Female Circumcision
A very close friend of mine has had this done and she cant exactly go anywhere to check if she has gotten any infections, diseases or if she is in danger of getting those or worse. I wanted to know where in the Southern California area she can go and get checked up for it anonymously or confidentialy without the need of insurance which her mother would have. She has very strict religious parents that just drive me nuts because she has tried to tell her brothers to take her somewhere to get a check up and her mother overheard her and cussed her out and lectured her on how she cannot do that because it is not religious. (Which basiclly means if you get help the state will put our butts in jail for what we did to you) So I really want to help her because I cant see her just go on with her life and being in the fear of having something without knowing it because of being scared of what will happen to her if she gets help. If anyone could help even a little bit with this situation, I would greatly appretiate it.
Thank You.