Terrorists are termites. Anyone that have lived in a place with termites knows how they are handled.
1) You find one and you kill it and pray that it was the only one.
2) You find a small colony and you use carpet spraying and smart chemicals and hope that will end the problem.
3) You find they are attempting total takeover. You completely tent the place and nuke it with all the chemicals at hand.
4) You find that they have survived all previous measures and you burn the building down and make a parking lot of it.
Originally posted by Strange Famous
I dont personally have access to information on the socio-economic situation of a specific group of suicide bombers, but I think I can safetly say that they generally come from the poorest and most hopeless sections of the world.
Nothing that I have read supports the poor claim. Not that it matters. Am I supposed to "feel" for them because they are poor? They didn't hijack those planes for a sandwich or a place to spend the night. That dog won't hunt.