Originally posted by balderdash111
On point 3: what charred engine? what eyewitnesses?
Alright, at the risk of feeding conspiracy theories, (they're fun, but...come on) I know a little about Flight 93.
I grew up less than 12 miles from the crash site. There were several eyewitnesses. Some say that they saw the USAF fighters...others did not. I personally know one of the witnesses(I went to high school with him), and while he didn't "
see" the jets, there's no question in his mind, that he
heard them. He is also very adament on the point that he heard
two very seperate, and very distinct explosions.
I don't know about the charred engine, but one iregularity stands. The debris field was far to wide, at the point of "impact", and fanned out in a "V", suggesting that the plane exploded
before it ever hit the ground. This meshes with my friends hearing
two explosions.
And, with that, I will now remove my tin foil hat, as I don't hold to conspiracy theories. My opinion is that if the government took out Flight 93, they may have felt that the public would better be able to accept that the passengers overtook the terrorists, than knowing that the military took it out.