This thread is laughable (in my opinion).
An awful lot of this "evidence" can be readily explained.
Plus, people seem to be making up facts to fit a theory. Jet fuel not doesn't burn hot enough to melt steel? You have some data to back that up? Did you account for the tons of plastic and other flammable materials in the building adding to the heat?
How did passports survive the fire when bodies were burned beyond recognition? Did you consider the fact that significant airplane debris was thrown clear of the building, while people who worked there were stuck in the flames for over an hour?
Look, folks, there have been multiple, massive reports on 9-11, by government and non-government sources (engineers and architects have been studying why the buildings collapsed, for example, while the government has been studying why intelligence didn't pick up the attack earlier). If there were flaws in the analysis, these would have been caught by far more credible sources than those who spout the conspiracy nonsense.
And, to cut off the old stand-by that the mainstream media doesn't report the story b/c it's controlled by the corporations (GE, etc) that benefit from the resulting increased defense spending, I say this: balderdash! Do you really think that some editor is suppressing stories like this? And even if he/she were, do you really think that a journalist who had evidence of the conspiracy would say "oh well, my editor won't let me publish. I guess the truth will remain hidden"?
Ockham's (sp?) razor, people. Use it.
And MySelfDestruct - can you point to documentation of any of the facts you cite in points 2-5?
on point 2: what information do you have that indicates the president's reported locations do not match the observed facts?
On point 3: what charred engine? what eyewitnesses?
on point 4: what mystery object?
on point 5: what warnings? what direct evidence? faced with reports that terrorists might use planes (among myriad other reports and threats, I might add), what do you suggest the government should have done? Shut down air traffic for the indefinite future?