Originally posted by sixate
Honestly, it has a lot to do with the government, and if the government gets away with trying to control the air waves I'll never, and I do mean never fucking vote for another republican in my god damn life. It basically the fucking FCC/government trying to get rid of freedom of speech, and for some stupid ass reason these right wing fascist assholes think that sex talk is destroying America.
Strongly worded as usual, Sixate, but AMEN! On the other had, Clear Channel should be able to cut things for any reason they want - if people mind, Clear Channel will find out about it in the market place. The difference? The government shouldn't be regulating the content of any medium. The current rationalization that content can be regulated according to "community standards" is BS. If something violated a community standard that strongly, then there would be a prohibitive reaction from the community. Let Clear Channel or MTV or whoever find that out or not on their own, not from government decency standards. I am sure that this is born out of some sort of well-intentioned desire to protect me from harm, but I desire no such protection!