Originally posted by Nachtschleicher
Bukaki22, how will bringing women with me attract more attention? That dosen't make sense, please explain more.
It creates intrigue, my friend. Them seeing you surrounded by girls makes them wonder just what it is about YOU that has that effect, thus they pay more attention, etc.
Also, be cool. I don't know how everyone else here acts after a couple, but I know I will always be hitting a pub before heading to a strip club. Having a couple in me relaxes me. Don't want to be too giddy and axious yanno
And yes, wear pants (and shirt) that are pleasant to the touch. Make sure your front pockets are empty. Wear boxers. Treat them as you would any other girl (well, any other girl rubbing their ass on you), stay cool.. Following that, I've never had a dance that didn't have some kind of special attention. If they have a back room, try to get them to go there.. less management watching. Also, get into it. If it is no touch, don't be too obvious, but grind back.. it pays off.
Oh, and for reference. If you have a dandruf issue, yes it glows in the blacklight. Don't wear black or it stands out like a sonofabitch.