Well, I went on a few dates in high school, but never anything steady. I was (and am) on the short side, and I was commuting from outside of the area, and I was kinda shy, and that wasn't a good combination. I'm not unattractive, anti-social, smelly, etc. But I just didn't take much initiative and seemed to lack for guidance, and perhaps confidence. So I didn't even make out with a girl until I went to college. From that point on, things got much, much easier. Believe me, not everyone is getting it on at your age.
If you want to increase your chances, I recommend joining school-oriented clubs that cater to both sexes; maybe starting an exercise regimen (which will increase your general energy level as well as keep you in shape), hanging out at the hang outs, and meeting people. Commonly, your best chance is being introduced to a mutual friend at a private party.
Don't look for someone to love your first time out. Look for someone who just wants to have fun with you