Originally posted by Ustwo
Well I don't think we did either, BUT if we did and it was somewhat secret I would not tell the world. I would 'extract' any information I could about leaders, networks, cells etc, while they still didn't know Osama was captured. Taking down Osama will be a moral victory but won't kill the organization. Taking down all the top leaders would.
I dont know, as long as their are ideals for which people are prepared to die and all that...
The way to end this conflict, which is fast looking like a holy war, to me is peace and understanding, not a crushing measure of violence from one side of the other. Bin Laden himself said "kill me if you will, buy you cannot kill the idea's I stand for, and when I die 100 Usama's are born" or something like that. If Al Qieda is destroyed, it wont stop the fact that the world is full of people who are impoverished, miserable, and who hate the West, especially Israel, America and the UK. Every bomb in Iraq or Afghanistan, every indignity forced on Hussain or any other leaders of the "enemy" which are caught doesnt quell the will to fight, it enrages it.
You cannot make peace with war - not in a conflict like this, because this is not the war of the master class - who force the working classes of their nations to fight; this is a war of hearts and minds.
And, I agree with filterton, Bin Laden probably will not be taken alive - he's probably had plastic sugery and living in the last place anyone would look by now anyway.