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Old 10-10-2007, 07:48 PM   #1 (permalink)
Playing With Fire
DaveOrion's Avatar
Location: Disaster Area
Dog Saves Family From Fire Blamed On Cat

The title of this story made me laugh, not that fires are funny, just that the cat started it & the dog saves everyone.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007
GREENVILLE, Maine - Thumper, a black Labrador retriever, is getting credit for saving a Greenville man when a fire swept through his home.

Roland Cote says his wife and their 7-year-old grandson were away when the blaze started early Sunday in a converted two-story garage. He says Thumper grabbed him by the arm to wake him, leaving just enough time for him to dial 911 before fleeing the fast-moving fire.

While the dog is the hero, a cat is the bad guy in this story.

Cote says the fire marshal investigator believes the blaze was started when Princess, the family cat, tipped over a kerosene lantern. Cote says he and his pets escaped safely, but he says Princess did get her tail singed by the flames.
Syriana...have you ever tried liquid MDMA?....Liquid MDMA? No....Arash, when you wanna do this?.....After prayer...
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Old 10-10-2007, 08:14 PM   #2 (permalink)
Confused Adult
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Location: Spokane, WA
that has a cartoony irony to it doesn't it?
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Old 10-10-2007, 08:20 PM   #3 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
Willravel's Avatar
Typical feline. And typical dog. This is why I'm a dog person.
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Old 10-11-2007, 03:48 AM   #4 (permalink)
Datalife2's Avatar
Wow. Thats why pets can be good and bad and killers and saviours. That didnt come out the way I wanted..
where's my lighter?
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Old 10-11-2007, 07:53 AM   #5 (permalink)
Playing With Fire
DaveOrion's Avatar
Location: Disaster Area
Originally Posted by willravel
Typical feline. And typical dog. This is why I'm a dog person.
I'd never lump all cats into the 'aloof' category or all dogs into the 'faithful companions' group. All the ones I've every known had their own unique personalities; I'm a big fan of both species...

In all fairness to cats....

My Cat Saved My Family’s Lives

You read about this sort of thing in Reader’s Digest or in a Chicken Soup book and you wonder: Would my pet react like that? Could my pet save my life? My cat did. She saved the lives of my girlfriend, my daughter, and myself.

Saturday morning I awoke with a lightness and nearly uncomfortable ache in my lungs. Only when I breathed deep did I notice, and I immediately associated the sensation to radical altitude changes.

Years ago I had trekked with friends from Florida to Aspen, Colorado. I ended a driving shift in flat East Colorado, and fell asleep in the back of the car. Upon waking hours later, I found that my chums had driven us farther west and higher up than Denver, the Mile High City. When my cardiovascular system accelerated to waking levels my lungs discovered that the density of the air had changed significantly. Drawing breath, extracting sufficient oxygen, was possible but… different, requiring more work. It made me vertiginous.

Since that 1991 road trip I’ve been to and through Denver and higher altitudes numerous times. Whenever the change is sudden, as it is when I fly in or sleep through the ascension in car, I experience what I’ve come to call “altitude lung.”

On Saturday morning I woke with altitude lung. I thought nothing of it. I had, late the night before, flown home from San Jose, California. I have no idea about the altitude of San Jose, although I didn’t recall experiencing altitude lung when traveling to San Jose from sea level Portland, Oregon. Still, Friday had been a long day of work, several hours traveling by car, several more flying and waiting to fly. The short, one and one half-hour air plane trip had been disproportionately uncomfortable. By the time I arrived home Friday night, I’d been on the go 16 hours, including breathing the atmosphere of two cities and the pressurized air of a 727. My older step-daughter (pseudonymously Mojo) was visiting with her grandparents, so my ten year old (pseudonymously Sassy) occupied my side of our bed. As a consequence—and because Sassy is a kicker—I slept on the couch, which tends to make me clench the muscles throughout my torso in my sleep. All these factors combined easily explained the sensation that I was breathing air of a different density than that to which my lungs were accustomed.

So, nothing there to worry about. I got up, started my day.

Before Sassy and my girlfriend came to retrieve me at the airport, two of our hamsters had passed. One, Tinker, had been making progress in fighting an infection in her cheek. Her passing was sad, but not surprising; we assumed she had succumbed to the illness. The other hamster—our last after the passing of the favorite in August—was 12-18 months old, in the twilight of her life. Although Lili’s death was surprising, it was understandable. Yet their passing in the same evening kept nibbling at the edges of my consciousness, worrying its way toward the fore like an animal gnawing a bone in search of marrow.

