Never had a relationship
Perhaps this is the wrong forum to ask this, but just put on a little sad music (band or singer of your choice) and bear with me here.
I see all these people talking about threesoms, cheating and exes and I wonder, am I alone?
I want to know of others who browse TFP have never had a relationship before. Please post your story, or if it took you a long time to get a relationship, please post your story too. Especially what happened when you got in your first relationship and how you got in it.
Anyway, my personal story is that I am 19 years old Dutch college student without even a single experiance with a girl. Not even an innocent childhood girlfriend.
No kiss. A lot of crushes (8 serious crushes as far as I can remember), all of them ended up in me being turned down or finding out the girl was taken or the girl just didn't want me.
I don't blame them though... I am a total wussy when it comes to women.
I am certainly not unattractive (if hotornot is any indicator my last pic was a 9, my current one is an 8) it's just that due to my past failures I have become so cautious about relationships that I actually backpaddle as soon as I even meet a girl that is interested in me.
And right now I have this impossible crush on an American girl that, for some odd reason seems to love me back. And though it may be nice having someone actually love me, I kinda would like to actually have some physical contact with an actual girl. And the thought of the Inet girl is just one more thing that's keeping me from having an actual relationship.
Also, sometimes it just seems to be more trouble than is worth, I mean, I see all these people around me fight and break up and go through hell all for a few fleeting moments of some neurochemical...
Gawd I wish I would just stop wasting such a perfectly good human body sometimes.
The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree, is by accident. That's where we come in; we're computer professionals. We cause accidents.
- Nathaniel Borenstein