Sorry to inject politics into this fray, but am I the only one that sees bad omens here? First Janet Jackson shows a boob on T.V. and now the FCC - with the blessing of the Bush Administration - seizes the opportunity to ratchet up censorship of the arts, including the public airways - T.V., radio and next movies. Later, because some 500 gay couples get married in California, Bush again seizes the opportunity and announces he wants a Constitutional amendment (!) banning same sex marriage. Folks, with this type of censorship, these fine pages are not long for this world. Frankly, I don't give a damn about Bush, but I am really afraid of the direction the current administration is pointing this country. Moral minority mentality. If you don't like the Stern show, turn it off. Tell your children that girls have boobs. If you don't like the dancing and the boob flop, explain it to them and why and let them make up their own minds. Make it part of your lives. But federal regulation of our thoughts and civil rights is wrong.