I continued to brood on the near simultaneous passing of the hamsters while I used coffee and a mindless video game to try to shake the lethargy from my brain Saturday morning. It was then that my cat, Chloe, saved my family’s lives.

You read about this sort of thing in Reader’s Digest or in a Chicken Soup book and you wonder: Would my pet react like that? Could my pet save my life?

Chloe, my companion of more than ten years, leapt up on my desk as she often does, but her behavior was anything but typical. She incessantly licked the back of her paws as if something there were biting her. Upon inspection, no parasite or even dirt irritated the skin there. More profoundly, Chloe sporadically panted, a quick, desperate type of pant with her tongue jutting forward between tiny teeth. It wasn’t a constant panting, just short bouts, spasmodic. She leapt about my desk, finally diving desperately across my desk to point her face down at the floor—at the floor vent, I would later realize.

Abruptly leaving the room, Chloe jumped about the kids’ bedroom—to the window, into a dresser drawer, behind the bed, and then back through them all again. She was searching for pockets of clean air, we decided later. Holding her in my arms, she was clearly agitated and seemed to be possibly hallucenating as she kept pawing at the air as if a bug were buzzing about before her.

Not knowing what was bothering my cat, the death of the hamsters rising beyond the level of strange coincidence and well into urgent concern, I rushed Chloe to the vet. We were taken in immediately, pushed ahead of a waiting room full of other pets and their companions. The veteranarian went directly to questions regarding poisoning: Could she have gotten into any medications? Any cleaning supplies recently used or left out? Could she have lapped at anti-freeze in a nearby driveway or gutter? What didn’t jive with poisoning were two facts: Her eyes exhibited normal pupilary response; most household poisons and drugs cause animal pupils to either dilate or contract, or to atleast grow sluggish in their response to light. Additionally, the hamsters, safe in their cages, could not have encountered the same poison as Chloe… unless it was airborne.

On cue, Strawberry Blonde called. A mouse was dead.

We have two young girls with a penchant for rodents. Thus we had, until this weekend, four mice and two hamsters in addition to our dog and cats.

Strawberry Blonde suspected carbon monoxide. When I repeated the words the face of the vet standing before me, his hands on my cat, grew taut with concerned recognition. All the symptoms Chloe exhibited were consistent with carbon monoxide poisoning.

In fires, it’s rarely the flames that claim lives. Nearly always the actual cause of death is smoke inhalation, specifically carbon monoxide poisoning. Carbon monoxide deprives the body and brain of oxygen, causing the brain duramatter to swell and press against the interior of the cranium. The smaller the animal, the less brain tissue to enflame and the smaller the space available to accommodate the swelling. Thus, the smaller the animal, the sooner it will die from the effects.

My thoughts immediately flew to 85 lb Sassy who had complained of a headache as I walking out the door with Chloe. I barked at Strawberry Blonde to open all windows in the house, turn on every fan, and get out—echoing what she was already doing.

The vet gave Chloe an anti-inflammatory shot and me his cell number with the instruction to call should her condition fail to improve.

On the way home, I picked up a carbon monoxide detector. The minute we put batteries in the device it began wailing and flashing its “leave the house now” message. This was approximately 40 minutes after every window of the house had been opened. Forty minutes of diffusing the atmosphere of the house and it was still poisonous… What had it been like first thing in the morning, after the heat had run all night, when I awoke with altitude lung?

The heating manifold in our furnace had gone bad, pumping not warm, safe oxygen but lethal, odorless, colorless carbon monoxide through the floor vents in every room of our home. Strawberry Blonde had turned the heater on for the first time this season on Friday morning, while I was in California. The day had warmed in late morning, and the temperature sensing heater had shut down until evening. Had Strawberry Blonde turned it on a day or two earlier, or had Friday’s afternoon weather turned cold, I might have returned home to my family dead. Had the hamsters not died and Chloe not been so insistent in her troubling behavior, it would have been Mojo returning home to find her mother, sister, and me dead. That thought more than anything chills me.

As sad as we are at the passing of our pets, we are just as grateful that, in their deaths, our lives were saved. Ultimately, it was Chloe, my faithful cat, who told us in body language that something was wrong with the air. Her intelligence is astounding, and, if I were not still reeling from the gravity of what might have been, I would likely be more impressed and proud of Chloe’s intelligence and determination. While the death of the two hamsters bothered me both emotionally and intellectually, and we would have noticed the passing of the mice, we might not have made the connection in time to save ourselves. We might have considered a disease passing between the rodents, or a localized airborne killer. Even a sickness in the cats would not necessarily have informed us of the cause.

