ockam's razor: If it takes over a year to remove debris from a site, what are the chances that the exact info you need will turn up two days into the search?
ockam's razor: If there is no forensic evidence to link debris back to a bomb, how can one positively identify the debris as belonging to terrorists? All the debris from the plane and from the tower would be EXACTLY the same, and nobody would be able to tell which passport came from bad guys and which one from a good guy. Remember, the last major terrorist incident in the US was carried out by white guys (Oklahoma city). The unabomber was a white guy. The guys at ruby ridge were white. There are plenty of white militants in this country who could have carried out the attack.
Ockam's Razor: why the hell would a terrorist pack a bag and check it in for a suicide trip? Why would he put anything personal in the bag - a bag that's just going to be destroyed? The government would have us believe that these guys were highly trained professionals, so why would they fuck up like that?
You can make up lots of hypotheticals to answer those, but there is a simpler answer: Somebody made up all the evidence and the guys blamed for the attack weren't the guys who did it. Also, remember that Bush never allowed the public to see the incontrovertible evidence that linked Al-quaeda to the attacks - and we've STILL not seen that evidence.
Simple answer: The shit linking the 19 hijackers to the attacks was made up.
Also, crackprogram - there's lots and lots of shit that past presidents have done that we'll never ever find out about. Nixon's tapes, the iran-contra affair, cuban missle crisis. Shit, I bet there are sealed records somewhere from the war of 1812 that we'll never see because of national security reasons. Also, I'm pretty sure Bush has passed some exectutive orders to make it EVEN harder to access presidential records after the president has left office. The public has never been able to access anything to do with national security, and soon we won't be able to access much at all.
Last edited by iman; 02-28-2004 at 09:05 PM..