i'll go 6-10years, but not just an attack on america, but the 3 main contenders in the gulf war part 2, america, england, australia.
america - washington dc
england - london
australia - melbourne/sydney
Oh please. Despite our media to the contrary, we were not a major contender in that conflict. Hell, Poland might be a plausible number 3, but Australia's participation wouldn't have been missed much for its absence.
I guessed 2-3 years before a US city bites the dust, with DC, NY and LA all rather likely targets. If the terrorists are clever, they'll work out the wind patterns and proximity to nuclear power facilities in their choice of target. If they're dumb, they'll hit something symbolic instead.
I wouldn't be surprised if it one US city goes, several others go as well, coinciding with the release of biological agents and random acts of violence in other parts of the US. But it depends on how well planned the operation is, and how many bombs they have. In post-9/11 world, the terrorists might find a complex operation too risky though.