CSflim...the question of what makes him different from any of the other lunatics today has another side. What made him different from any of the other dozens of people claiming to be the "messiah" during his time. This is not to say that this is proof he was in fact the messiah - that's not part of this issue - what it does clearly show though is that there was something special about this Jesus person that made him stand high aboce the rest of the potential "messiahs" of his time. In fact it's interesting to note that Jesus never once referred to himself as the son of God but, rather, as the son of man. Son of God is an interpretation of his existence that began with the apostles as they worked to finally understand exactly what he did and what he meant after his death. As for evidence of him being the son of god or resurrected, obviously there is no evidence in the way we know evidence. If there were, it wouldn't be a matter of faith. Ultimately, it comes to the same question now that it was then, that man cannot understand the perfection of God - that the perfection of God is beyond human understanding of tangible perfection. In terms of the past, people expected the messiah to come and become a great ruler and king, etc etc...obviously Jesus did not do that and was, thus, not the messiah. The point of Jesus though is that that form of thought - and its equivalent today - is not the perfection of God. Humans can't comprehend something that is not of this created universe basically.
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"Musicians are the carriers and communicators of spirit in the most immediate sense." - Kurt Elling
Last edited by SecretMethod70; 02-26-2004 at 10:35 AM..