Originally posted by pendragon1122
You are in a room with 3 light switches, and in the opposite room are 3 light bulbs, all of which are flipped off to start with. You must figure out which switch goes to what bulb, but the problem is you can't go into the room with the bulbs more than once. Here are a few rules: You can't see the light from the room, there is a wall in the way. There is no destroying or altering of anything or moving of anything from room to room. You may flip the light switches on and off as many times as you want.
Turn one switch on for a while, then turn it off. Immediately after, turn another one on and leave it on when you go to the other rooms.
The one with the light on is obviously the second switch.
The one with the light off
and a warm lightbulb is the first switch.
The one with the light off and a cold lightbulb is the third switch.
What do I win??