Originally posted by Cardinal Syn
I know you said your not a religious person slvrnblack. Even thou yer muslim.
Find what you believe in YERSELF. God is inside you, not what some church wants you to believe in. You are your own god and your own destiny. What lies beyond no one has a FUCKING clue about. And if they tell you they do. Their lieing.
Believe in yerself and your God that you said you believe in and you will reach paradise for yourself.
Several things. First, yes--according the the teachings of the bible, you will go to Hell. However, think of it this way: who is to say that the Christian religion is the right one? For all anyone knows, Islam, or Bhuddism, or any other religion could be the correct, "true" religion. No one knows. But to answer the question, yes--the Bible states that you must accept Jesus.
As for Cardinal Syn, for one who seems intent on saying that the church attemts to foist its ideas on others, you sure seem to be doing a bit of the same. Who says that your belief that there is no God is correct? I am not the most religious person in the world, and I certainly dont agree with much of what the Church says and does, but your statement is an opinion, just like that which the Church, or any religion believes for that matter. To try to pass off your opinion as more factual than anothers, when neither you nor the Church have any empirical evidence to base it on is no better than that which you slam organized religion for.