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Strange Famous 02-12-2006 01:31 PM

US Vice President shoots man
Jesus. Just unbelievable.


Cheney shoots man in hunt error

The US Vice-President, Dick Cheney, has accidentally shot and injured a man during a quail hunting trip in Texas.
The victim, named as Harry Whittington, was on the trip with Mr Cheney at the Armstrong Ranch when the accident happened on Saturday.

Ranch owner Katharine Armstrong said Mr Whittington, 78, had been taken to Corpus Christi Memorial Hospital where was said to be "alert and doing fine".

According to a spokeswoman, Mr Cheney spent Sunday afternoon at the hospital.

highthief 02-12-2006 01:44 PM

If it wasn't so unfunny that some poor sap got hurt by this, I'd laugh, y'know?

Elphaba 02-12-2006 01:56 PM

Cheney Shoots Donor in Hunting Accident
It seems that if Cheney didn't have bad luck, he would have no luck at all.


Details are still coming in, so I haven't posted the article at this moment.

Borla 02-12-2006 01:59 PM

From an article I read, it was merely some pellets that sprayed him from some bird shot. He didn't really "shoot" him like most people would imagine when reading the headline.

But I'm sure our media is going to take it and run, run run. :o

clavus 02-12-2006 02:12 PM

This is another sad example of the liberal, communist, anti-gun, left-wing, Castro-loving media trying to make our dear leaders look bad. I'm sure the terrorists are laughing right now because we are even discussing this. Well laugh all you want, because the heroes at FOX are reporting the truth - this guy was an Islamic insurgent.

We need to ask ourselves, why isn't our politicians aiming.

Coppertop 02-12-2006 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by Borla
From an article I read, it was merely some pellets that sprayed him from some bird shot. He didn't really "shoot" him like most people would imagine when reading the headline.

But I'm sure our media is going to take it and run, run run.

Cheney fires a shotgun, pellets from which hit another man, yet Cheney didn't really shoot him? What an interesting view. What, pray tell, did Cheney really do to him then?

Brewmaniac 02-12-2006 02:13 PM

Lock him up! LOL

I shouldn't laugh the poor guy has got to be hurting. Cheney is the joke!

Charlatan 02-12-2006 02:21 PM

I blame the Secret Service...

ubertuber 02-12-2006 02:22 PM

It's not the first time - Aaron Burr shot and killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel while Vice President under Thomas Jefferson. Burr served the rest of his time and was never tried or convicted for killing Hamilton.

What he did afterwards is almost too bizarre to recount, including trying to lead a secret army to make Texas a nation.

Charlatan 02-12-2006 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by ubertuber
What he did afterwards is almost too bizarre to recount, including trying to lead a secret army to make Texas a nation.

Maybe as Bush jr. finished Bush sr's work, Cheney is hoping to finishe the work of Aaron Burr. He has a few more years in office but that's no reason to start planing for the Texas war of seccession.

Borla 02-12-2006 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by Coppertop
Cheney fires a shotgun, pellets from which hit another man, yet Cheney didn't really shoot him? What an interesting view. What, pray tell, did Cheney really do to him then?

Have you ever fired a shotgun with birdshot in it? :confused:

Have you ever hunted?

Often when you hunt for doves or other fowl you spread out over a tract of land. Occasionally there is the possibility of pellets from another hunter hitting the area of your blind when they come back to earth or are deflected. It's akin to getting shot at long range from a BB gun. I'm just saying it's not like many uneducated, uninformed, or ignorant people would assume, that the guy got shot with a "bullet" that could've killed him. Without further detail, and knowing it was bird hunting, I'm just saying not to assume it isn't something very minor getting blown out of proportion.

If it is proven that he was 5' away from the guy and he still hit him then it's far different than if they were in blinds 100 yards apart and he got hit with pellets.

Borla 02-12-2006 02:33 PM

From an eyewitness:


Armstrong said she was watching from a car while Cheney, Whittington and another hunter got out of the vehicle to shoot at a covey of quail.

Whittington shot a bird and went to look for it in the tall grass, while Cheney and the third hunter walked to another spot and discovered a second covey.

Whittington "came up from behind the vice president and the other hunter and didn't signal them or indicate to them or announce himself," Armstrong said.

"The vice president didn't see him," she continued. "The covey flushed and the vice president picked out a bird and was following it and shot. And by god, Harry was in the line of fire and got peppered pretty good."

"It broke the skin," she said of the shotgun pellets. "It knocked him silly. But he was fine. He was talking. His eyes were open. It didn't get in his eyes or anything like that."

