Originally posted by Boo
Really now. What would a person involved with as many deaths as he is reputed to be deserve? What if the proof is totally positive? Undisputed? What if he...CONFESSES?
Between the "October Surprise" comments and the "torture" comments, I think we need a Tilted Political Paranoia Conspriacy forum.
Bin Laden might just figure that he can still win some hearts by staying alive. Funny how a M-16 in your nose can change your entire thought process in a flash.
We may get huge attacks of retaliation still. I just hope that the people responsible know and understand that America is sick and fucking tired of dealing with them. Let their familys of the terrorists know that America is an Eagle with 10 mega-ton talons.
Would we as Americans ever get mad enough to get mean, REAL MEAN because of terrorist acts? Mean enough to put the Geneva Convention on "hold" and completely obliterate the enemy.
Understand that American War Doctrine is changing based oon the actions and reactions of the enemy.
You need to understand one thing about people like Bin Laden... they are not afraid to die, they want to die in their holy war - their mentality seems almost close to the European crusadors of the middle ages - their language is frighteningly similar even.
And one other thing, vengence can never be sated by violence... if they strike, and you strike back, and they strike, and you retaliate... there is no end, only the death of many innocents, the only end is peace, of the end of men.