Originally posted by Kaos
But, can someone explain the link between Eyes of the Dragon and The Dark Tower...I may have missed that, although it has been a long time since I read Eyes (even though I have read it 3 times!)
I could be completely wrong, but I don't think there is a definitive tie between the two. It's sort of like playing that game "six degrees of separation" to get them together.
In Hearts in Atlantis, Ted talks about all things serving The Beam and about how the as long as The Beam is unbroken so is the Dark Tower. The Dark Tower brings us to Marten (who is? Flagg?) or you could use the "Captain Tripps" reference to tie it to The Stand and Flagg. And finally Flagg leads us to Flagg in Eyes of the Dragon. Although I don't think King ever comes right out and says it.
A lot of King's books seem to tie in together. Either using the Castle Rock connection or the Dark Tower.
I get a kick out of re-reading some of his books and noticing them.
I am such a geek....