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It's a Small World After All
Best solution? Miniature yourself.
http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kx...5yn1o1_500.jpg http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kx...7x7zo1_500.jpg Incredibly Small Origami Artworks http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kx...583xo1_500.jpg |
Allan Teger's Bodyscapes are outstandingly beautiful, and mostly NSFW. This image isn't, but hints at the possibilities:
http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/2...inghole400.jpg |
Realistic models by Matthew Albanese
thanks for the addition of a very nice little gallery, RedLemon.
If there's at least one thing that my vast Erotic Art Collection doesn't have enough of it is close-up bodyscapes, and this idea makes it all the wilder. - - - - - - - This is a another contribution I'll be relaying here, and it is from (originally featured by) The Telegraph: http://i43.tinypic.com/j9nc4g.jpg This may look like an Antarctic scene, but it is a model called 'Sugarland', made by artist Matthew Albanese out of 20 pounds of sugar, jelly and corn syrup. The crystals were grown in his studio over the course of two months -- Picture: MATTHEW ALBANESE / SOLENT http://i41.tinypic.com/2dkz4hi.jpg Some of his designs measure less then three feet in length but the effect is gained by the perspective from which the photo is taken. This scene of rolling plains of grass blown by the wind is made out of faux fur (fields), cotton wool (clouds) and sifted tile grout (mountains) http://i43.tinypic.com/2qgba.jpg This image of the Aurora Borealis was made by photographing a beam of coloured light against a black curtain to achieve the edge effect. The stars are simply strobe light through holes in cork board [Telegraph.] |
combining two themes already seen above, (Small Origami, Teger's Bodyscapes) it's another example of the tiny motions.
http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kz...5vu7o1_500.jpg by Anna Ådén |
waiting for the train by mini mum (also source of mini-meme: "terror in a tiny town") |
Pie Pops
Pie Pops | Luxirare
... I don’t want commitment. I want to be promiscuous with my food. I want to eat pie, but I don’t want a whole slice- I want to try other flavors too, but for just a little, and move onto another. If I have one slice, I may have guilt hanging over me all day. I want little pies, yes, with more pie crust than filling. 50 calories or less, no guilt. Eating pie slices makes me feel fat. Lolipop-Pies, perhaps this would work. ... http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3447/...9e04948d_o.jpg http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2498/...01a3a7e4_o.jpg http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3510/...d2e0a36e_o.jpg http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3496/...2ed9a2c5_o.jpg http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2433/...8ccd434c_o.jpg http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3503/...4ffda2e8_o.jpg http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3478/...81dbe2d6_o.jpg |
::guimp:: world's smallest website
Smaller than a small fingernail, the world's smallest website measures only 18 by 18 pixels yet is packed full of fun projects including pong, pacman, space invaders, pinball, a blog and pixel art. |
Let's see if this works:
tiny revolver |
http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kw...r6ooo1_500.jpg tiny utensils by study http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kw...c206o1_500.jpg (untitled) by mary robinson http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kz...1xygo1_500.jpg tiny ship [windowshopper.] |
Miniature Stove Trick
Jet, I just found this thread of yours even though I remember you saying you were going to do it.
I'll find more small things to contribute, but for now here are a few "small cars" I have in my photo collection: http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g2...bumpercar1.jpg http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g2...bumpercar2.jpg http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g2...bumpercar8.jpg When we were shopping for a laser cutting machine, I first saw collections of all sorts of miniature objects made with a laser cutter, like this Tiny-Rex http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g2...creenshot1.jpg |
Nick, I did try at least twice to redirect towards this thread, stating that I had, indeed, accomplished my goal of submitting it.
