Originally posted by Redjake
when I was little, my dad would yell in my face if I didn't put my seatbelt on. I hated him for that. Now I'm glad he did, and wished he would have reacted even harder to the absenteeism of a belt. Whenever I get in a car and don't have a seatbelt on, I feel like I am running around naked. That's a good thing.
I've been in a couple of situations where not wearing a seatbelt would have made things quite worse.
I have the same thing, it just feels awkward for me to drive without a seatbelt, like something is missing. I don't think i would even be able to do it, it would feel too weird for me to drive. I am also the same way with helmets while riding a bike. I can't ride a bike without a helmet or else it feels awkward. I am glad though as my brain would be liquid if it weren't for my helmet TWICE. I think the HEADSTRONG (not sure if it was called that, but its close) came into our grade school with a professional biker who never wore a helmet because he thought he was too good for one but then ended up falling and cracking his head open on a sidewalk and is now mentally retarded for the rest of his life.