i started a thread in nonsense kinda on a whim, pretty much the same as this.
about 2 minutes later i decided it was really more of a general discussion topic.
so, i've just followed up on my nonsense thread & being the lazy soul that i am, i'm gonna just post my same reply right here cuz overall (w/an exception or 2), it applies here just as well.
<i>awww hooray!
yknow, in the middle of my slumber last night i awoke to go tinkle (pee for the peeps who aren't familiar with the cutesy term for urinate) & i thought to myself, "yknow, that was a pretty dumb thread (actually 2) that you started, ms. bern... i mean the people who regularily post in nonsense & general are gonna post, but the people who hang &/or just lurk soley in the pornish forums will never see your post(s), let alone ever reply."
for the record, i didn't even know about the pornish forums on this board when i signed up. it's not like i'm a prude or offended by porn, it just really doesn't interest me much. a beautiful body displayed in an artistic fashion, i can appreciate that.
i'm just happy i did wind up here & am gradually getting to know you bunch of fun, creative, interesting wonderful people.</i>