Well I can probably arrange a few links<br>Suppliers<p> http://www.allprooffroad.com/<br> http://www.rockstomper.com/<br>Engines
<br> http://www.lcengineering.com/home.htm<br> http://www.doaracingengines.com/
<br>Tansmission<br> http://www.marlincrawler.com/
General set of Links<br> http://www.toyotalinks.com/
<p>Let me know if you want more I've got an 82 and have been collecting resources for awhile. Picture of the Old Girl<p> http://www.tfproject.org/tfp/showthr...810#post938810<p>Good luck.
"I'm not even supposed to be here today."
"I assure you we're open."