Originally posted by arch13
Dreamweaver MX is fully xml and xhtml compliant, as well as producing correct formate css and layers. It even converts tables to layers to help rid the web of them faster. It uses the stong and em tags instead of the B and I tags, which is helping with faster transition.
It's highly useful in a graphic design environment and holds strong charcteristics that have contributed to it's popularity. it probably the only mass use html code programs that currently meets standards.
I know where you guys are coming from, but theres a slight air of the old *nix attitude of "It's not good unless coded by hand or run from a command line". I hope that such attitudes are disappearing.
I did not know that. To be honest, I havent used anything other than a text editor in 5 years. It certainly is good to hear that though--its about time the people making those editors figured that out.
Originally posted by Mr Mephisto
Yeah, I'm quite sure you could code a graphics rich, visually pleasing web page entirely in notebook...

Mr Mephisto
Sure you can. Image tags and CSS. Works pretty well, Ive been doing it for quite a while
Originally posted by digby
Graphics? There are graphics on the web? I've never got lynx to show any graphics...
Yeah, I have that problem too
Originally posted by ToolBag
Ok, well I am a first time web deisigner and wanted to make a good page looking page, pop ups and cool graphical features, I also wanted to do this in a short time. I checked out the code that Dreamweaver produced in HTML. That would have taken me months to learn, even longer to write......ok, maybe not that long to write but still a long damn time. I used Frontpage and then shit on it. I just recieved the Macromedia Studio and love everything about it!
Like I said, anything but Frontpage. It is good that you looked at the code. Get in the habit of doing that so you know what is going on behind the scenes--it will make you better at making webpages. The code isnt as hard as it looks either