Originally posted by amonkie
However, if the discussed seperation between the legal and religious occured, I'd give all the power to those who want to pursue a legal marriage and make that lifetime committment.
I was asked how I'd feel about a legal/religious seperation of marriage, and while some beat me to pointing out I'd already hinted at it, I thought I'd expound a little bit.
I have several friends who are gay, and have closely been following the whole gay marriage issue primarily because they kept telling me what's going on. They are people who are deeply committed to each other. It's hard when you're torn between wanting two people I know well to enjoy the same kind of happiness without feeling they're being given the short end of the stick and sticking by the convictions for which I base most of decisions.
Most of the gay marriage issues they've raised to me included having the same legal rights as hetero married couples. This purely legal side doesn't change how they feel about one another, but it is a step towards our society embracing it's members instead of driving them away. If the legal and religious seperation occured, I'd be in the wedding pews watching them become Mr. and Mr. ... shoot, I don't know surname they'd take on!