Originally posted by moonstrucksoul
maybe your anxiety about not being on an amphetamine, or maybe you were on one and your 'pothead' friends weren't. which would make them annoying. Both drugs have adverse effects and create habits in people that others find annoying, especially sober, non-users.
Well, I havnt done any amphetimines in over a year.. I only dabble in the powerful (and legal) tryptamines (DMT,DPT,Salvia) for the most part these days. Even in my days of heavy drug use, Ive always been one to take it as a sign not to do any drugs for the evening if they are to o hard to find. I guess the scenario in this thread can be applied to just ab out any drug really.. just seems to happen with weed more than the other drugs. I guess I just cant understand the people who simply cant figure out how to enjoy themselves without getting fucked up. Its like.. JUST LET IT GO!