Chloe’s pantomime, racing between all but completely enclosed areas low to the floor and behind large furniture, jumping to the window, and pointing her head emphatically toward the floor vent, is what, after some time to interpret, told the story. Even her desperate panting was an urgent game of charades. Each time she did it was for so short a duration that the purpose was obviously not to cool her down or bring in fresh air.

Chloe has completely recovered, returning to her normal behaviors. Sassy’s headache dissipated shortly after she was moved outside and then to her father’s house for the day. Neither Strawberry Blonde nor I continue to exhibit any symptoms of exposure to the toxic gas. And, three mice and our other animals all seem to be doing well, following their normal routines of running, jumping, stalking, or barking.
Syriana...have you ever tried liquid MDMA?....Liquid MDMA? No....Arash, when you wanna do this?.....After prayer...
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Old 10-11-2007, 08:33 AM   #6 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
Willravel's Avatar
The cat in the above story was just asphyxiated.

The dog in the OP grabbed the arm of the human to wake them because of the fire.

Nuff said. Cats are the debil.
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Old 10-11-2007, 09:29 AM   #7 (permalink)
Playing With Fire
DaveOrion's Avatar
Location: Disaster Area
Originally Posted by willravel
The cat in the above story was just asphyxiated.

The dog in the OP grabbed the arm of the human to wake them because of the fire.

Nuff said. Cats are the debil.
Now will, the cat did more than just asphyxiate. If it wasn't for the cats actions the whole family could have easily died from carbon monoxide poisoning.

A few more....
Smudge the wonder cat saves lives
Posted on May 15, 2006 9:04:00 AM

One often reads about dogs saving their people from a fire, but credit is seldom given to cats. In Orkney, Scotland recently, Smudge a 5-year-old tom cat, raised the alarm when a neighbor's house caught fire. The timely warning allowed Willie Garriock, Smudge's owner, to pull neighbor John Drever to safety. "Smudge kept pushing at the back door in the kitchen, insistent that I let him out," Garriock said. "When I did I could hear a smoke alarm ringing nearby and Smudge went off in the direction of the noise." He followed the cat to Drever's door, where black smoke was billowing out. Garriock hauled the pensioner from the foot of his stairs to safety before the fire brigade put out the blaze. It was the second time in two weeks that Smudge has come to the rescue. The wonder cat kept going to a nearby house after an elderly lady had fallen and injured herself. She was later found by police. "I am sure everyone in the street feels a lot safer with Smudge watching out for them," Garriock said.

Cat Saves Nine Lives, Plus One
At 4:00 a.m. Mona slept soundly while her apartment building was engulfed in smoke and burning down around her. Mona did not hear the fire alarm and only woke up when she heard her four-year-old cat, Beau, hurling her body against the closed bedroom door.

Still groggy, Mona could not imagine why Beau was doing this in the middle of the night, especially as this was behavior that she had never seen before. Immediately she got up to see what the fuss was all about. She opened her bedroom door to find that her apartment was overcome with such thick, heavy smoke that she could not even see the end of her hallway. Mona and Beau had no choice but to run out onto their second-floor balcony, as there was no other escape route. They waited in terror, crying for help until the Fire Department rescued them both and took them to safety. Mona credits Beau with saving her life.
Syriana...have you ever tried liquid MDMA?....Liquid MDMA? No....Arash, when you wanna do this?.....After prayer...
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Old 10-11-2007, 10:07 AM   #8 (permalink)
I Confess a Shiver
Plan9's Avatar
Stop trash talkin' the pussy.

I like cats. They crap in a box.
Whatever you can carry.

"You should not drink... and bake."
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Old 10-11-2007, 10:52 AM   #9 (permalink)
Master Thief. Master Criminal. Masturbator.
Location: Windiwana
my dog would have sat there and watched us burn.
First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the communists and I did not speak out because I was not a communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for me And there was no one left to speak out for me.
-Pastor Martin Niemoller
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Old 10-11-2007, 11:11 AM   #10 (permalink)
ktspktsp's Avatar
Location: Reykjavik, Iceland
Whatever. Pro-canine propaganda! That cat was framed, I tell you!

Plus what Crompsin said.
Originally Posted by Crompsin
I like cats. They crap in a box.
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blamed, cat, dog, family, fire, saves

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