I've been blessed with the world's WORST hair!!!
If I don't spend quite a bit of time on it every morning, its doomed to look like shit for the rest of the day. It's kind of naturally curly in the weirdest spots, and it can also be very frizzy. I had a really bad experience one time at a salon, and lets just say that they fried the shit out of my hair and I had a burnt/bleeding head from all of the bleach that they felt they had to put on...
So my hair is starting to grow back...but I swear that its just been growing out of my head, damaged already!
But in the mornings, I usually have to blow dry it, then use this smoothing dyer thing, then I put some product on it to calm it down. Followed by a curling iron (if necessary). If I feel lazy I skip to curling iron part and just put it up in a clip, which usually happens at some point during the day anyways...