Thread: Getting into E3
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Old 02-26-2004, 05:39 PM   #4 (permalink)
Location: Northeastern US - please send help!
I'm going to sound like a wet blanket here, but since I'm a member of the working media there, I beg you not to go. This will be my eighth E3, so I've seen the crowds grow exponentially each year. I know it seems like a really cool event to go to, what with the new games and all. And, to an extent, it is. But because so many people who have no business being there sneak in every year, it has gotten overcrowded and the show floor is jammed with C titles. The triple-A titles are behind closed doors.

It can be a fun show, but if you're not there to work, the gaming companies will spot it quickly and you'll be the first to be kicked off the machines so they can get work done. And you'll ultimately be in the way of people there trying to make a living.
"If you're walking on thin ice, you may as well go ahead and dance."
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