I have found a tiny snake ornament to feature, and it's purpose, you may ask? To furnish a woman's (or man's) pierced earlobes and make them all the more attractive (gnarly). http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kz...pwi0o1_500.jpg Temptation Snake Ear Wrap by Alchemy Gothic. |
a quick excerpt from Filipe Soares’ miniature series “Floating Dreams.” [formatmag.] |
In regards to, and in utter awe of, the master of the craft: Willard Wigan
Micro-sculptor Willard Wigan, known all around the world for his miniature sculptures that are invisible to the naked eye, launched a new exhibition of his near-inexplicably intricate works in London's Museum Street. Willard uses tiny homemade tools and paints with a hair plucked from a housefly's back and carves microscopic figures from grains of rice or sand or sugar. The sculptures, which often take months to complete, are then mounted on pin heads or needles. Pictured is a miniature sculpture of the US President Barack Obama and his family. [telegraph.] - - - a short film on his life's work and ambition: - - - and a parting gallery to view more of his painstaking, unbelievable, and huge, tiny accomplishments: http://i39.tinypic.com/2l9731z.jpg http://i41.tinypic.com/2ryhma9.jpg http://i41.tinypic.com/w9y6wh.jpg Williard Wigan recently visited Prince George's Community College to discuss his works of art, many of which fit inside the head of a sewing needle. An exhibition of his works called "Art in the Eye of a Needle: Micro-sculpture by Willard Wigan" (was) on display at the Parish Gallery in Georgetown in January of 2010. [washingtonpost.] |
Tilt-shift sumo match, courtesy of Tokyo-based artist Bitter*Girls. Shot entirely with Canon EOS 5D Mark II.
'miniscule elephant' [made gigantic through macro], courtesy of wideworldriot |
The husband and wife food photographers, who work under the name MINIMIAM (meaning MINI YUM), spend their days transforming everyday foods into whimsical, storied landscapes. http://i39.tinypic.com/19a2l1.jpg [polkadot.] |
Michael Chesko built this scale model of NYC's midtown using balsa wood and a love for detail -
http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g2...emanhattan.jpg http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g2...remidtown2.jpg http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g2...Cminiature.jpg This scale miniature of Midtown took 2000 hours to complete. As reference, he used blueprints, old photographs, digital reproductions, and satellite images. On a good day, he'd work his way through four city blocks. The entire model is 36" x 30"... a good deal smaller than most office desks. At the 1:3200 scale, the Empire State Building Chesko's favorite skyscraper) roughly reaches the dizzying height of a Campbell's Soup can. |
http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g2...-solar-car.jpg This is the world’s smallest solar powered car. The tiny solar panel powers and electric motor which turns the wheels. It measures a mere 3.3cm x 2.2cm x 1.4cm. |
Small Worlds
Sea Dave has made this wonderful, melancholic pixely game about exploring. It really is a thing of great beauty and you should totally play it. It won the cgdc6 competition, which means Sea Dave is the most awesome person on the planet. |
this thread is awesome! what a great way to waste time.
'tiny creatures placed in hand' (Part 1)
http://img717.imageshack.us/img717/4...9bb6224ef2.jpg serving up by MeLa de Gypsie http://1.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kpk...8vwlo1_500.jpg http://17.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ko...aba3o1_500.jpg http://12.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ko...ceofo1_500.jpg Baby Octopus by superchickenn123 http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kz...clizo1_500.jpg |
'tiny creatures placed in hand' (Part 2)
http://i43.tinypic.com/8xvfo7.jpg http://i43.tinypic.com/dc4uwj.jpg http://i40.tinypic.com/2yy9v8w.jpg http://i39.tinypic.com/10gjv9j.jpg http://i39.tinypic.com/i6xr2b.jpg [uncoached.] |
conspiracy article: 6 Tiny Things That Have Mind-Blowing Global Impacts | Cracked.com
From termites to rats to the those fuzzy jetstreams you see in the clear blue sky, it's the little things you don't think about that alter our planet in fascinating ways. |
miniature robot to adorn your desktop ambiance (gyrating and pulsing actions not included). [nerdapproved.] |
We're going to Shoe-Land!
The Amorous Octopus by Jethro Haynes author's comments: The Amorous Octopus’ The one that started it all. First shoe diorama, with Hudson-Powell. Made for a Vans custom exhibition but never exhibited. Mixed materials on Uk size 8 Vans slip-on shoe. (c) 2005 |
another superb example of tilt-shift miniaturism (photography)
view from Roppongi Hills by Cory.Lum | Taken on December 31, 2007 |
miniature banana
by deadborah and more mini-fruit (erasers, I think) http://img260.imageshack.us/img260/7889/68224105.jpg |
重庆 | Chongqing Bridge, on the Yangtze River & The Three Gorges of China. Photography by Yuan Ling. 2009. Chinese photographer Wang Yuan Ling takes really beautiful pictures of what is, in all honesty, a pretty drab backdrop. [hardfeelings.] |
Mixed-media artist Peter Root’s 100,000-staple-strong cityscape, “Ephemicropolis.” http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l1...5vu7o1_500.jpg Peter explains: "Stacks of staples were broken into varying sizes from full stacks about 12cm high down to single staples. These stacks were then stood up and arranged over a period of 40 hours." http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l1...5vu7o1_500.jpg [Fubiz.] + [boingboing.] + [mojix.] |
continuing from my previous post, here is the making-of: "Ephemicropolis".