It seems that:
1) the "victim" was the careless one
2) it was very minor.

Psycho Dad 02-12-2006 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by Charlatan
I blame the Secret Service...

Clearly you are wrong. Bush arranged this to draw attention away from the war in Iraq.

ziadel 02-12-2006 03:24 PM

it's happened to me.

its not really a big deal, its just little lead pullets falling down on you.

about the worse thing that could happen is you getting one stuck in your eye, and I mean stuck in your eye, not shot in your eye, a bottle of saline and your fine.

Coppertop 02-12-2006 03:30 PM

Please refrain from placing any assumptions upon me. I simply pointed out that your assertion that Cheney didn't really shoot the man is blatantly false. Cheney indeed shot him, as your 3rd post even states. I never said it was intentional or serious - but thanks for the unnecessary hunting lesson. :rolleyes:

Borla 02-12-2006 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Coppertop
Please refrain from placing any assumptions upon me. I simply pointed out that your assertion that Cheney didn't really shoot the man is blatantly false. Cheney indeed shot him, as your 3rd post even states. I never said it was intentional or serious - but thanks for the unnecessary hunting lesson. :rolleyes:

I asked two questions, but made no assumptions of you. :thumbsup: You did completely leave out the balance of my sentence about how "most people would imagine when reading the headline" though. ;)

Coppertop 02-12-2006 03:37 PM

Sorta the same way you never did answer my original question, eh? :crazy:

Borla 02-12-2006 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by Coppertop
Sorta the same way you never did answer my original question, eh? :crazy:

Sorta how you skirted mine? :lol: Pot, kettle? ;)

If you actually research the actual instance, you'll see that the guy didn't practice proper safety/ettiquette while hunting, and had a few pellets hit him that didn't even make him disoriented or do more than draw a bit of blood. So I'd say it's not what Cheney did, but what the guy did. And since no REAL harm came from it, I don't see why it's an issue. *shrug*

alansmithee 02-12-2006 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by ubertuber
It's not the first time - Aaron Burr shot and killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel while Vice President under Thomas Jefferson. Burr served the rest of his time and was never tried or convicted for killing Hamilton.

What he did afterwards is almost too bizarre to recount, including trying to lead a secret army to make Texas a nation.

I could be wrong, but I always thought that after killing Hamilton, Burr actually fled the country.

Elphaba 02-12-2006 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by clavus
This is another sad example of the liberal, communist, anti-gun, left-wing, Castro-loving media trying to make our dear leaders look bad. I'm sure the terrorists are laughing right now because we are even discussing this. Well laugh all you want, because the heroes at FOX are reporting the truth - this guy was an Islamic insurgent.

We need to ask ourselves, why isn't our politicians aiming.

Actually, I'm a registered member of the Anti-Old-Farts-With-Guns lobby. If you can't tell the difference between quail and your hunting mate, time to turn in the keys to your car. Or something like that. :)

Elphaba 02-12-2006 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by clavus
We need to ask ourselves, why isn't our politicians aiming.

Clavus, it took me a moment. :lol:

Cynthetiq 02-12-2006 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by Strange Famous
Jesus. Just unbelievable.

what you don't believe that accidents can happen?

I understand from previous discussions that you don't like the idea that guns exist. People have accidents with vehicles, tools and sharp objects all the time? Should those be outlawed too?

Charlatan 02-12-2006 04:26 PM

Actually... this was all staged to show just what the Administration feels about their donors... Beholden to the money? Not on your life!

ubertuber 02-12-2006 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by Wikipedia
Burr was later charged with murder in New York and New Jersey, but was never tried in either jurisdiction. He escaped to South Carolina, where his daughter lived with her family, but soon returned to Washington, D.C. to complete his term of service as Vice President. He presided over the Samuel Chase impeachment trial with the "impartiality of an angel and the rigor of a devil." Burr's heartfelt farewell speech in March 1805 moved some of his harshest critics in the Senate to tears.


I'm with Cyn on this one - accidents happen, though this is conspicuously embarrassing if you are the VP of the US.

alansmithee 02-12-2006 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by ubertuber

I'm with Cyn on this one - accidents happen, though this is conspicuously embarrassing if you are the VP of the US.

Hmm, that's different from what I've always believed. Learn something new every day.

Rodney 02-12-2006 05:45 PM

To me, the big issue was that the guy who got shot -- who headed off on his own and didn't keep the other posted on where he was headed -- was 78.

