Originally posted by hannukah harry
this is one of the main reasons i finally decided to stop being an apathetic youth and registered to vote.
right on! it is all about voting. pass it on, brother. pass it on. a lot of blood has been spilled so we can vote.
real time with bill mahr tonight was brilliant on the gay marriage issue. if you don't get hbo, it's worth it for that one program.
laws like this come up in election years to suck up to small minded people, but small minded people vote because they like to push other people around and they tend to form packs out of some kind of insecurity. if they get through, they always get knocked down later.
look at how fast the dominoes are falling, they will never get three quarters of the states to ratify, even if it could get through the house and senate.
meanwhile, what we really need is an amendment to protect personal privacy. i don't think the founding fathers could have even dreamed of cel phone taps and dna sampling when they were just trying to stop search and seisure. the best way to shut down spying on americans is an ammendment. it's personally based, not for the "collective" so i would expect that real conservatives would have to support it, or go against the fundamental plank of their belief structure. liberals would go for it in heart beat, but middle roaders and brain washed facists who like giving their tax dollars to halliburton would be against it.