The making of Ephemicropolis on Vimeo |
Picnic Table Condiment Set (on top of a real picnic table, for scale) |
another two examples of 'tiny creatures in hand'
http://img.ffffound.com/static-data/...f9412951_m.jpg Meet a deer little handful called Rupert | MailOnline - - - http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l1...yxjro1_400.jpg by Old Chum author's comments: I acquired about 80 National Geographic Magazines for free from Craigslist. I'll be scanning and adding photos here as I see fit. I will not be adding issue numbers and dates, but if you wish to know just send me a message and I'll dig it out. (I wish people would just give me their old magazines for free. I usually have to resort to pilfering them when they are not looking.) |
Ray Harryhausen Before the advent of CGI, Ray Harryhausen's pioneering use of stop-motion animation influenced filmmakers like Henry Selick, Nick Park, and, of course, Tim Burton. Taking his own inspiration from the work of Willis O'Brien (who created the stop-motion animation for the original King Kong), Harryhausen worked for some fifty years as a stop-motion animator, creating some of the most exhilarating and unimaginable sights in film history, including those in The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad, Jason and the Argonauts, and the original Clash of the Titans. [fearnet.] |
"Mummy?", by Alexandre DUBOSC author's comments: One day, I prepared a photograph containing "coloured Candies" (another that that one) when arrived by the window: "Miss"... It seemed to invite itself on my film set... Perturbatrice at the beginning it was my model the time of some stereotypes... (roughly 160 photographs...not easy : it is not static there these animals!! ) Respectful of nature, I slackened it by window 1 hour later the "young lady" who always seeks her mother besides... |
The old fashioned phone booth that was converted into the world’s smallest library
http://i49.tinypic.com/2djbhbb.jpg Last year, the town of Somerset England decided to convert this old phone booth into a tiny library. It can stock 100 books, along with a handful of movies and CDs. http://i46.tinypic.com/2d6ms20.jpg [geniustown.] |
a preview from the upcoming feature-length documentary, narrated by John Waters.
"Sometimes there's no poison like a dream."
Further proof that I am really good at finding... what is it again..? - relevance.
Evil Hamster. photo by: Tosplant (with a cameo by Ultraman-Mini) |
OMG, I love these! Where do you find them?
Knorr - Salty translated synopsis: A superb work around the expression of the main character, in that advertising brand Knorr Sidekicks. The story of a salt that has no place. Visual effects produced by the studio Axyz. All directed by David Hicks of Sons and Daughters and produced by ad agency DDB: Canada. [fubiz.] |
'creatures small in hand', cont.
tilt-shift monster-rampaging-in-cliche-Japanese-mogul-city Gigantism
食べたい、食べたい (translated as: Eat, Eat ...) ; created by pulpmojo |
Have you read the story about Lilliput? No? Then artist Slinkachu will guide you to the world of his tiny people. Slinkachu's “Little People Project” involves the remodeling and painting of miniature model train set characters. He places and leaves the tiny people on the street and takes photos. Up to now, Slinkachu has held several exhibitions with the hope of encouraging city-dwellers to be more aware of their surroundings and reflecting the loneliness and melancholy of living in a big city. - - - + bonus(es) http://i27.tinypic.com/312u4d3.jpg http://i26.tinypic.com/2ahdue0.jpg http://i30.tinypic.com/wrht1e.jpg http://i27.tinypic.com/acv86.jpg [designinspiration.] |
'creatures small in hand', cont.
