Originally posted by brianna
yeah too bad she looks about 45.
...but she's built like she's 11. (okay, okay...i shouldn't be a hater; she just doesn't do it for me)
Thank god the OC brought me back from my long draught of teen-television after the literal and figurative demise of Dawson's Creek and 90210. My wife may never let me off the hook for DC and the OC.
The OC is much like a combination of 90210 and Three's Company.. beautiful people are involved, and there's always some sort of misunderstanding.
Originally posted by illesturban
And wtf happened to Luke? He's a major fruitcake now. Ever since his dad was found out to be gay, he's become a huge nerd. They need to re-work luke and ryan into their old characters. And Seth is confused. It's all about ANNA! She's the right one! Summer is FOINE as hell but she ain't nothing but a booty call; Anna is more girlfriend material. Next week's episode looks good when she is about to leave for Pittsburg and he tries to stop her. He needs to make up his mind! AHHHHHHHHHHHh.
While I agree with the Anna comments (she's still too good for Seth, brianna... I'm sorry), I rather like Luke now. Yeah, he's slightly pussified, but at least he's a believable character now. Still, there have been very few utterances of "welcome to the OC, bitch" lately. Maybe Summer should have used that one on Anna.