It doesn't allow for a longer screening process. The two-thirds majority requirement allows a fraction of the assembly to prevent new taxes being levied.
Your stance on this matter probably hinges upon your stance toward taxes. Had the assembly been able to vote in more taxes, we wouldn't be in as severe of a mess as we've been told we are in. Some people, however, claim that higher taxes would only hurt the economy more. The response seems to be that the dems were only trying to raise them back to the level they were at under Wilson and Reagan (Angelide's plan right now, BTW--and a solid one, at that).
Anyway, the short of it is that it brings the requirement down to slightly over half instead of 2/3rds and imposes stiff penalties, such as no wages, to the assembly when they don't pass a budget. But yeah, it's meant to make it easier to pass taxes--so you have to decide whether you think we should be able to pass taxes easier or endure gridlock based on the demands of a few members.