2. Muhammed is Islam's last prophet. In christian the term of "prophet" has evolved with time. For all intents and purposes most saints and all the pope's are prophets because they speak for God and he speaks through them. Its mostly a matter of context, it has skewed the definition.
But god gave man free will, its up to them to accept him. That also ties in with your question of hell. i was always told in the end it is not God who rejects us, but us who reject God. He can only show you the door, whether or not you want to open it and go through is up to you.
3. God reveals himself to people differently. Or on the flop people come to find God or whatever through different means.
4. fair question. All I can really say is don't necessarily believe everything you are told. Fear was a good way of keeping people in check. The Fundmental message of any God I would hope would just be the best person you can be. I think Hell is also a comfort mechanism people hold, its so assfucks like Hitler will get theirs and not be entitled to the same paradise as we are.
5. Its mostly a matter of politics and establishment. There is proof that everyone existed for all intents and purposes from the bible. The Quran is different then the bible but historically it is extremely well established that Muhammed existed.
6. The Early church was "the way". "The way" evolved in the Catholic church. All catholic means in universal. As politics and ideals became more prevelant you had "schisms" (thats the word right?) in the church. That led to the establishment of what I refer to as the Cafeterian Catholics, they are fundamentally the same only they pick and choose what they like. Basically if you believe in Jesus your Christian, bottomline.
7. Not so much from a deist perspective, but God does not interfer much with human existence.
To win a war you must serve no master but your ambition.