I'm not qualified to say whether or not a 78-year-old should be hunting. I can say that most people _I_ know of that age should _not_ be roaming around in the woods where guns are going off. The most I'll say: the veep might have kept in mind that maybe 'Ol Harry couldn't handle himself like he usta. Further than that, I won't play politics in this case.

msh58 02-12-2006 06:26 PM

i'd feel worse if he shot donner or blitzen. Or Santa himself, just went ahead and blew santa away with birdshot. and liked it.

Tophat665 02-12-2006 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by Charlatan
Maybe as Bush jr. finished Bush sr's work, Cheney is hoping to finishe the work of Aaron Burr. He has a few more years in office but that's no reason to start planing for the Texas war of seccession.

War? I don't think so. Don't let the door hit you in the patootie on the way out more like.

JumpinJesus 02-12-2006 06:53 PM

Apparently, wearing bright orange safety vests while hunting just makes it easier for the other hunters to shoot you.

Rodney 02-12-2006 07:15 PM

...Besides, Cheney isn't the first member of this administration to have an unfortunate sporting accident. Bush fell off his Segway ;-).

Elphaba 02-12-2006 09:55 PM

I thought he fell off his bicycle. :)

biznatch 02-12-2006 10:49 PM

Cool thing to tell your grandchildren, 50 Cent style. "I got shot in the face.....by the Vice President!"

pan6467 02-12-2006 11:22 PM

I see so for those who do not think this is a big deal and harmless..... when you are 78 can I shoot you, like that and see how harmless and funny you think it is?

I feel sorry for Cheney and the man. I'm sure it was an accident but that is a horrendous thing to happen. Thank God, it wasn't more serious, and the man seems to be doing well.

The sad thing is the Right blow it off as nothing and the Left seem to find humor in it..... Rodney was the only one who didn't play partisanship.

pan6467 02-12-2006 11:29 PM

As for Burr and Hamilton it was a duel (which was legal at the time). They had been great friends at one time.

Here ya go to put the debate to end:

After completing his duties as Vice President in 1805, Burr entered into a conspiracy to wrest the lands west of the Mississippi River from Spain; these intrigues included the Louisiana Purchase.
link: http://www.nps.gov/jeff/LewisClark2/...onBurrDuel.htm

Suave 02-12-2006 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by clavus
This is another sad example of the liberal, communist, anti-gun, left-wing, Castro-loving media trying to make our dear leaders look bad. I'm sure the terrorists are laughing right now because we are even discussing this. Well laugh all you want, because the heroes at FOX are reporting the truth - this guy was an Islamic insurgent.

We need to ask ourselves, why isn't our politicians aiming.

Haha. Watch that you don't accidentally poke a hole in your cheek with that sharp tongue of yours.

ratbastid 02-13-2006 04:00 AM

This was Cheney's way of letting congress know what would happen to them if they got in the administration's way. Dick the Enforcer will show up at your office door, wearing bright orange, toting a shotgun.

Destrox 02-13-2006 04:07 AM


Originally Posted by Strange Famous
Jesus. Just unbelievable.

Maybe we read two different articles, but I fail to see where your comment can even remotely apply....

It was an accident, shit happens.

n0nsensical 02-13-2006 04:09 AM

I love the pictures of Cheney that have been up on the major news sites for this story.
Can you imagine this man wielding a shotgun?
:lol: :lol:

highthief 02-13-2006 04:26 AM


Originally Posted by Rodney
To me, the big issue was that the guy who got shot -- who headed off on his own and didn't keep the other posted on where he was headed -- was 78.

I'm not qualified to say whether or not a 78-year-old should be hunting. I can say that most people _I_ know of that age should _not_ be roaming around in the woods where guns are going off. The most I'll say: the veep might have kept in mind that maybe 'Ol Harry couldn't handle himself like he usta. Further than that, I won't play politics in this case.

Cheney is 65 I think. At what point should people's right to hunt or bear arms be revoked, if that's the concern?

flat5 02-13-2006 04:37 AM

Frankly, I wish Cheney was shot.

Gore Vidal wrote a book on Burr that I really enjoyed.

A hero of the American Revolution, Aaron Burr (1756-1836) served as vice president under Thomas Jefferson, took the life of Alexander Hamilton in a duel in 1804, and was later tried for treason when Jefferson accused him of plotting to make an empire of his own in the western territories.

Told partly by Aaron Burr at the end of his long life and partly by a young journalist in whom Burr confides, this brilliantly imagined memoir, based on fact, is an enormously engaging work of fiction that treats the political intrigues of the new United States as if they were today's headlines.

I have no idea how accurate it is.

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