Kidrobot creates some amazing toys, mainly for the sole enjoyment of kids (in adult form). [designyoutrust.] |
Looking ahead (yes, it is a pun) -- *context (kinda) |
concept creation by Slinkachu. semi-relevant context: break the watermelon! |
once more:
by slinkachu (what's that familiar tune played in the early dawn / early dusk when those flannel-wearers and in-tow bloodhounds go out for a hunt? -- Do-do-do-do-doot-do-doot-Do, do, do..?) |
stranded on tea |
It came from the green artificial lagoon |
OOIOO - UMO by Thrill Jockey Records |
Ready for takeoff ; as a part of the flickr series: Stormtroopers 365, by Stéfan Le Dû |
What're you doing, Ultraman? |
At the Playground | Reality by Martin Wallgren [Tilt-shift]
author's comments: Miniature scenes from the ocean, Gothenburg city and Strömstad all on the Swedish west coast. All edits and post processing done on a wee MacBook Pro 13". Most of the scenes with zoom and pan are output as 3K (3072 x 1728) high-res intermediate videos downsampled in iMovie by the simple Ken Burns crop tool. I shot around 10.000 RAW-images for the film but not all of them ended up in the final editing. I used a homemade rapid interval timer for some of the scenes, shooting continous up to 3 frames/sec for smooth motion. Footage stabilization and deflickering managed in VirtualDub with the Deflicker and Deshaker plugins. For the tilt-shift effect I used Alien Skin Software's plugin 'Bokeh' in Photoshop, some of the scenes were processed with their latest plugin 'Exposure 3' for filmic looks in classic Technicolor. Let me just say it took ages to develop and render thousands of high-res frames... [vimeo.] |
oh so lovely
:) |
Like I always say: "I probably have already posted this".
getting back to other small, sentient things: tiny critters
http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l6...mmkpo1_500.jpg |
I'll be dedicating the next three posts (after this one) to this very same theme-within-the-theme: "tiny critters"
http://i55.tinypic.com/5khj53.jpg 15 of the World’s Most Adorable Miniature Animals [photo-gallery ; informational/educational] {as seen above, in clockwise order: Philippine Tarsier, Bee Hummingbird, Pygmy Marmoset, Brookesia Minima Chameleon} |
tiny critters
(... continued, from above)
http://i56.tinypic.com/2lmkufr.jpg The Monte Iberia Eleuth, the smallest Frog in the (Northern) World [the creature seen on Discovery's LIFE] Another tiny creature that was only recently discovered [less than 15 years ago] is the Monte Iberia Eleuth, which was discovered on a mountain in Cuba. Specimens that measure just 8.5 millimeters have been found, putting it in the running for the title of world’s smallest frog. The current record holder, the Brazilian Gold Frog, measures about 9 millimeters. Very little is known about the Monte Iberia Eleuth other than the fact that it’s critically endangered. |
(... continuation ... ing)
http://i51.tinypic.com/2rbzcyw.jpg The Paedocypris carp is the smallest known fish in the world, found in the peat swamps of Sumatra in 2006. Adults grow only to about 7.9 millimeters. This unusual species has a rudimentary skull which leaves the brain exposed, and it feeds primarily on plankton. Scientists warn that the species is at great risk of extinction due to the destruction of Indonesian peat swamps for palm oil plantations. |
... the culmination: This is Thumbellina
http://i56.tinypic.com/2i05jdv.jpg The world’s smallest horse is just 17 inches tall, barely larger than a house cat. Born on a farm owned by a couple who breeds miniature horses, Thumbelina was tiny even compared to the rest of the couple’s horses, who typically reach about 34 inches in height when fully grown. She weights just 60 pounds and her size has been attributed to dwarfism, making her “a miniature of a miniature”. [webecoist.] |
The Ten-Seat School Bus (there's only five seats, including the driver's, but it has the capacity to seat ten persons) |
Jean Massa, of Nice, southern France points out details in his scale model of the Vatican's Sistine Chapel, which is displayed in a church in Nice. His model is 1.45m long and 0.7m high and took him about 5,000 hours to build. Picture: AP |
a small critters (sans hand) post |
Beach volleyball tilt shift, by eighthave (Dave) |
Bright Lights, Big Kitten -- Alfred Gescheidt from Henri Dauman. Cat on Manhattan. 1964. *previously [postalesporinternet.] |
reversing the concept
Photography by Rebekka Guðleifsdóttir (Iceland) author's comments: been planning to shoot this for several months, finally got around to it today. (Baking and assembling a giant slice-shaped cake was trickier than i thought it would be) Much thanks to my clever brother for making the fork, and to his lovely daughter (age 7) for being my assistant here. Edit: already, despite my caption above, i'm getting comments about the "fork looking so real!" etc, so i will repeat, because i put so much work into this, that these are all real oversized props ;) |
translated: Quote:
[pour15minutesdamour.] |
Boys Own Adventures ; as seen in Acton, London. Photo concept by Slinkachu. |
Slinkachu Fantastic Voyage, 2011 (real street art, localised in Great Britain) Continuous tone Lambda C-type print on Fuji Crystal Archive matte paper 80 x 120 cm (31 1/2 x 47 in) |
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