice. I'm an ex bartender, it's sugar that soaks up water and you become dehydrated. The more sugar the more pain in the morning.

Sugarmouse 06-06-2006 09:22 PM

good advice downtown! ive workd in bars for a good few years and never come across that 'un!
well....i first got blottoed when i was 12, on cider namely turbo white cider...the kind tramps drinkthat comes in a 2 or 3 litre bottle...rocket fuel for £2.99...every teenyboppers dream!
i was a bit of a tearaway...i grew up in a realy nice area,but i was bored and used to catch the bus to a nasty area where parents went out overnight and kids got drunk on park benches.
i was so ill one night!i stil remember the taste of rotten apples coming up...i couldnt touch cider again until i was 20.lol

G5_Todd 06-07-2006 06:28 AM

first time beer....but most embarrassing time volka

MySexyAssJ 06-17-2006 02:28 AM

gin and some gatorade.

it was at a college party, one of my firsts to be exact. since it was in a dorm room, they didnt have much to choose from, so i decided to try gin and fruit punch gatorade. i drank soo much gin that i blacked out. the next day i'm awake with the worst stomach ache EVER! puking my whole stomach out. not only that.. my breath reeked of rubbing alcohol because gin will do that to you.

all i can say is that.. i never drank that shit again!

Jason762 06-18-2006 02:38 PM

Corona and Budweiser on an empty stomach. Think I had 12 beers.

I have a high alcohol tolerance, so even though I had the most beers, I was acting the most sober (at least I thought so).

I haven’t tried drinking corona/bud since then, so I don’t know if I could actually drink it.

I think I also had A shot of rum, but I've never liked rum much, so I’d probably gag upon smelling it anyway.

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