Websense is your friend.
Our school has it and it works but everyone hates it.
By the way, it is an internet filtering system and a damn fine one that blocks sites by "Categories." So you could block the "Sex" "Nudity" to take off the porn.
I am not sure how they do it, but on our laptops on our school accounts we are disabled from opening Windows Media Player or AOL Instant Messenger, so you could do that, but instead block access to "My Computer" or any "Settings" bars to prevent people from fucking up the computers.
Atmosphere Atmosphere Atmosphere.
As said above, hi-tech looking is the way to go and do sell coffee/soda. I like to drink soda while on the computer so I bet others do as well and some people will want the caffeine so coffee/coffee drinks are the way to go.
Brian Griffin: Ah, if my memory serves me, this is the physics department.
Chris Griffin: That would explain all the gravity.