To answer you original question, yes the stories in Hearts link to others. His books are notorious for it.
Most of the stories are linked to each other via the Dark Tower Series that others have mentioned. He has hinted that the Dark Tower is the center of all his worlds.
Read the Dark Tower, but also read Hearts (which you are), Insomnia, The Stand, Eyes of the Dragon, Despartaion and Salem's Lot. Those are the ones that seem to mingle the most.
I'm halfway through The Dark Tower V: The Wolves of Calla, now. I had to go back and re-read 1-4 before starting it and I'm glad I did. But it looks like I need to re-read The Stand and Eyes of the Dragon again too.
Originally posted by Ov3rKiLL
ok now, what other books from other great authors like stephen king would you recommend.
Once you get hooked into King's world, there is no turning back.
But, I would recommend either Dean Koontz or Peter Straub.