As soon as Clear Channel sees how much money they will lose by pulling these jocks off the air, all will be forgotten. Remember, they have spent billions hiring shock jocks for a reason - $$$$.
Even the government can't stop the power of the almighty dollar.
I listened to a whole dialogue about some pill you can take that will "cleanse your system" - basically a fancy laxative, and an interviews with its doctor inventor, on one of my Clear Channel stations a couple of weeks ago. I haven't heard that much talk or time spent on shit EVER. It was morning drive time too on a station that appeals to 17-24 year old males. Pretty gross while you're trying to slurp down orange juice in traffic. BUT...I kept listening because I was riveted by disgust. I'm sure I heard a couple of commercials in there... Like I said, it's all about the $.
Cruel words erode self-esteem like the ocean eats away the shore.