A great title that might go under the radar of the average TFP'er is Metriod: Zero Mission, newly released for the GBA.
A lot of us grew up with the Metroid games back when console and PC styles were truly apples and oranges. Metroid basically blew the lid off the explorable, continuous world in an action game. Super Metroid was quite a worthy follow-up. The other games in the series have been adequate, but not nearly as great.
Zero Mission is the original, completely re-done and with a lot more content. A must-buy for people who own GBAs. My only warning would be that if you're skilled at the Metroid-style game, it will seem both short and easy. Still a wonderful game, though. Best Metroid yet.
The facehugger is short-lived outside the egg which normally protects it. Armed with a long grasping tail, a spray of highly-concentrated acid and the single-minded desire to impregnate a single selected prey using its extending probe, it will fearlessly pursue and attack a single selected target until it has succeeded in attachment or it or its target is dead