Originally posted by sailor
Several things. First, yes--according the the teachings of the bible, you will go to Hell. However, think of it this way: who is to say that the Christian religion is the right one? For all anyone knows, Islam, or Bhuddism, or any other religion could be the correct, "true" religion. No one knows. But to answer the question, yes--the Bible states that you must accept Jesus.
Thats not entirely true. Jesus can be quoted in the bible as saying something along the lines of "I have others that are not of this flock, the kingdom of heaven is theirs."
Every religion says the samething. Like the Buddah said, the paths we all walk may be different, but they lead to the same place. If anyone tells you differently or thinks they know better is an idiot.
Anywho lets not turn this into an anti-christian/religion thread, if you want to do that go to the Philosophy forum.