new political paradigm needed - not from them but from us!
It seems to me, respect for our history, processes, and the means of election requires more support and respect for the people who hold office than we seem willing to sustain.
That is what erodes our system.
Many people have insufficient confidence in the process.
That is our failing.
This applies to the citizens of all the governments of members who post here - and, not coincidentally - as a cross-section of our membership reveals that we are citizens of the most highly evolved and progressive of the world's nations.
I see the heavy bashing that our systems of government receive and I see the heavy doses of disrespect heaped upon elected officials. It is very seldon noted as such and seldom is it pointed out as a major problem in itself.
Any human endeavor stumbles under the weight of so much negative criticism. The very old and very tired shibboleth - of criticism being the way that governments are held responsible to their citizenries is so overused as an excuse to carry on the constant campaign of cheap shots, diatribes, and general tone of pompous and self-righteous indignation that issues from most "political debate" - is disheartening and unconvincing because it is so unconstructive.
I know many have forged iron-clad identities based on these behaviors and they are not justifiable - given the unprecedented historical progress governments have made toward achieving excellence.
I wonder if anyone else agrees with this?
I wonder if this will be just another opportunity to continue to justify the partisan bashfest? My hope is that this can be a positive thread in this problematically negative Forum.
create evolution
Last edited by ARTelevision; 02-26-2004 at 11:51 AM..