Originally posted by Seaver
Every politician will say yes.
Every military man will say no.
Thats an interesting point, and raises a good question.. What are the advantages and disadvantages of going to Haiti? (Im jumping in here because even though the conversation is about the US going to Haiti, Canada is a major peacekeeper operator and if the UN says peacekeepers go, we'll be in there)
The Rebels
The rebels (and they are rebels still) are not just threatening to topple a leadership, they are torching the country bit by bit and attacking police forces (the only military) with impunity..
They have recruited and brought back someone who has been labelled as a "death squad leader".. This man is by all civilized meters, a monster. If the rebels win, this will lead to a cleansing that we just don't see in the news.. I doubt that any foreign nationals will stay and foreign assets are in doubt as well
The government
The current leadership is supported only by a small margin of the people and has been accused of atrocities of thier own
If the current leadership survives with intervention, the problems that caused the rebellion will continue and history shows us they will most likely get worse..
Who to pick.. the evil we know, or the evil we don't?